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The Retire and Relocate Thread™

Mike I remember you saying you lived in Abiquiu. I didn’t know you worked at Los Alamos. I was a ski instructor at Pajarito through high school (early 90s). NM is a unique and beautiful place and I just flat out miss it.
Kaiser told my mom her stomach was bloated because she was fat. It went on for a few months until she went to the emergency room when it became unbearable. She had cancer and died a month later. The cute hipster trend of medical personnel's disgust for overweight people robbed our family of a small window where she was strong enough for surgery and a chance to fight it.

How despicable, sorry to hear that. Frank Zappa got a similar run-around. He had metastasizing ass cancer and insisted on being seen and tested. Doctors just blew him off until, like your mom's case, it was too late to treat him effectively.

I dropped Kaiser when I could afford the surgical co-pays for a better group and grew tired of playing appointment roulette. My primary care guy was great too. But they run their people into the ground and don't pay them well at all. It's where new docs go until they find something better. :nchantr
I believe it. Either a stepping stone, or where you go when you give up. I think Jammer nailed it, they're great for the basic/common/known things, but you better be your own advocate beyond that.
Franklin, Tn and Brentwood, Tn were on my list but have doubled in price. Still with no state income tax and 2a friendly it's an option.

Those places are also basically California Junior. If you're trying to get away from people like you'll find in Danville, that's absolutely the wrong place in Tennessee to be looking at. Keep in mind that this state is not polarized when it comes to lifestyles. It's not going to be all or nothing depending on where you live. The one major exception is Memphis. Memphis is an utter shithole. Period. Look further east and southeast from the Nashville metropolitan area and you'll be pleasantly surprised and what you'll find.

I just recently looked into Tulsa, Oklohoma and am intrigued.

I lived in Oklahoma for four years. Let me give you an unsolicited piece of advise...Oklahoma fucking sucks. FUCKING....SUCKS. Unless you grew up in North Dakota in the middle of BFE, you'll likely have the exact same experience in Oklahoma. Look elsewhere.

My buddy is checking out Fort Collin, Co in a week. He doesn't want wife to work and can't live/work in Santa Barbara on 1 income.

But what does the wife want? That doesn't matter? :nchantr

Our issue is the wife works for John Muir which is only east bay and she's doing well. So unless an offer we can't refuse pops up somewhere, I don't see us leaving.

John Muir medical, right? Remember that they don't have a monopoly on decent medical systems. There are other places she could easily do the same work with good pay.

I kind of feel stuck really and don't like the idea of buying something in the $1.7m range to stay in the east bay nor sell my townhouse we are renting out to buy something, losing that rental income and an asset.

Consider yourself lucky that you can afford to spend $1.7 million in the first place. You're definitely far better off financially than I am.
^ I have to check Jason but I have a friend from Memphis. Her dads a banker and they are pretty well off. I Think there are a few good neighborhoods in Memphis. I think….
There are. But that doesn't mean it's not a shithole, now. Check in on the recent news from Memphis. It's also well known that the city has been in a downward spiral for years now.
Recent t-shirt purchase... :laughing

I have decided to postpone retirement to stay put in Palo Alto.

We looked around and nothing made sense except keep working.
So another 5 years is likely to get to the status of retired.

Oh well. The wife is happy.
i dunno - lemme guess.

speaking of foresthill - there is a common saying down the hill (auburn, etc.) ‘only in foresthill’ - and everyone loves to tell you their ‘only in foresthill’ stories lol. according to them - it’s where all the crazy people live. recently heard one related to a craftsman that apparently has a large workshop (what he makes in there was not included in the story), but apparently this dude called our pest guy out - said he was being eaten alive by mosquitoes (no relation to the fire). wanted someone to come out and take care of it. pest guy says he arrives, knocks several times at the house, no answer. walks around it - hears machinery running, walks over to the shop - door is open, walks in and sees the dude running a machine. he says the dude was buck naked. dude notices him, shuts the machine down and starts bitching about his mosquito problem. pest guy says all sorts of thoughts went through his head about the potential for serious injury, but he said he did ask the dude if he considered that he might be overexposing himself to the insects.

your buddy? :laughing


Forgot about this thread. Sorry. No definitely not him. Don't think his wife would let him get away with that. Plus his workshop has one of those nifty magnetic-closing screen thingies.
We left the bay area for Merced County, just 100 miles away. Housing was cheaper and was initially appealing. Had a quaint small town vibe, folks knew one another and were more welcoming than in a big city.

Then we saw down sides, and there were too many.
• The air quality sucked. Smog from 7 million people's cars blew inland and stagnated over the San Joaquin Valley.
• Hot +100°F summer and thule fog until lunch time in winter
• People expected you to be Christian
• Must ride two hours to start a fun moto ride and must ride another two hours after the fun ended
• Health care required long travel to a big city. More care necessary as we aged
• Nonexistent local job market
• Houses may be cheap, but so are local wages. We could afford to buy in with Bay Area cash, but must (and did) sell at a loss to leave
• No access to good restaurants, theater, concert, culture nearby. Must drive back to the Bay Area for that.
• Gangs and homeless are just as prevalent there as in the Bay Area

This sounds like Tracy. Srsly. :laughing
I think "shit blows East" is a primary reason to stay put. This is true of more than just fire risk, smog and smoke.
In your opinion, Bud, what will change in those five years that will make retirement more palatable?

One would have to assume it is financial? The longer your work, the more you contribute to retirement savings and the larger your social security payout.
I just spent a week in Victoria BC and walked an average of 18K steps per day. That would be a consideration for me when looking for a retirement area. A rural location might not be suitable for walking. Seeing the same country road day after day would get boring fast, you don’t want to be couch potato.
I just spent a week in Victoria BC and walked an average of 18K steps per day. That would be a consideration for me when looking for a retirement area. A rural location might not be suitable for walking. Seeing the same country road day after day would get boring fast, you don’t want to be couch potato.

I feel like Americans would benefit so much from more walkable spaces. Urban, suburban and even rural trail networks really do improve the quality of life.

I hope as a society we let go of our automotive love affair a bit. its come at a very high cost.

18k is a great step total btw, keeping that up will definitely add life to your years. :thumbup