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The Retire and Relocate Thread™

How about $600K in Patterson? This property has a barn that’ll house 60 bikes.

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Wouldn't be too pumped on living in a little I-5 town and there's still no water. On the plus side, there's really nothing that can burn down. You know in Maine you can still find an oceanfront property for a good price.
I've been pleasantly surprised by the quality of Mexican food in my travels in the US, prolly due to the diaspora of our southern neighbors. I grew up in SoCal and I've spent a lot of time in Baja, so I consider myself a pretty good judge of Mexican food. I've yet to find the crispy tacos from SoCal up here anywhere. If anyone has any leads, let me know.
I've been pleasantly surprised by the quality of Mexican food in my travels in the US, prolly due to the diaspora of our southern neighbors. I grew up in SoCal and I've spent a lot of time in Baja, so I consider myself a pretty good judge of Mexican food. I've yet to find the crispy tacos from SoCal up here anywhere. If anyone has any leads, let me know.

I travel almost monthly to non-touristy Mexico and am somewhat of a taco snob so:

Nuh-uh they can't steal our state bird. It is on now those snow living mofos.

Where at El dirty? SE side or SW side? If your going to Nawlins you picked the wrong time of year. You have to hit that shit when its cold otherwise the super heated vomit smell will make you want to add to it.

Nawlins, for the season of black magic. You think October is bad? I was there for a business conference in 2019 in late August.

Outisde is like walking around in a giant armpit, lol.


Thanks for the invite. :x

Kelly and I are planning on getting down to NOLA soon, too.

I am not one of those dummies who is unaware of how big the South is, so I didn't expect y'all to be taking a casual trip to Southern Louisiana what with the new job and whatnot, but PM if you want to coordinate. I'm Mid-October, just a quick weekend trip. Flying in Thursday Night, Fri-Sat seeing the sights, eating food, and partying on the strip, flying back Sunday.
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Dude I know. I live 3 hours away and I only go once in a blue moon. The last time was when the girls wanted to go for their 16th birthday during the middle of Covid. Got a screaming deal on a hotel right by the French Quarter and spent a 3 day weekend there in Nov. They loved it but they were there for shopping and food. We hit all the sites and even in Nov it was like mid 80s.

Have fun and be safe it has gotten any better there in the last few years.
I am not one of those dummies who is unaware of how big the South is, so I didn't expect y'all to be taking a casual trip to Southern Louisiana what with the new job and whatnot, but PM if you want to coordinate. I'm Mid-October, just a quick weekend trip. Flying in Thursday Night, Fri-Sat seeing the sights, eating food, and partying on the strip, flying back Sunday.

Keep in mind my job isn't new. I just transferred to a new location. I can get away if I want to.

I love Scotts Valley. Lived there for a year off of Granite Creek rd. got married at the Hilton when it was brand new. Nice community. I could totally see myself there. Would just have to convince the wife that living in the trees is safe.

We live in the Monte Fiore development, just past the Hilton. We've got trees, but not like Boulder Creek or Ben Lomond. That said, a buddy of mine lost his house in the Santa Rosa fire a few years back, with no trees around his property. He said the time between "Maybe we should pack a few things, just in case" and "House is on fire!" was about ten minutes. I guess you're never totally safe, anywhere.
Anyone thought of converting an old gas station into a house?

great question, but also complicated question (and answer). will preface this by saying that we are in a high risk area (zoned residential forest). according to the insurance companies, high risk means one of two things - either a forested area that has had recent fire activity, or one that has not had fire activity in a long time (they get you coming and going :rolleyes). when we bought, our only option was the CA Fair plan. very expensive. only option to bring down the premium is to have no mortgage (you can set your own deductible if you don’t have a mortgage - otherwise the lending bank sets it - and they usually require a significantly lower deductible - at least to where we were comfortable setting it).

that said - california recently passed a law that requires insurance companies to evaluate risk on a unique property basis - not a region basis (which is how it was historically done). presumably this will result in fire hardened properties (such as ours) experiencing reduced rates. it also may mean that more insurers will write policies in these areas rather than be grouped into the CA Fair plan (the plan is basically group insured - spreading the risk over a large number of participating insurance companies). one thing on the horizon for us is USAA has stepped in - and we qualify through my dad (ex-air force). don’t know yet what this will mean for us premium-wise, but am pursuing it with them.

so bottom line - it can be expensive, but manageable. it’s a pay to play sortofa thing IMO, but definitely check before pulling the trigger on a property though.

I envied the heck out of my buddy who moved to Foresthill a couple of years ago. Acres galore, workshop and sheds on top of the nice house. Then he told me he pays $4200/year for wildfire insurance.

Guess which town just got mandatory evacuation orders from the Mosquito fire.

Asked him if he needed help moving his workshop out (he makes custom knives for a living) and he was like "nah, I'm insured, if it burns it's just an excuse to buy a new mill and new tools". Fucking guy... :laughing
just another data point. i moved out of cali a while back. anybody looking to move out of the bay area should really consider the politics of where they move. where I am at there are a lot of in your face Trumpester and really right wing stuff. I am a libetierian and have to hold my tongue a lot, and my left leaning wife has a bit more a a problem with it then i do, a lot. I am in southern UT and LDS is super strong here but if you are a good person that is community orientating you will do fine. UT is great for outdoors, weather (all four seasons) and good people despite the fact that Im an ardent atheist.

tldr, if you can keep your your leftist norcal idealaligy in check and be tolerating of pretty right wing bs, you will do well here, or anywhere else. just take the political environment in consideration when evaluating where you what to move, as norcal is a very unique place politically
Well not everyone in NorCal is a lefty. My wife and I have become acquainted with a few young Mormon missionaries in our area, and I only wish my 18 year old daughter who has multiple facial piercings, shaved eyebrows and goes to raves at the DNA lounge in SF could be half as clean cut and straight as they are.
Well not everyone in NorCal is a lefty. My wife and I have become acquainted with a few young Mormon missionaries in our area, and I only wish my 18 year old daughter who has multiple facial piercings, shaved eyebrows and goes to raves at the DNA lounge in SF could be half as clean cut and straight as they are.

well,i 'm not going to touch that, but 95% of the peeps who post here are very left leaning, given in part to the admins here allowing those who have differing opinions being driven out though them choosing when to apply the TOS and when not to. which I am ok with, but lets call a spade a spade.
FamilySearch has me singing a slightly different tune about those mormons. They still don't get the upper case, but maybe someday.
Oh yeah, Mormons are something to aspire to be... :laughing

i am VERY anti organized religion, but I will say the LDS take care of there own very well. I have a serious problem with there view of women, there anti gay stance, and their covering up rampant pedophile. BUT, they are good neighbors, and over all caring people. when was the last time you heard of an LDS person shooting up a place or being in the news for being a bad human being? don't being up fundamental LDS, they are super fringe and not really material

i cant believe i really typed this defending LDS