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Time To Get Fit - 2024

Great job, TWT! :thumbup

Roberts just younger than us and he's built up to it along with watching his nutrition.

Thanks. I still think Robert is nuts and you can't change my mind. :laughing

I realize DST is all fake news in a way but I am LOVING the daylight hours after work. I don't have sidewalks and lit streets out here in the boonies. Two+ hours of daylight after work means I can get five miles in safely after work.

My only gripe is that it seems like I have slowed down my pace. I wanted to get to a consistent 16 minute mile and I am averaging between 17 and 18 minutes.
Thanks. I still think Robert is nuts and you can't change my mind. :laughing

I realize DST is all fake news in a way but I am LOVING the daylight hours after work. I don't have sidewalks and lit streets out here in the boonies. Two+ hours of daylight after work means I can get five miles in safely after work.

My only gripe is that it seems like I have slowed down my pace. I wanted to get to a consistent 16 minute mile and I am averaging between 17 and 18 minutes.

Don't sweat the pace if you are staying in the heart rates zone you are trying to train in. I have to stop and walk sometimes for a zone 2 run. Its an exercise in self discipline as much as it is a physical work out sometimes. :laughing
About a 1.5 year ago, I got on TRT.. The biggest change I felt was the emotional leveling out..

For me this would be the biggest draw for TRT. Most of my 40's (im 45) have been tumultuous and mixed with a persistent malaise and a tinge of depression. Feeling vibrant again sounds awesome. Training for endurance events has been as much of an emotional support mechanism as it is a physical release. Six pack abs and muscles are great. Feeling alive, positive, motivated and optimistic as the default setting would be amazing. Thanks for sharing. I'm still scared to take anything regularly but, hearing your account of TRT is making me re-consider.
My V02 max cracked 32 for the first time today after creeping up steadily this last week.

I went for a 2+ hour walk. Covered 7.9 miles. I am tired and a bath sounds nice. Robert, I don’t understand how you ride at a competitive pace for 8 hours at a time. You’re cuckoo bananas.

With how your gains are coming, let's see how you feel about my 8hrs of cardio in a couple of years.

The biggest factor contributing to my performances is time spent "training". I bought my first road bike in 2005. I've been on countless long and hard hikes since I started rock climbing around 2010. I trained for and summited Mt Whitney in a day in 2016. Since 2012 and the start of data tracking, I've ridden 1500hrs for 20k miles. There aren't many things in my life that I've done more than cardio exercise :laughing.

What's more impressive to me is the guy that got dead last in my recent race. He was out there for 11:44:56. He knows real suffering so credit to him.
With how your gains are coming, let's see how you feel about my 8hrs of cardio in a couple of years.

The biggest factor contributing to my performances is time spent "training". I bought my first road bike in 2005. I've been on countless long and hard hikes since I started rock climbing around 2010. I trained for and summited Mt Whitney in a day in 2016. Since 2012 and the start of data tracking, I've ridden 1500hrs for 20k miles. There aren't many things in my life that I've done more than cardio exercise :laughing.

What's more impressive to me is the guy that got dead last in my recent race. He was out there for 11:44:56. He knows real suffering so credit to him.

Hot damn, that is a lot of cardio! I was plum tuckered after 147 minutes of walking Saturday. I think I should have brought a snack.

I really, really want to get a touring bike. I gave my old Fuji Absolute, that I rode the shit out of in a former life, to Connie (GSXRGRL). I am going to save for a flat bar road bike or randonneuring rig. My shoulders can't handle drop bars. Then we can check how I feel about you being insane. I used to love cycling the way I love motorcycling and unfortunately, the stupid apple watch just makes me compete with myself.

My butt hurts thinking about 11:44 on a saddle. It hurts a lot. That dude is a masochist.
Wow what a great thread. Robert, you are a monster!

I've pretty much reached the "maintain the status quo" part of my life. I've been hitting chinups and pullups hard, which means that on my best day I can do four. Not the 24 I did in my early forties.

Bench? 100# ten times on a good day, and 115-120 max. That's as good as I will ever get, I suspect. The disappointing part is that if I don't maintain that level, which is really hard, the results suffer.

Biking? Brisk x 90-120 minutes 10 days a month, whether rollers or outdoors.

And so the saga continues, lol. I still live for those days when I pick off an out of shape 50 or 60 year old on a bike ride.
Ernie, you are a badass and an inspiration. It's weird what what time does to us. everything I do now it with an eye towards being like you when I get there. I think you are doing it right man.
Ernie, you are a badass and an inspiration. It's weird what what time does to us. everything I do now it with an eye towards being like you when I get there. I think you are doing it right man.
Ya gots ta get there, first. :laughing

Yah, Ernie is an inspiration and definitely far from typical.

Hell, in a picture he posted a few years back, he had a big container of Jergins hand lotion next to his bed. :twofinger :laughing
Thank you Mike.

Brett, I laughed so hard I cried.
Wow what a great thread. Robert, you are a monster!

I've pretty much reached the "maintain the status quo" part of my life. I've been hitting chinups and pullups hard, which means that on my best day I can do four. Not the 24 I did in my early forties.

Bench? 100# ten times on a good day, and 115-120 max. That's as good as I will ever get, I suspect. The disappointing part is that if I don't maintain that level, which is really hard, the results suffer.

Biking? Brisk x 90-120 minutes 10 days a month, whether rollers or outdoors.

And so the saga continues, lol. I still live for those days when I pick off an out of shape 50 or 60 year old on a bike ride.

Big :afm199 E! You’re an inspiration. I am right behind you. I don’t / can’t lift heavy like I did back in the day. I still work out 6-7x a week - weights and a little cardio. I don’t post on this or the other thread but still at it and lurk here. Often times I lift really light. Like just the bar! Really don’t care what others think.

I am 2/3 vegan and the other 1/3 includes eggs, fish, and occasionally meat (McD, goddamn bacon, etc.). Doc says most men my age are on 3-4 meds. I’m on zero. Had blood work done two weeks ago. Everything normal. LDL just a tad high. STDs negative :teeth Any curveunits reading this, feel free to PM ;)

The best part of my tests were my testosterone results. Holy moly, 729. I’m like a walking hard on. I’m not on TRT, just work out and diet. Pivoting my goals towards longevity. Family history tells me I’ll get dropped by a stroke. “If he dies. He dies.”

Best wishes to all in your fitness journey.

PS - You are what you eat.

EDIT: I just saw dion’s post on TRT.
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:rofl in search of curved units.

i am mostly vegan as well. it is doing my body good. my main splurge are eggs from my neighbor’s chickens.
Been really watching what I eat portion wise this last week and with no other changes in diet or habits have been losing about 1lb a day. Really happy about this because I just got the news I am walking someone down the aisle to give them away in April and I don't want to be the fat dude in a suit. She doesn't care but I do.

Saw the post on TRT and am thinking about asking my primary about it and seeing if he can add that to the bloodwork checks they are going to do in a week or so and see if it's something I can get on as it may help with some issues I have.

Gym work is going well finally starting to get my bench back up to where it was before I slacked off for months and the treadmill is coming along pushing myself a little more each day.

Sigh now it's time to eat my dinner then it's outside to repair the retaining wall I knocked over with the lawn mower then I have to replace the idler pulley on said lawnmower deck because it looks like the bearings went out as there is an empty hole were it used to be. Did I mention I love spring time? :rofl
I am way better than 5 years ago because my back isn't a daily pain. My disc won't fix itself but it's mostly like not having any back issues at all anymore. Ironically walking too far in unsupportive shoes tends to mess it up more than say accidentally picking up something too heavy.

Oddly enough, a lot of back issues originate from weak core muscles. Not all, but it's surprising how much relief one can get from building and maintaining core. Not to say you don't Jordan, just a general comment.

Don't sweat the pace if you are staying in the heart rates zone you are trying to train in. I have to stop and walk sometimes for a zone 2 run. Its an exercise in self discipline as much as it is a physical work out sometimes. :laughing

Solid post.

I really, really want to get a touring bike. I gave my old Fuji Absolute, that I rode the shit out of in a former life, to Connie (GSXRGRL).

My butt hurts thinking about 11:44 on a saddle. It hurts a lot. That dude is a masochist.

What size frame do you need, R?

Wow what a great thread. Robert, you are a monster!

I've pretty much reached the "maintain the status quo" part of my life. I've been hitting chinups and pullups hard, which means that on my best day I can do four. Not the 24 I did in my early forties.

Bench? 100# ten times on a good day, and 115-120 max. That's as good as I will ever get, I suspect. The disappointing part is that if I don't maintain that level, which is really hard, the results suffer.

Repeating everyone else: you're bad to the bone, Ernie. Thanks for giving me my targets to hit down the road.

Hell, in a picture he posted a few years back, he had a big container of Jergins hand lotion next to his bed. :twofinger :laughing

I love BARF! Laughed soooo hard!

:rofl in search of curved units.

i am mostly vegan as well. it is doing my body good. my main splurge are eggs from my neighbor’s chickens.

Ya know, TRT's also a female thing too. Haven't done it yet myself...the plan is to keep my natural levels as high as I can until I can't anymore. So far so good, but eventually I'll make the move, but that looks to be years down the road. I have a friend who's taking T as a woman and it's done wonders for her...
Berto, my Fuji was a 19”. My three speed is a touch large for me but it has no top bar so it works. i’d say a 17” or possibly a 53 or 54cm frame. I am 5’7” with a 31” inseam.

I never thought about low T before but i did have an oophorectomy in 2012 due to an ovarian cyst. that can cause low T. i’m 45 so “the change” hasn’t hit me yet.

back to getting fit, i pedaled today because the bursitis in my left hip has flared up from so much walking the last couple of days. (5.7 miles on average). it felt easier and less strenuous but still got my heart pumping. i’ve noticed my heart rate is a lot lower while walking. a hill that used to put me at 140-145 bpm is 115-130 bpm now.
fitness gains! my v02 has gone up a lot this week. i am about to crack 33. my resting heart rate has averaged 57 bpm over the last week.

oh, and i fit into my cycling jersey from back in 2010 today.
Oddly enough, a lot of back issues originate from weak core muscles. Not all, but it's surprising how much relief one can get from building and maintaining core. Not to say you don't Jordan, just a general comment.


I totally agree, the back recovey is mostly from core strengthening, and not from working out my back.

Just did about 25 km on the bike with friends , mostly uphill, e.g. the final segment from from Muir Beach. Pretty good. my legs felt very strong.

Last few KM cut off as I shut down the computer when we stopped for beers and pizza.
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You do have to work the back, but you have to keep your body balanced. Opposing muscles need to be worked to keep the body healthy.

One sidebar on opposing muscles: more than 90 % of hamstring issues happen because the Quads are overpowering the hamstrings, most lifting programs have a lot of squats and deadlifts but very little hamstring work.
Solid Jordan.

+1 Brett. It's like calves V Tib-Ant muscles. No one works the tip-ant and then have knee pain/ issues later. Super important muscle that gets forgotten about.
My trainer now does like 20 minutes of warmups and stretches targeting the muscle groups we're going to work out. He wants me to do X numbers of pulls, pushes, squats, hinges, etc per week. We do deadlifts, squats, rear lunges, shoulder presses, pullups, bench press (dumbell), romanian deadlifts, and rows for the most part. He mixes it up every few months.

When my back issues were prevalent, just stretching out my hamstrings twice a day made a huge difference.