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Time to get Fit thread

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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2007
Off Elk Mtn
Different strokes
Big Bore and little bore Thumpers
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AMA #: 2817058
Hey barfers and barrettes! It's that time of year again.

Who's doing what?
What are your goals?
What is your strategy?
What is your biggest challenge?

Here's mine:

Gym 4 times a week, 30 minutes cardio, 1 hour lifting, 30 minutes cool down
working on Megs Braap's Instagram challenge

Goals: to be fit enough for BAja next year

Stratagey: Listening to podcasts and participating in a women's weight loss strength training support/blog group

Biggest challenge: Fucking Koi and his wine deals :teeth and tequila
I haven't been going to the gym anywhere near enough lately. I've put on 30lb from my low in late 2015, and most of it is fat. Hard to find time with how busy I've been.
I bought a power rack and some weights

Been doing some basics with my 16yo so he can start learning how to do the lifts right, etc.

Day A

3×5+ Barbell Rows
3×5+ Bench Press
3×5+ Squats
Day B

3×5+ Chinups
3×5+ Overhead Press
3×5+ Deadlifts

Also helps to get into a routine and develop habits.
Did I mention on non-gym days I dance for 15 minutes before coffee?
The coolest thing is when the body decides we're doing ths thing and starts the sweat, nothing makes you feel like it's real like that bead of sweat dripping off your nose :laughing
Noooo! The time to get fit is every week. ideally every day.
Noooo! The time to get fit is every week. ideally every day.

So true!!!
Typically though, it's right before Spring when many think about it. I have an excuse, I was recovering from injury :laughing
I gotta get into some routine. Too far away and not enough cash for a gym membership. It's been wet and cold and dark when I get up and get home. Too much time spent on the couch drinking beer.

I need to get off my ass and do something. Maybe next week it will start to warm up and dry.

That said, I did cut up a bunch of firewood and stack it yesterday.
I gotta get into some routine. Too far away and not enough cash for a gym membership. It's been wet and cold and dark when I get up and get home. Too much time spent on the couch drinking beer.

I need to get off my ass and do something. Maybe next week it will start to warm up and dry.

That said, I did cut up a bunch of firewood and stack it yesterday.

At first it feels like torture, now I can't wait to go work out. I wish I could go everyday and I might just start waking up at 4:30 and start my day a little earlier.
Two years ago I finally signed up for Silver Sneakers. Took several months for my workout to become a habit. Now if I don't go I miss the workout.

This is my Monday to Friday schedule.
Walk to 24-hour fitness, just over a mile.
30 minutes on the Elipitical. (note I leave my Fitbit on elliptical when at the gym to trach total time.)
Situps on the bench, min 500 max 700
30 to 50 minutes on the weights with stretches.
Walk home and shower.

I have had a weight problem most of my life. Got a Weight Gurus scale and weigh myself each morning when I get up. Last Fathers Day my kids got me a Fitbit Ionic watch. It does help me stay on track.


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ive stopped rock climbing and my upper body is getting skinny-fat. not good. plus, ive been putting a lot of miles on the bicycle. so more of my calories are heading to my legs and glutes. I really should be in the gym gaining strength for racing, but just haven't found the motivation to do it. ugh.
Currently swim for an hour nonstop, freestyle at moderate pace 3x/week.

Will start running in the next few weeks, 2-3 miles 2x/week.

Light weight training, shortly after that.

Doing Ironman 70.3 with daughter in 2020. If motivated enough, do full Ironman, also.
Ive been intermittent fasting for the past 2 months. Going at least 16-20 hours without food 5 days per week.
Its resulted in a 3 pounds loss but a noticeable loss of weight around my waist. Pants that I had outgrown now fit again. I exercise 3-4 days per week, pretty much what I've been doing for years.
The intermittent fasting will remain the new normal for me, not a short term fad. It just feels better.
My fitness program consists of lifting pints and not eating complete garbage.
I want to get lean. Started @ 165 in January, currently 154. 140 is probably the lowest I'll go regardless of the results--I'm 5'8

30 mins max incline @ 3.5mph before work around 5-530am

1-1.5hr lifting @ work gym during lunchtime

usually 30m-1hr lifting in the afternoon with my housemates.

Underarmor fitness watch tracks calories burned (I think it's inaccurate/understated for cardio)
Intermittent fasting. Coffee and water until I break my fast. 1600 calories a day baseline, this gets adjusted based on the calorie burn recorded from my watch (it syncs to Myfitnesspal) Still eat junk food and candy on the weekends.

I haven't been this physically fit in many years, maybe a decade+. My pants and sweats don't fit me anymore and top abs are making somewhat of an appearance when the moon is in the right spot.
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I haven't belonged to a gym in years. Ankle weights, floor exercises, free weights ( medium and heavy weight), and bicycling are all I do. Often while watching MotoGP reruns.
Been doing yoga at a couple of 24 Hour Fitness'es, probably gonna keep up with that. Took a while to find instructors who treat it more like a bodyweight conditioning and mobility workout rather than the one-with-the-universe stuff but I'm really on board now. And being able to find yoga instructors on the Youtubes means I really have no excuse; I can stay at home and find a video anywhere between 8 minutes to an hour and crank out some sort of exercise.

Work schedule and weather dependent, but I ride the bicycle to work every so often -- 7 miles and about 40 minutes each way.

Weights (free weights and some cable accessories) twice a week if I can swing it.

30 mins max incline @ 3.5mph before work around 5-530am


Just a warning on max incline. I did that for many months. One day felt like I had something in my shoe. Changed shoes; socks did not get better. Went to my GP and he said I needed jell inserts for my shoes. Did not help. Went to a Podiatrist had Morton's neuroma :mad Asked what could cause it and he asked what I did for exercise. He said walking up hill (inclined treadmill) was the only thing I was doing that would cause my problem.
Realized a couple weeks ago I'm sneaking up on 40, and although I'm a lot fitter than I was several years ago, I have a long way to go still. Last year I climbed Mt Rainier, currently can run a 2:00 half marathon, and would like to do so again, and bigger mountains, with more energy in reserve this time.

Currently lifting weights 5-6 days a week and doing 30-60 minutes a day if cardio, along with strict carb control and intermittent fasting. I'm not running any big miles since my knees don't like my fat ass doing more than ~25 miles a week, but the weights have started to make a real difference over the last couple weeks already.
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