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Time to get Fit thread

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Right now i am swimming for my core and back 4 days a week. I also have my stretched and core exercises Santa Cruz Sport and Spine have given me. I need to keep on keepin on. Need more core strength and flexibility. I have been eating healthier also for the past 5 weeks. Lost about 7 lbs so far. I am 6'1 198lbs currently. Would like to get down to 190lbs.

I also would like to try out yoga, never done that before hoping to sign up for some 1 on 1

My goal is to be able to ride my dirtbike in Jan 2020 without any back issues

I did a few 1 on 1 lessons before I attended a class. Definitely the way to do it. There are also many types of Yoga. Vinyasa is very energetic and you go from one pose to another very fast. It's a good work out but it wasn't good for my back. I eventually found a teacher that teaches a more pose oriented class. You hold poses for longer periods of time. This allows you to concentrate on perfecting the pose and it involves more stretching. I find this is much more beneficial for my back. Talk to the studio and find the class that will work best for you. I went to 3-4 studios before I found the class/teacher that worked best for me.
^ after my own heart.

a couple of years ago I lost 60 lbs by just changing when and what I ate. didn't want to work out... Now, after my get off, I really 'can't' work out, without pain. But I have chunked up a bit, so I will be eating a little healthier and earlier in the day.

I've never had any desire to exercise. Running is one of the least appealing things I can think of. I'm on my feet all day everyday at work, and the last thing I want to do at the end of it is run around and lift heavy things. :laughing

But everybody has their thing that works for them.
I did a few 1 on 1 lessons before I attended a class. Definitely the way to do it. There are also many types of Yoga. Vinyasa is very energetic and you go from one pose to another very fast. It's a good work out but it wasn't good for my back. I eventually found a teacher that teaches a more pose oriented class. You hold poses for longer periods of time. This allows you to concentrate on perfecting the pose and it involves more stretching. I find this is much more beneficial for my back. Talk to the studio and find the class that will work best for you. I went to 3-4 studios before I found the class/teacher that worked best for me.

Sage advise right there.
Tell me more about santa cruz sport and spine please. I have posture issues I would like to correct. I have made a little progress from watching you tube vids by physical therapists but it probably going to take more than that. Yoga will change your life. I did it in college and should do it again.

Well when my normal chiropractor was out of town for the holidays I hurt my back. I ended up finding Santa Cruz Sport and Spine online. I liked what their website had to say. I have only been going for about 2 months but making awesome progress.

http://www.santacruzspineandsport.com/ (not to be confused with santa cruz sport and spine chiropractic (scspineandsport.com)

Right now I am going for Chiro once a month and they have been giving me stretches and core exercises to do. I am sure they can help you out. unfortunaly for me they don't take my insurance provided so it is a little pricey imo. I think like $100 for first visit and $75 for additional.

Look into it, I am going to ask about the yoga there on my next visit as I know they offer 1 on 1
I did a few 1 on 1 lessons before I attended a class. Definitely the way to do it. There are also many types of Yoga. Vinyasa is very energetic and you go from one pose to another very fast. It's a good work out but it wasn't good for my back. I eventually found a teacher that teaches a more pose oriented class. You hold poses for longer periods of time. This allows you to concentrate on perfecting the pose and it involves more stretching. I find this is much more beneficial for my back. Talk to the studio and find the class that will work best for you. I went to 3-4 studios before I found the class/teacher that worked best for me.

Thanks for the advice, I am going to look into Yoga this month
I see alot of these threads talk about routines but rarely about nutrition, which probably as important if not more. What is everyone's macros and daily caloric intake?
Did I mention on non-gym days I dance for 15 minutes before coffee?
The coolest thing is when the body decides we're doing ths thing and starts the sweat, nothing makes you feel like it's real like that bead of sweat dripping off your nose :laughing

Yoga and ballroom dancing.
If I don’t enjoy it, I won’t do it. Sex is exercise too, :teeth
I see alot of these threads talk about routines but rarely about nutrition, which probably as important if not more. What is everyone's macros and daily caloric intake?

Diet is 90% of weight loss. I half assed Keto, then did no carb which resulted in 5-6lbs of fat loss with 5-6 pounds of muscle gained. But its unsustainable for me. Im a lazy dieter. I hate counting calories or macros.

To be honest the time i lost the most weight was when i was meal prepping. Have I mentioned im lazy though? :laughing I would make my meals on sunday and eat those every night for dinner. They were all no carb high protein with some sort of veggie side. I should start that again.....

But to answer your question I TRY to keep my calorie intake between 1200-1600 calories a day depending on my workout.
Diet is 90% of weight loss. I half assed Keto, then did no carb which resulted in 5-6lbs of fat loss with 5-6 pounds of muscle gained. But its unsustainable for me. Im a lazy dieter. I hate counting calories or macros.

To be honest the time i lost the most weight was when i was meal prepping. Have I mentioned im lazy though? :laughing I would make my meals on sunday and eat those every night for dinner. They were all no carb high protein with some sort of veggie side. I should start that again.....

But to answer your question I TRY to keep my calorie intake between 1200-1600 calories a day depending on my workout.

I use My Fitness Pal to not only track calories but my macros as well.
meal prep is the only way I can win and sustain any kind of fat loss.
Alcohol is my biggest nemesis I'm down to allowing it only 2 days of te week.
Salty crispy snacks are a close second, I just cant have them in the same room with me.
I usually stic to 1400 calories a day. It's slow but sustainable. pretty sure by the end of April I'll be able to ride for 3 days without fatigue. By January 2020 I expect to slog a fully loaded Beta trough 12 miles of sand and be able to pick it up with minimal help.
I learned to modify my diet and lose weight through the Weight Watchers program. It's mostly about tracking your food and modifying your eating habits. Fasting makes you think you are losing weight but it's mostly water. I don't track my food anymore, I just stay aware of what I eat and have good and bad food days. If I have a bad food day, I try and have a few good foods days to make up for it. If I know I'm going out to lunch with the boys, I'll eat a light breakfast and dinner.
I lost 70 lbs on WW, put 20 back on but I've been able to maintain for 5 years now.
I see alot of these threads talk about routines but rarely about nutrition, which probably as important if not more. What is everyone's macros and daily caloric intake?

I have no idea of actual numbers. Routine is just to cook dinner, eat half of it and take the other half for lunch at work the next day. Fits in a small take home container you'd get from a restaurant. Package everything up before I start eating dinner to avoid, "I'll just go back for seconds."
No calorie counting. No special diets other than laying off the breads. Simply walking 3 miles minimum every day or hiking 4-5 miles per day when it's dry out. Eating less and deciding i don't need to finish everything in front of me along with getting used to that was a huge factor.

Lost over 30lbs in a few months doing the above.

No calorie counting. No special diets other than laying off the breads. Simply walking 3 miles minimum every day or hiking 4-5 miles per day when it's dry out. Eating less and deciding i don't need to finish everything in front of me along with getting used to that was a huge factor.

Lost over 30lbs in a few months doing the above.


:love :love

Well done Al!
I typically bicycle to work (7mi/day) which helps, but only so much.

It's significantly faster than Muni :rofl
I have no idea of actual numbers. Routine is just to cook dinner, eat half of it and take the other half for lunch at work the next day.

This is, pretty much, my routine, also.

It's the unlimited opportunity to snack is what gets me. I am working on that.
I see alot of these threads talk about routines but rarely about nutrition, which probably as important if not more. What is everyone's macros and daily caloric intake?

Fair, I don't track those but I'm not looking to get to 12% body fat.

Following general rules of eat less bread, more fish/lean chicken, mostly plants.
I've dropped 60lbs since August just from not eating crap and being on my bike a majority of the day. Need to start doing some walking daily as well to slowly transition to possibly running(shudder) again. Also seeing the docs at the VA for help has been good too. Have me a caloric intake goal of 1800 cals a day to start with which is the hardest part since I'm staying with friends here in SF that like to cook, at least I'm eating home cooking and just need to ramp up the veggie intake again.
Oh and the biggest thing I've done to help she's weight was quit my job and drop all the stress of work and most living expenses. Basically intentionally unemployed and homeless has been my main weight loss strategy. YMMV
I've dropped 60lbs since August just from not eating crap and being on my bike a majority of the day. Need to start doing some walking daily as well to slowly transition to possibly running(shudder) again. Also seeing the docs at the VA for help has been good too. Have me a caloric intake goal of 1800 cals a day to start with which is the hardest part since I'm staying with friends here in SF that like to cook, at least I'm eating home cooking and just need to ramp up the veggie intake again.
Oh and the biggest thing I've done to help she's weight was quit my job and drop all the stress of work and most living expenses. Basically intentionally unemployed and homeless has been my main weight loss strategy. YMMV

You must be feeling AWESOME!!!
I see alot of these threads talk about routines but rarely about nutrition, which probably as important if not more. What is everyone's macros and daily caloric intake?

the thread title says "fit", not "skinny. but a lot of people started off by listing their weights. unfortunately, popular culture has everyone equating weight with fitness, attractiveness, and health. its never that simple.

IMO, losing weight is mostly diet & gaining fitness is mostly working out.
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