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Time to get Fit thread

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Right now I weigh 173 lbs. Down from a winter high of about 190. I havent been under 180 since high school. (Im 40) Im exercising more but, the real deal is better eating habbits and keepong on my cardio. I do 2 miles on an eliptical, 10 mins of rowing and 5 mins of a cross country ski thingy at the gym about 3 or 4 times a week. After that its some mild weight room stuff. Feels good. Feels like my eating habbits have really changed a lot in about 3 weeks. I hope to stick with it. Feels good to be “light.” The goal is visible ab muscles by summer. Wish me luck.
Pilates Reformer 2X for my back
Yoga 1-2X for my back
TRX cardio class 1X for my general health
My SO bought me a Pilates class 10 pack for my birthday!
3 day PPL routine.

Monday International Chest Day
Tuesday International Chest Day
Wednesday International Chest day
1 day Yoga

When my ribs get better I'll go back to 3 days of bjj followed by 1 day of lifting and 1 day of yoga
P90X 5 days a week. Ive been doing it for months but haven't completed a full phase. REALLY trying this month. Also attempting a no sugar, low carb, healthy eating plan for the next 30 days.

It's been a LONG time since Ive been at my current weight! From the heaviest I've been to now I've lost 28lbs. Hoping to lose at least another 10ish pounds of body fat before summer. I also want to add more weight training into my exercise plan.
Kim I know exactly how that feels! I put on 25 while healing. My own stupid fault.
AnywAyyoure an inspiration
What are your goals?

My goal is to get down to 220 lbs from 270.

What is your strategy?

For the last 6 months it has been mostly weightlifting 4 days a week with 45 minutes of cardio thrown in for my aerobic exercise. Going through a bulk up phase not really worried about weight loss.

I haven't really changed my diet or anything so I am not losing weight as fast as I could but you can totally see the physique changes underneath the excess weight. But this will all change soon. I am finally having shoulder surgery to repair some pretty bad damage I have done to it over the years so this will allow me to hopefully go full HAM on the weights after I recover. During my recovery downtime, I am going to go into weight loss mode. Once I am allowed to drive again I am going to head back to the gym and ride the stationary bike for the 2 hours I would be doing my normal workout. I will also be starting a low-calorie high protein diet at the same time. This diet worked for me before and I lost a lot of weight but got lazy and stopped and got sedentary so gained a bit back. Once I am off PT for the shoulder I will start hitting the weights again.

What is your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge is that I like to eat good food. I have to get my portion control habit engrained again. Also, need to be serious about going to the gym but I have been really good about it lately so I hope that is under control.
I just want to get stronger and burn some fat off my mid section. My current goal is to be able to do 50 pushups in under three minutes. I started by doing ten, now up to fifteen pushups, will bump it to 20 in a few days (I dont take three mins to do this :laughing). I dont want to hurt myself so taking it slow. Things haven't been the same since i broke my collar bone in 2017 so just want some strength back. Also dedicating myself to riding dirt bikes at least twice per month, if not more.
Gym today:
30 miles mutes on the bike varying difficulty. Trying to climb an imaginary mountain that’s 2000 feet. Today I hit 1800

Legs working with a trainer on balance and strength. Squats lots and lots of squats.

Dumbbells for biceps
Dumbbells for triceps
Hops on the murderous half ball thing
Squats on the murderous half ball thing

Then on to step ups
And some core work

Funny thing: after 3 weeks working out consistently I am finally breaking a sweat. The drip down your nose can’t wear those clothes again sweat.

Down 4lbs
2 inches in the waist and 1 inch shoulders
Once I am allowed to drive again I am going to head back to the gym and ride the stationary bike for the 2 hours.::

Good luck with that. I have my own spin bike at home and it’s tough to ride that thing for more than 30 minutes. I can ride my road bike for hours but sitting there in a room not moving is an exercise in mental torture.
^ you go girl. 28 lbs is impressive.
thanks! Ill hopefully make it 38-40lbs overall!
Kim I know exactly how that feels! I put on 25 while healing. My own stupid fault.
AnywAyyoure an inspiration
Thanks G im trying! Like others have mentioned, I just like good food! Breaking bad habits like not eating sweets and simple carbs will help a lot I think.
Good luck with that. I have my own spin bike at home and it’s tough to ride that thing for more than 30 minutes. I can ride my road bike for hours but sitting there in a room not moving is an exercise in mental torture.

Yeah, plan on using the gym WiFi to watch some shows while I am doing it. I am going to try using the sitting bike while I am in a sling and once it's off I am going to try the regular bike. I will have to suck it up if I plan to lose the fat.
My fitness program consists of lifting pints and not eating complete garbage.

^ after my own heart.

a couple of years ago I lost 60 lbs by just changing when and what I ate. didn't want to work out... Now, after my get off, I really 'can't' work out, without pain. But I have chunked up a bit, so I will be eating a little healthier and earlier in the day.
I'm doing long term fasting. Once a quarter, a week, then two, then three. Want to make 21 days with water only.
I think it is healthy. I think humans often endured long fasting periods during evolution and some remote civilizations today still live the old ways where food is eaten when it is available (I do not recall which island tribe was cited), often days between meals.

I watched a lot of youtube videos on it. There is both short term or intermittent and long term fasting techniques. It is a way to cut more body fat that otherwise you would not be able to.

If you need to lose weight, it works the fastest possible.

After 3 days, I start to feel great, almost euphoric, and energy starts to increase with mental cognition, reflexes, and etc.

If you go long, your body will start to eat tumors and scar tissue and your system will become more purged of toxins. Yes, your scars can disappear.

Of course you need to eat very healthy around all that.
^ I lost most of my weight recently from what I will call "stress fasting." I'm not sure its healthy but it sure as shit works to lose weight. Don't know how realistic it is to do on a regular basis but I also think that as long as you don't end up anorexic it cant really hurt. Very few people can willfully starve themselves to death in our culture.
Huh, good luck! I enjoy food FAR too much to give it up for more than a day :laughing. I do try to do intermitted fasting. Or whichever is the one where you dont eat anything until you work out. So i try to just have my coffee then workout THEN eat. Im not a breakfast eater anyways so it works.

Just did shoulders and arms -55mins and then interchanging
20 crunches x4
25 squats x4
Pilates Reformer 2X for my back
Yoga 1-2X for my back
TRX cardio class 1X for my general health
My SO bought me a Pilates class 10 pack for my birthday!

Right now i am swimming for my core and back 4 days a week. I also have my stretched and core exercises Santa Cruz Sport and Spine have given me. I need to keep on keepin on. Need more core strength and flexibility. I have been eating healthier also for the past 5 weeks. Lost about 7 lbs so far. I am 6'1 198lbs currently. Would like to get down to 190lbs.

I also would like to try out yoga, never done that before hoping to sign up for some 1 on 1

My goal is to be able to ride my dirtbike in Jan 2020 without any back issues
Right now i am swimming for my core and back 4 days a week. I also have my stretched and core exercises Santa Cruz Sport and Spine have given me. I need to keep on keepin on. Need more core strength and flexibility. I have been eating healthier also for the past 5 weeks. Lost about 7 lbs so far. I am 6'1 198lbs currently. Would like to get down to 190lbs.

I also would like to try out yoga, never done that before hoping to sign up for some 1 on 1

My goal is to be able to ride my dirtbike in Jan 2020 without any back issues

Tell me more about santa cruz sport and spine please. I have posture issues I would like to correct. I have made a little progress from watching you tube vids by physical therapists but it probably going to take more than that. Yoga will change your life. I did it in college and should do it again.
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