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Time to get Fit thread

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I had a get-off and am injured. That is all I will say about that for reasons.

I am super grateful for the exercise I was able to get in before I got hurt because it's not as easy to get around right now but that strength is helping me. I can walk in 7-10 minute intervals before my body says, "We don't like this." I walked the day after out of sheer necessity (damn my continuous need for food!) and have been working to stay as mobile as I can tolerate without exacerbating the injuries.

My weight is up 2 lbs from when I left a month ago. I'm not sad about this, honestly, because a pair of jeans I could barely close before departure zipped right up when I put them on today.

Anyhow.. still hoping to keep the #lossgainstrain in motion so I can be the thread winner for the year. :laughing
Sorry to hear about your setback, TWT, I think that I can state quite accurately that you efforts over the past year have significantly improved the rate and chances of a much better recovery than you would have had before all of your efforts.

Good luck! It's only a setback and you'll be beyond this phase before long and working towards even better fitness!
Oh man R...that sucks to read. I just went through this too and it sucks. the hardest part is the lack of motivation to be fully functional...and in the end, that took me out for over 3 months.

What's the prognosis for recovery? You're not losing many points with us yet! FWIW, the weight/ fitness comes back reasonably quickly, especially if you've build some muscle mass pre accident.

I'd say, stay daily active and keep moving every day. Just like the rule "don't sit and rest during a workout", don't get inactive. Setbacks happen. It's how we deal them that define us and our futures.
oh, i’m wanting to recover and get back on track. it’s somewhat defeating to have to turn back after a short distance but the discipline and maintenance of my routine are the important parts i reckon. namely, the act of getting out my gate and going until my body says “nope” will keep me accustomed to carving out time for fitness.

Editing to add the injuries are soft tissue so I hope to be back in the swing of things sooner rather than later.

11/14/2023. yesterday i rested. today i managed to make it a little further than sunday but it sure hurt coming home.
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Sorry about the setback and keep up the good recovery work! Such a stud-ette....:thumbup
Would anyone be upset if we made a yearly version of this thread? This is one of my favorite threads and its taking forever to load. I would hate for people to stop posting their fitness stories just because it got inconvenient.

Also, I got some good news today. I got in to the 2024 Escape From Alcatraz triathlon. Fingers crossed the third time's the charm for cracking top 10% I have 204 days to train.
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Would anyone be upset if we made a yearly version of this thread? This is one of my favorite threads and its taking forever to load. I would hate for people to stop posting their fitness stories just because it got inconvenient.

Also, I got some good news today. I got in to the 2024 Escape From Alcatraz triathlon. Fingers crossed the third time's the charm for cracking top 10% I have 204 days to train.

Congrats, Mike!!! Now stop posting and start cycling/swimming/running.

On the topic of running I read this article in the NY Times earlier this week about how running is apparently amazing for your health. Pretty neat.

No opposition to there being an annual thread, either. :)
Top10% is a huge goal. Get it! That'd be awesome.

Thanks for reminding me about race lotteries. I need to enter a few.

+1 to Annual Thread. Good timing too.
No problem modifying the thread as needed Mike.

On a good note: I'm finally back to where I was before my crash. Took about 2 months after the 3 month break to get there. I also found the cause of the 3 successive high sides and it wasn't what I'd thought (nor almost everyone else). That's good.
welp, got TWO pairs of shoes that can support my fluffy physique while running. i’ll break them in with some walking tomorrow. staying in motion this week was smart although i ruptured the sutures in my shoulder. ooops. once that is better healed i need to find a good way to compress my breasts so that running doesn’t hurt them.

i’ve been sleeping a lot. i’m usually solid with 6.5-7 hours. i’ve been sleeping 9-10 and that’s been restorative. i’m hoping to be back at 100% by Dec. 1 so i can introduce some running intervals.

Climber, i may be PM’ing you one of these days for some pointers.
No problem modifying the thread as needed Mike.

On a good note: I'm finally back to where I was before my crash. Took about 2 months after the 3 month break to get there. I also found the cause of the 3 successive high sides and it wasn't what I'd thought (nor almost everyone else). That's good.
That's great, Berto! :thumbup

The recovery was going to come, but understanding what caused your high sides is huge! As you've said in the F1 thread, confidence in your equipment can be everything in racing, especially when physical harm is involved.
Totally true Brett. Putting a thread together in Crash Analysis now. Probably have it done tonight...
I did my one annual run yesterday, a small town Turkey Trot 5K in Yucaipa CA. I got 10th overall out of 270, ran my fastest 5K ever, and am very sore today. The avg age of everyone that beat me was 16.3yrs, incl two girls of 12 & 8yrs. Damn kids these days destroying the adults :laughing
I did my one annual run yesterday, a small town Turkey Trot 5K in Yucaipa CA. I got 10th overall out of 270, ran my fastest 5K ever, and am very sore today. The avg age of everyone that beat me was 16.3yrs, incl two girls of 12 & 8yrs. Damn kids these days destroying the adults :laughing

Happy belated, btw. You're a multisport beast, even if those darn punk kids had better times.
I did my one annual run yesterday, a small town Turkey Trot 5K in Yucaipa CA. I got 10th overall out of 270, ran my fastest 5K ever, and am very sore today. The avg age of everyone that beat me was 16.3yrs, incl two girls of 12 & 8yrs. Damn kids these days destroying the adults :laughing
When I got into rock climbing in my 30's, I knew that I'd never be able to effectively compete against teenagers who started young. I was able to read the route at least as well as them and figure out ways to get past the cruxes, but when it came to power to weight ratios I was never going to match them.

After your 20's, it's a long slow slide downhill. :afm199
I did my one annual run yesterday, a small town Turkey Trot 5K in Yucaipa CA. I got 10th overall out of 270, ran my fastest 5K ever, and am very sore today. The avg age of everyone that beat me was 16.3yrs, incl two girls of 12 & 8yrs. Damn kids these days destroying the adults :laughing

I won’t lie, for as little as you run, I was annoyed at your pace and finish position. :laughing At lest you’re sore :x
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Happy belated, btw. You're a multisport beast, even if those darn punk kids had better times.

Thank you :party

When I got into rock climbing in my 30's, I knew that I'd never be able to effectively compete against teenagers who started young. I was able to read the route at least as well as them and figure out ways to get past the cruxes, but when it came to power to weight ratios I was never going to match them.

After your 20's, it's a long slow slide downhill. :afm199

Climbing kids are even "worse" today :laughing. The disadvantages of their youth are gone because the good ones have pro coaches by age 10. I have many friends in the industry and watching the shift from dirtbag to Olympic sport has been something else.

I won’t lie, for as little as you run, I was annoyed at your pace and finish position. :laughing At lest you’re sore :x

My VO2Max seems to translate well, but the muscles were not happy about it. The DOMS was still so bad today that I took a rest day :mad
FINALLY. My weight has been hovering at a specific spot since early October, and stubbornly stuck to it for the last two weeks. Today, I am down a bit.

I know we don't rely solely on the scale here and there have been a lot of other wins in the interim (smaller pants, moto boots that now fit correctly, buying new swim suits and such, faster MPH on walks)

But dammit, I like when that weight number gets lower.
We. Don't. Measure. Weight. HERE.

Nah...weights a goal and you understand how it all works when you build muscle. The truth is, vanity really is your best results judgement. Pictures measured over time. The fitness part and health benefits are what we benefit and see personally. The pictures are what everyone else sees in us. Till you enter a competition and wax them all due to your fitness!

I'm down weight...always fighting to get to a higher number (I have one in mind).
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