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From the sink.
A congressperson who's last name is a color call's it "an anthem".

A lady in Az who's name is a small body of water says "I get chills when I listen to this song".

Other delusional fascists also are pumping their fists in the air to this song too.

Make no mistake this guy didn't just magically appear out of nowhere there's a well oiled machine doing its thing.

First a movie about child abuse that came out of nowhere (as if they just uncovered something that has been widely known for years) and now a magical song?

There's some big money being spread around for sure.

But why? What's the agenda?
From the sink.

Great for stoking the fires of malcontent in the right wing army; bad for listening to. It's like a protest anthem for the far right, to rally their troops against fat folks who can't work.
From the Sink
I would not have called him a terrible president. He shut down many frivolous ventures which made him highly unpopular.
His progressive policies directly contradicted the corporatization of our country. He paced the way for a GOP highjacking of this country beginning with Regan.
From the sink:

Even if this event has been poorly reported, the basic fact of giving up human autonomy in a time when people are officially worried about AI is a good demonstration of conflicting issues. I really don’t want an autonomous vehicle loose on our roads because driving in densely populated areas is a very challenging environment requiring instantaneous decision making by those who would value human preservation. I am fairly sure that a machine would end up making a decision seen as ruthless, ultimately.

I still don;t believe in them like some of you do. It’s a social moment-in-time decision that has been incorrectly made imo. ….I have always been cognizant of these big decisions since Jimmy Carter decided against building the neutron bomb. We could have done it but does anyone regret that he didn’t besides maybe Putin and Xi? And the reasons why? Yes, driverless vehicles aren’t a single mass destruction potential but we humans should still have the sense and control to make decisions with long implications; even when innovation and convenience are promised.

I guess maybe rail vehicles, on a fixed trajectory or something is more palatable.
From the sink:

From X:

This was always going to be a problem for progressive activists.

Among the many contradictions that form the basis of progressive politics, you can’t both be ardently opposed to antisemitism AND unconditionally support violently antisemitic organizations, yet here we are.

“Cognitive dissonance” can sum up the whole progressive ethos, and at some point - by logical necessity - they’ll start eating their own because of it.
From General.

Pamela Price is one of these wacky fringe DA's that only got elected because George Soros threw over $130k at her campaign. Soros realized his money went further by buying local elections so he's been doing this with radical justice reform DA's across the country. Her whole shtick is keeping criminals out of jail. Only reason she may not go soft in this case, is because the perp robbed a dispensary and the police may (and should) completely riot.
From the sink:

All (and Only) Left-Wing Things Considered at NPR, 25-Year Veteran Reveals

Berliner said he did a little digging into the party affiliation of the people who run NPR and found that the outlet had “87 registered Democrats working in editorial positions and zero Republicans. None.”
…explained how the network eagerly peddled stories dear to Democratic Party leaders, like the Russia collusion hoax about former President Donald Trump that simply disappeared from its coverage when the story collapsed.
The result is a constant stream of predictably ludicrous and virtually identical programming.

“There’s an unspoken consensus about the stories we should pursue and how they should be framed,” Berliner wrote. “It’s frictionless—one story after another about instances of supposed racism, transphobia, signs of the climate apocalypse, Israel doing something bad, and the dire threat of Republican policies. It’s almost like an assembly line.”

Insider Exposes NPR's One-Sided, Leftist Slant in Programming
National Public Radio isn't truly national, nor does it serve the public. It’s a pipe organ of left-wing views soaking up federal funding.
NPR needs to shut down until they correct themselves/ with public apology detailing their lies.
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