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Welcome to the P-Trap - Political content actions

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From the Covid forum

Too late for that. It happened in 2020. President Trump gave billions to his buddies in Big Pharma. Companies which he no doubt held shares of their stock. Either directly, or indirectly through funds.

If we look further into that, we will find that many politicians own stocks in Big Pharma companies. Or they have shares of funds, which have shares of those companies.

And in 2020, many stated that they did not trust a vaccine because it was funded by the then POTUS. The vaccines came to fruition. Then as usual, with politics, the statements of politicians became outlandish and laughable. Politicians who once voiced doubt about the vaccines and vaccine development program, suddenly took credit for the program.

I can see how people do not believe anything that they hear from any politician. It's unfortunate that the distrust of politicians has created a group of people who distrust the vaccine. Even more unfortunately that they also distrust the CDC and WHO.

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From Covid Forum

Trying to stay out of politics but something been at the top of my mind for a few weeks now.

Democrats want everyone to get vaccinated
Democrats want free healthcare for everyone
Wouldn’t it simply benefit the democrats if they stopped pushing pandemic controls and vaccinations and just let the system implode.

They could sit back, let it all fail, then come back and rebuild on the backs of bailouts.

Republicans won’t have much to say or defend themselves with. They retained their rights and they can’t refuse the rebuilding of healthcare

Sure, a few million will likely die but they’re probably not democrats anyways…
Also from Covid Forum

A lot of shit in here should be in pol-sink but here we are.

My real position, I don’t understand what the end result of the conspiracy is. What is the government trying to take from you? I hate the slow erosion of rights but this ain’t that. It’s far easier to legislate that erosion and have the constituents vote for it then to create some mass panic fear based pandemonium and use that to leverage erosion.
PTRAP edit from the sink:

I'm pretty heavy into SDOW, basically inverse of the dow, by 3%.
just look at the dow graph since march 2020 and tell me thats real and sustainable; i just dont buy it. I think this last week or two is just a small part of what is to come. we got a POTUS who is inept and clearly just a puppet, and the world knows it. The days of the USA being on top and thinly numbered, if they havent run out already.
And a third from that thread... Climber again. Surprise, surprise

So, some people are complaining that Ukraine posting pictures of Russian prisoner of war and dead enemy combatants violates international law.

They are waging a PR campaign against Russian leadership by showing Russian citizens what's happening.

So, what are your thoughts?

Mine are that Russian invaded them without provocation and they don't have more than a tiny fraction of the resources that Russia has. War isn't about being pretty, it's about winning any way you can because the alternative is annihilation. I have no problem with them employing any means to stop or slow down Russia's invasion.
From General

I think Covid was taken way too seriously. There’s no reason for people mask and social distance unless you’re very elderly or have serious co-morbidities.

That said, the clown in office and all the Demorats are responsible. It didn’t have to happen.

Glad you’re OK.
From the Sink....multiple posts from him actually. He's got one official mark against him but we really could give him a whole lot more.

Statements like this from elected officials only throws gasoline on the fire. It enrages people from both sides. She is a lawmaker, not a news commentator which makes it much worse.

"Rep. Joyce Beatty, D-Ohio, made the claim at a Thursday press conference outside the Capitol that saw House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in attendance.

"On Monday, three people in a Korean-owned hair salon in Dallas were gunned by yet another White supremacy replacement theorist," Beatty said to the assembled crowd. "We are sick of the pipeline from racist rhetoric to racist violence," Beatty continued. In addition to botching the date of the shooting, Beatty got a key detail wrong about the "White supremacy replacement theorist" charged with attacking the Dallas salon: the suspect is Black.
I screwed this up, but this is a post from ScarySpikes

Something you can thank the governor's administration for. After the brutal 2020 fire season they came up with an action plan for handing fire in a much more proactive way. It's good to see that it's working.


And this is from mrzuzzo

haha! Wasn't the actual governor caught lying about the numbers in this plan though?


same thread...
From the sink.

Entire thread moved to the PSINK.

You don't see the difference between saying "Thanks Gavin, I'll take my money" and "Tax grabbing dems are happy"?

I'd be willing to bet if I made the same statement, my comment would be thrown in the poli forum and I'd be put on the list faster than you can say "Trump would have pocketed this money and called it good for us and the repubs would pull it directly from a woman's vagina."

And now we wait.....
From the sink


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