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From the sink.

Since we all know the past presidential election was pretty much spot on with no fraud worth mentioning and anyone presenting otherwise is a talk radio conspiracy theorist lunatic, I would be very interested in seeing what case you have to support this new and previously not seen event occurring at scale?

It sounds like an interesting new event in our politics.
From the Sink (originally--thread moved to Politics after this post was reported, so it was allowed to stay in the thread)

Best possible thing that could happen to the SCOTUS is if covid does in Brett Cavanaugh and Biden can get a nominee through to move the court more towards the center from it's extreme Far Right current makeup that should have never happened.
From General.

The bold part edited.

Curious, were you born here?

In my opinion, all these fucks that moved here and turned it from a somewhat peaceful, moderate area into a fucking cesspool of leftist degenerates should be the first exiled to shitholes like Texas...

But you know, what do I know. Just a dumb guy that grew up riding dirbikes in the Bay Area before they became “evil earth killers.”
From the sink.

Bold part only = partial edit.
Inflation and the economy are inherently political because the government continues to regulate and otherwise meddle is what should be mostly private sector issues.
There are two kinds of inflation. One is supply and demand issues. And the other is printing money.

My view is th@t the supply and demand part of what we are experiencing is temporary.

Printing money is the serious danger and we have printed a lot over the last twelve or so years. And Biden wants to print more with his build back better plan. :thumbdown
From the sink:

MSDNC take:

By Ja'han Jones
Kyle Rittenhouse, who fatally shot two protesters and wounded a third during anti-police brutality demonstrations in Wisconsin last year, has been found not guilty of homicide — an outrageous yet unsurprising verdict in a trial marred by controversy.

Rittenhouse, who is white, was 17 when he traveled from his hometown in northeast Illinois to the protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year armed with his semi-automatic rifle. On the night of Aug. 25, 2020, as he carried his gun through the streets, Rittenhouse shot dead Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, and wounded Gaige Grosskreutz, now 27.

Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all five charges he faced, which included first-degree intentional homicide, first-degree recklessly endangering safety and attempted first-degree intentional homicide.

The case had the makings of an acquittal before the trial even began. The outcome seemed clear even before an almost exclusively white jury pool was selected, even before Judge Bruce Schroeder created an uproar by ruling that the slain protesters could be referred to as “rioters” and “looters” but not “victims," even before Schroeder refused to punish Rittenhouse for what prosecutors said amounted to a violation of his bond conditions. Rittenhouse is a white teen who abides by white rules, and white people empathetic to those rules seemed poised to insulate him from repercussions.

The day he pleaded not guilty to felony homicide, Rittenhouse flashed a white supremacist symbol and was “loudly serenaded” by a group of men at a bar who belted out the anthem of the Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group, according to prosecutors.

On the night of the shooting, minutes before Rittenhouse opened fire, police in Kenosha thanked the rifle-toting teen and offered him water as he walked the streets. “We appreciate you guys, we really do,” one officer told him.

Law enforcement — including a department known to cover up its own lawless acts of violence — seemed to give cover to Rittenhouse from the get-go.

With these endorsements, white conservatives felt all the more comfortable swaddling Rittenhouse in the protection they often give to police and vigilantes serving white conservative interests — from George Zimmerman to Mark and Patricia McCloskey. Rittenhouse is just their latest darling, pitifully seeing heroism in an armed teen who set out to patrol pro-Black protests as though he were police.

Pitiful as they are, we can’t dismiss his supporters as conservatives merely taking sides in a political squabble. Last year, then-President Donald Trump’s administration issued talking points to Homeland Security officials claiming Rittenhouse went to Kenosha to “defend small business owners.” Conservative media figures have eagerly repeated those claims. Their support for Rittenhouse isn’t a counterweight to progressive social policies like equitable policing — their support is a physical threat to people supporting those policies.

Conservatives are encouraging white vigilantes like Rittenhouse to police progressive spaces by all means. As one Slate article put it last year, “'Own the Libs' Is Gradually Morphing Into 'Kill the Libs.'”

The jury’s decision was a dangerous endorsement of that vision.:wtf
From the Covid Forum

Here is another example with clear implications of power grab behind it. The mail in voting was hugely suspect. You may not agree and call me a right-wing nut but I have serious concerns about unsolicited mail-in ballots. I know personal examples of people voting on behalf of family members who had no intention of voting in person or by mail. That has obvious implications of using the pandemic to sway elections.
From the Covid Forum
Oh another Trump backing "the election is rigged" person. Cute.

Where's your evidence of wide spread voter fraud? There have been dozens of lawsuits by more competent people than you that have all failed.

You're hilarious, and yes, a right wing nut if you truly believe what you're saying.
From the Covid Forum
If you don't vote in the last 2 general elections your registration is terminated.

What you are describing is voter fraud which has never proved to be a major issue.

If the signature doesn't match it gets bounced.

In the last election my registration was terminated because someone faked my name on a voter recall petition so I go a "signature did not match" letter and was asked if I had indeed signed the petition which I had not.

After I returned that notice I was contacted (after re registering) by the State Fraud investigations unit and two agents appeared at my door to question me as I had agreed to via a phone call.

So, in your situation, the person who registered had to sign the absentee ballot or it would get bounced.
From the Covid Forum

I suppose I could sit around at a computer all day , on a motorcycle forum, and talk about my vaxx stacking and booster jabs.

From the sink

So Conservative, right leaning folks who'd rather be Russian, Chinese or other than be Democrats. I saw this on the news, with my own eyes, so its gotta be true.
From the sink.

Only the bold part was edited out.

RIP. I have an observation, not sure how it might resonate with others.

I used to listen to talk radio more than now. All those years ago, I was listening to him talk to the host (can't even remember who, it might have been Jim Eason or somebody on KGO). It was a phone call interview. To hear just his voice, he sounded like a very solid old-fashioned American guy who you could count on, almost Normal Rockwell but not even that mannered, maybe more like Will Rogers. It was like his sensible baritone with ultra-moderate flat American accent was echoing off the Great Plains. It was comforting and realistic. Maybe it was the accent, I dunno, but he just sounded very direct and personal. I guess that's a politicians talent whether they have a serpent tongue or not. I have never forgotten that moment, of hearing him.

But I certainly miss a Republican who wasn't a worthless piece of shit spouting off about guns and stolen elections and cancel culture.

So even though inevitable, I mourn a bit for what he represented, perhaps even more than who he was, but they are hard to separate.
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