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Who's gone Solar

Thanks for the pump info mercurial. Not sure if we are getting too off topic here. Here is the mfg of our in floor cleaning system


Couldn't find a good short YT video. Think sprinkler system in the floor of the pool. Many zones with 4-5 pop ups in each zone that shoot water and index a bit with each cycle theoretically pushing all the dirt to the deep end drains. I believe the builder (arrogant fuck after we started paying) did not install them perfect resulting in sub par performance. No kreepy krauly. It's fantastic for circulating the water though. I have a robot cleaner now that is fantastic.

Not sure what's wrong with solar heat on a pool. Running the gas heater is $$$. We really enjoyed our solar heating for about 15 years. Yep, had to fix a leak here and there with #12 SS wood screws. Besides very warm pool water it could fully heat the jacuzzi on a warm day.
Where did you get this?

From Sunpower Direct.

We ended up with 20 panels in areas 1, 2, 4 and 6 and none in areas 3 and 5 for 118% of current use as we will be adding some electric wall heaters, (Envi made in US), to raise the ambient temps at night in the house which we don't heat at night so the gas fireplaces with use in 2 areas are used far less.

Evidently as we will have to move from the tiered PGE rate plan to time of use, (where 4-9pm is premium pricing) the panels in area 1 facing NW will capture the late afternoon sun, albeit at a lower amount than the other panels but at greater reimbursement $/kWh so they were deemed advantageous.

Cost per kWh with them is about $2.60/kWh.


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Thx - was hoping that there was some online tool that could show this :)

That photo is with dead North at the top so you can probably "guesstimate" by looking at your roof on google earth which parts of your roof would correspond assuming you have no shade from nearby trees.

Map would have looked quite different 2 years ago as to the Southwest in the rural cemetery there used to be 100+ Eucalyptus trees blocking later afternoon sun; they were 150 feet tall or so.

All gone now.
I cannot recommend Semper Solaris. Guy came over and met with me. We argued over panel placement since I do not want them on the front of my house. (I have almost 3k sq ft to work with) Told him I was a cash buyer and ready to pull the trigger. Silence. Left him a message that if I signed up tomorrow will I still make the April deadline. He answered yes. More silence. Now I've read Yelp and it's 50/50 good and bad. Just hate getting the old fuckeroo from these guys. Feel like I'm dealing with Hayward Motorsports sales people again...
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Not sure what's wrong with solar heat on a pool. Running the gas heater is $$$. We really enjoyed our solar heating for about 15 years. Yep, had to fix a leak here and there with #12 SS wood screws. Besides very warm pool water it could fully heat the jacuzzi on a warm day.

Yea I mean its alot better than a gas heater, but still expensive for the electricity for the pump. And I just don't like the idea of sending thousands of gallons of water an hour onto my roof. any kind of failure, combined with a roofing failure, can lead to a very expensive catastrophe.

Personally I always like the pool to be cold, and the hot tub to be hot.
FYI, as my friend is selling his house in 10 years or so he is doing a lease with Sunpower Direct that costs him nothing.

Locked in at $.205/kWh.

When he sells the house he will buy the system at market rate for a 10 year old system and more than recoup his investment with the expected 3 to 5 percent premium for a home with solar (at current rates for electricity). In the meantime he's expecting to save $100/month at current rates.


I'm in the process with Tesla to get systems put on my rental units.

SunRun pitched the lease idea since it would not require me to put any money into the deal. Those lease payments increase 2.9% every year for the duration of the lease...nope, not for me, that's a raw deal for my tenants too. Instead, I'll foot the upfront cost of purchasing the system, get paid back via my tenants over 5-6 years, while also lowering my tenants energy costs...then after the 5-6 years, those energy payments to me will be additional income, all at no impact to my tenants.
FYI, as my friend is selling his house in 10 years or so he is doing a lease with Sunpower Direct that costs him nothing.

Locked in at $.205/kWh.

When he sells the house he will buy the system at market rate for a 10 year old system and more than recoup his investment with the expected 3 to 5 percent premium for a home with solar (at current rates for electricity). In the meantime he's expecting to save $100/month at current rates.



It's a great approach, I bought a power purchasing agreement from sungenvity/sunrun in 2015, you can buy the system at any point, end of 20 year term it's "market value". well what's the market value of a 20 year old system? Basically zero, I would imagine.
We are in the middle of purchasing decisions. i have been inspired by this thread and fabled “sense of urgency” because of NEM change.

So we had a guy here yesterday who is an independent broker. He steered us toward a company that is big, out of SoCal, because they guaranteed if we apply by 3/23 we’d get the NEM in time.”

He proposed and we actually signed up for (then cancelled late last night) with ESP for:
10 440 DNA-14 Aptos panels
SolarEdge1 inverter and accompanying optimizers.”
$18, 390. Phony credit price $12,873
It’s something like a 6 kWh or 4.4 total system (I am confused by my own notes).
We are not big electric users. Two retirees, 67 and 72, and not really sure if we stay in this house but not loving any relocation place. Gas heater and water heater and no plans to convert. No AC. Last northern hill of Berkeley hills, foggy and windy much of summer. Good exposure on our roof, no tree effects.

The problem was that I sat and read every Better Business Bureau complaint then looked around at Yelp etc and read the detailed complaints against this company. Their main M/O is slapping panels on houses then not having them function or ever get going to begin with. Their specialty seems to be damaging peoples roofs so they have multiple leaks because apparently the installers fish for studs then leave the holes open or inadequately caulk the holes. Or they damage roof tiles and leave garbage on people’s roofs. The complaint is then answered by company (on BBB) in generic responses that they are sorry and will attempt to rectify. A lot of the responses are refused by the complainants. Some have been at this for over a year and still don’t have actual service. Some have faulty installations and thought they were getting their big break but didn’t. Some had damaged panels or faulty inverters.

So we bailed. At the time of sign-up, he said he knew local companies but couldn’t guarantee the NEM process in time with them.

SO this morning in inbox is a note that he found somebody local for a whole $100 less that could do it and I should call.

The guy was as smooth as the day is long, kept repeating he didn’t want us to feel uncomfortable about any of it and that he could intervene on our behalf with ESP. But all of the complaints uniformly point to terrible if not non-existent communication from the company .

One of the biggest complications is that we are in year 21 of a 30 year asphalt shingle roof. It was put on in 2002 for $10800. The guy ballparked that it would cost $24000 now. I have an extreme simple roof with fairly shallow angle. It’s basiclally one long pitch with a side arm at front for garage. The thing is, if we replace the roof along with solar installation, we get a 30% credit similar to installation itself on federal taxes. “
But it’s still probably something like $40K out of pocket. We are both retired and would be drawing money out of non-renewing 401Ks. If we finance, it would be at about 7% interest rates so the APR would eventually add up to more, unless we buy down the rate.

The dilemma is that I might end up losing a few more years of roof to make the NEM deadline, as opposed to waiting out the roof and being stuck with new agreement but superior battery function in imagined future.

I understand the multiple moving parts and delay. But i don’t want to go with a shitshow installation and spend hours and hours trying to reach company. I grew up poor and lived with leaky roofs and to be honest, the thought of unnecessary damage leading to bad Sheetrock triggers me, so to speak. Been there done that. In last house, I had six five-gallon buckets in the attic and was constantly bailing during the big wet years of early 80s.

The guy pointed out that a bigger company in business longer is more likely to back up their installations in the future compared to small timers who go out of business.

I think that all of us should sober up about the fake adjusted price. That credit amount reduces your taxable income by the amount then your actual taxes paid are somewhat less, but nothing close to the stated difference.

I guess the biggest thing is the time restriction. I think I should get an independent roofer and try Ryan or somebody else.

That’s were it sits. The inertia to do nothing is very strong. Because I’m retired, I can’t just work this debt out any more.

Adding in: I just read the same kind of info for SunPower (I couldn’t find SunPower Direct) as per Gaj. Unbelievable how many problems. They have way more complaints than ESP but I have no idea of total jobs performed so no idea of ratio.

It appears that this entire industry is rotten to the core at least with the big installers. So different than our BARFer retired installer. It seems impossible but the complaints are very uniform. And the monitoring systems fail and a lot of people never see their fabled Even-Up. Maybe it’s just too complex at this point. I know that people themselves are stupid and have impractical expectations. Roofs are a problem because they are dynamic not stable. I am dazed by reading dozens of complaints and it just sounds like, as a smaller consumer of electricity, it’s not worth it. Like buying a Soviet-era car and expecting it run like a Toyota. Something…….(he babbled on)….
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We are in the middle of purchasing decisions. i have been inspired by this thread and fabled “sense of urgency” because of NEM change.

The dilemma is that I might end up losing a few more years of roof to make the NEM deadline, as opposed to waiting out the roof and being stuck with new agreement but superior battery function in imagined future.

Adding in: I just read the same kind of info for SunPower (I couldn’t find SunPower Direct) as per Gaj. Unbelievable how many problems. They have way more complaints than ESP but I have no idea of total jobs performed so no idea of ratio.

It appears that this entire industry is rotten to the core at least with the big installers. So different than our BARFer retired installer. It seems impossible but the complaints are very uniform. And the monitoring systems fail and a lot of people never see their fabled Even-Up. Maybe it’s just too complex at this point. I know that people themselves are stupid and have impractical expectations. Roofs are a problem because they are dynamic not stable. I am dazed by reading dozens of complaints and it just sounds like, as a smaller consumer of electricity, it’s not worth it. Like buying a Soviet-era car and expecting it run like a Toyota. Something…….(he babbled on)….

Happy to help you out with a referral to the same guy I used at SunPower Direct. You'll get $1000 bonus in the price they quote you if you use my referral.

They seem to be able to accommodate the NEM2 timeline.

EDIT: I just checked out SunPower's BBB listing. They have a 4.29/5 star rating across over 1000 customer reviews, and an A+ BBB rating. They've been in business 31 years. Reading a few of the complaints makes me laugh sometimes, because people are complaining about things SPD can't control. One was about a micro-inverter that failed a couple years after install and the customer was complaining about how long it took SPD to arrange a replacement even after SPD explained that like a lot of electronics, supply chain issues reduced their ability to meet demand.

As for people complaining about not getting what they thought they would at true-up, I wonder how many of them realize that if they greatly oversize their system they aren't going to get $0.30/kwh for any excess they produce. That's all made clear in PG&E's NEM2 agreement fine print. The CPUC sets this at $0.02-0.04/kwh. Not going to go into the reasons for all this, but it's exactly what you should expect will happen if you oversize your system expecting to turn a little profit by becoming a micro-generation site. Ain't gonna happen.
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Bay Arean made a basic point if one is trying to rush to beat the deadline.

If you have an old roof, it will need to be replaced.

Most Solar companies seem to be talking July installation dates for newly signed contracts so there is time but, of course, big expense.

Our roof is from 2017 so no problem. 10+ year old roofs may or may not be suitable and should be inspected.
I want to point out to other noobs that the Better Business Bureau A+ rating means nothing. Anybody shoving that in your face should not earn any credibility. Even the guy yesterday finally admitted it just means that the company responds on their site in some form to complaints. It’s not a benchmark of quality work or satisfaction whatsoever. That;s why you can read horrid reviews and complaints for a company with the A+.

It seems like everything and everybody is caught up in the drama and fulfillment of install. But I have been Googling today trying to find out if anybody LIKES their installation and service. No luck yet. A reasonable person wonders if this shit even works. I mean, it must, right?
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Bay Arean made a basic point if one is trying to rush to beat the deadline.

If you have an old roof, it will need to be replaced.

Most Solar companies seem to be talking July installation dates for newly signed contracts so there is time but, of course, big expense.

Our roof is from 2017 so no problem. 10+ year old roofs may or may not be suitable and should be inspected.

With competent work and good functioning equipment, I fully accept the reasoning for delay. And I told the guy that. Besides, after Feb we don’t even turn the gas heater on and the bill drops by $200. I like a cold house at night, it’s healthier.
With competent work and good functioning equipment, I fully accept the reasoning for delay. And I told the guy that. Besides, after Feb we don’t even turn the gas heater on and the bill drops by $200. I like a cold house at night, it’s healthier.

We are not getting rid of our gas fireplace insert in front or the gas powered "wood stove lookalike" fireplace in the rear BUT we will put in some of these US made wall heater units to raise the ambient temp so the gas fireplaces gets used less and our $250/ month gas bill during the 3 coldest months goes down.

When we wake up in the AM this time of year the house is 59 so if we can have those turn on at 5am to maybe get the room to 64 that would be great.

We have one of these in the spare bathroom we only use if we have guests. Very impressive little units.

We are not getting rid of our gas fireplace insert in front or the gas powered "wood stove lookalike" fireplace in the rear BUT we will put in some of these US made wall heater units to raise the ambient temp so the gas fireplaces gets used less and our $250/ month gas bill during the 3 coldest months goes down.

When we wake up in the AM this time of year the house is 59 so if we can have those turn on at 5am to maybe get the room to 64 that would be great.

We have one of these in the spare bathroom we only use if we have guests. Very impressive little units.

That looks really interesting. So small. I like the fake radiator kinds but much larger.

Hey Gaj, PM sent.
That looks really interesting. So small. I like the fake radiator kinds but much larger.

Hey Gaj, PM sent.

They are very high quality units, no moving parts, no noise, no fire danger.

Responded to your PM.:thumbup