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Who's gone Solar

Here's the one we have in our spare bathroom which is cold in the winter and is now only for guests so remains off for now.

We currently have a gas wall heater that does an okay job at heating the house (small house). We'd like to rip that out and do something electric but very limited options.

Maybe we'll just pull it out, close to hole, and add these into various areas of the home. This might be the best option.
Per Tesla, the additional site inspection is for, "Thank you for chatting in with us. I am seeing that our structural engineering team has requested additional information that is not usually gathered at site surveys but is warranted at this time. Notes indicate, "Load Bearing Wall Diagram Required - We need a wall layout with X and Y dimensions for the home to call out Purlin and Strut Upgrades. This is considered a special request so I do apologize for the delay but we need this information in order to proceed."

I then confirmed, "Due to the additional site assessment, we are not at risk for missing out on the NEM timeline." to which they replied, "We are not at risk at this time."

...we'll see
Is R&R repair and replace? The first offer said it was $100 per panel to take off, store then put back on.

Remove and replace - they come in and remove all the panels and associated wiring and stack the panels in a safe place in the yard. Once the roof has been replaced they come back and reinstall everything. With our contract that costs us $499 - that may be unique to leased systems: I'm not sure.
Re all the bad reviews on BBB for SunPower (or any other company for that matter), consider why people go to BBB to post a review in the first place. I would bet that 90+% of the time it isn't to post a glowing review of the company - it's to lodge a complaint.

In fact, I wasn't aware of the fact that you could even post a positive review for a company there until a few days ago after reading this thread. And why would you?

It's not like on Amazon where after you buy something you're prompted to leave a review for it; and some people love becoming a frequent reviewer or whatever they call them there and gaining lots of likes on their reviews.

Ask anyone what they use BBB for and I'd bet it's primarily to see what sort of complaints have been made against a company.

Google around for "best solar panel company" and you may find a better perspective on who's doing it well. For instance, here's a 2023 rundown from This Old House. https://www.thisoldhouse.com/solar-alternative-energy/reviews/best-solar-companies
Yes, this is correct. And if your total taxes withheld during the year is less than your credit amount, any excess credit will be credited to next year's taxes. (Don't confuse withholding with final tax owed!). Which means if you're worried about getting the full amount of the credit in the current year, a possible hack is to increase your withholding on your W4 or quarterly payments so you deliberately pay too much in income tax during the year in order to get the full credit back in the year you claim it instead of spreading it out across multiple years. (People sometimes also do this in order to max out the amount of their refund or even so they can get a refund which they can then apply to iBonds).

Here's the whole skinny on DOE website: https://www.energy.gov/sites/defaul...ax Credit for Residential Solar PV - 2021.pdf

Wait, if I'm reading this correctly, that's not consistent with what I've read and also spoke to my tax person about. The 30% is a Federal Solar Tax Credit, not a rebate. Meaning they won't pay you. My understanding is that you want to change your tax withholdings so you pay less taxes throughout the year. You want to owe money in federal taxes, not get a rebate. If you owe the same amount as the credit, the credit will cancel out what you owe, and you won't have to pay. If you don't owe enough to cover the whole credit, the remainder will be rolled over to the next year. But you don't want to pay too much and get a federal rebate because then you can't apply the credit, and can't get paid extra because it is a tax credit not a tax rebate.

I just got an email from Tesla saying that they're doing another site survey, strange. Mine is scheduled for the 10th of April.

I haven't heard anything from them. But from your other email, looks like it's something unique to you, not normally done.
Wait, if I'm reading this correctly, that's not consistent with what I've read and also spoke to my tax person about. The 30% is a Federal Solar Tax Credit, not a rebate. Meaning they won't pay you. My understanding is that you want to change your tax withholdings so you pay less taxes throughout the year. You want to owe money in federal taxes, not get a rebate. If you owe the same amount as the credit, the credit will cancel out what you owe, and you won't have to pay. If you don't owe enough to cover the whole credit, the remainder will be rolled over to the next year. But you don't want to pay too much and get a federal rebate because then you can't apply the credit, and can't get paid extra because it is a tax credit not a tax rebate.

In other words what you are saying/asking/confirming, perhaps simply put - If your current withholding typically entitles you to a rebate at the end of the year, you will not receive that rebate + $7,500 credit. You would need to change your withholding to owe $7,500 in order to receive the full credit.

This is interesting, if this is in fact the case (which I guess, it kinda sounds like it might be).
I haven't heard anything from them. But from your other email, looks like it's something unique to you, not normally done.

Yeah, I followed up with an additional post explaining what this assessment is for. Allegedly it won't impact my NEM eligibility, but I am questioning that a little because they implied the permit would be submitted after this second assessment. That's on the 10th, sooooooooo I dunno. It makes me a little apprehensive, but when you roll the dice, sometimes you lose.
Wait, if I'm reading this correctly, that's not consistent with what I've read and also spoke to my tax person about. The 30% is a Federal Solar Tax Credit, not a rebate. Meaning they won't pay you. My understanding is that you want to change your tax withholdings so you pay less taxes throughout the year. You want to owe money in federal taxes, not get a rebate. If you owe the same amount as the credit, the credit will cancel out what you owe, and you won't have to pay. If you don't owe enough to cover the whole credit, the remainder will be rolled over to the next year. But you don't want to pay too much and get a federal rebate because then you can't apply the credit, and can't get paid extra because it is a tax credit not a tax rebate.

You are absolutely right about the withholding aspect, which I got wrong in my comment. But only partially. How much your withholding was through the year is irrelevant (that's the part I got wrong). It comes down to one thing only: what your tax is on your taxable income, and that is all. It doesn't matter if you owe money or if you're eligible for a tax refund.

The only thing that matters is what the tax on your income is. If that is less than the tax credit amount, then you will have zero as your tax and a tax credit carryover to a future year. If your income tax is more than the credit, then the income tax will be reduced by the full amount of the credit.

Whether you had more or less than any of that wittheld is irrelevant. (For the record, I didn't use the term 'rebate').
On local Nextdoor a Sunpower rep indicated tomorrow was the last day to sign a contract under NEM 2.
On local Nextdoor a Sunpower rep indicated tomorrow was the last day to sign a contract under NEM 2.

Was the rep from SunPower Corp/SunPower Direct? Or an indie installer? You have to really ask the right questions to get a solid handle on that (I asked mine what the company name is on the top of their paycheck and W2).

That sounds like a high pressure sales tactic, at least according to PG&E:
What do I have to do to participate in the existing Solar Program (NEM2) rather than the new Solar Billing Plan?
By April 14, 2023, your contractor must submit an interconnection application to PG&E through PG&E’s Interconnection Portal.
The NEM2 program will be closed to new applicants starting April 15, 2023*. After, new customers will be interconnected under the new solar program— Solar Billing Plan. To qualify for NEM2 please submit the following by 11:59 p.m. on April 14, 2023 through PG&E’s Interconnection Portal:
• Completed application, free of major deficiencies (e.g. no blanks, incomplete/ inaccurate documents, changes requiring resubmission per Rule 21)
• A single-line diagram (a simplified representation of an electrical system)
• Final inspection clearance must be submitted before April 15, 2026 to retain NEM2 eligibility.
Was the rep from SunPower Corp/SunPower Direct? Or an indie installer? You have to really ask the right questions to get a solid handle on that (I asked mine what the company name is on the top of their paycheck and W2).

That sounds like a high pressure sales tactic, at least according to PG&E:

Just found the post my wife was referring to and it seems to me like someone like you or I fishing for referrals to be honest as you get $500 for anyone that contracts via your referral as you know.:laughing

Mark Buchl
Christmas Tree Lane • 1 day ago •

Choose your solar company asap if you’re still shopping. March 15 is the deadline to guarantee NEM 2.0 savings and fire pg&e. Get multiple quotes and lock one down.

I rep SunPower and can get you one of your quotes. Google “Best solar companies in California” to see SunPowers #1 ranking.

No money down, instant savings lease options or buy options are available. Both options MUCH better than uncontrolled, seemingly unregulated PG&E. 😡😤💸. Save money AND increase the value of your home.

I got all excited for a minute there - thought maybe Google was going to enter the business and offer solar shingles or something.

I put our info into the tool and it spit back a very accurate assessment, including the system cost. Pretty impressive.

Lesson? Shop around before you select your installer. It's a very price competitive business out there, and everyone understands what the competitive numbers are. As many have already found out, cost is ony one dimension, though. Other factors I priortized included:
1. professionalism of the initial pitch and proposal
2. customer satisfaction ratings, anecdotes, comments, etc. from actual customers.
3. panel specs vs pricing - fall-off rate, warranty, kw/panel rating
4. user-friendly app for system monitoring

This last one is easy to forget, but as a bit of a geek, I really appreciate having a good app to monitor my system's performance and track usage/generation history.
This last one is easy to forget, but as a bit of a geek, I really appreciate having a good app to monitor my system's performance and track usage/generation history.

food for thought, but as someone who has had solar for 8 years, I really only need to know 1) is it working ok, and then once a year I look at overall output to see if there is any fall off. Thus far the system has been really reliable, and fall off has been non-existent.

I would guess that most of the equipment is pretty decent now, solar panels aren't really complicated things. My main concern, if I was getting it right now, is if the installation yahoos will do something that causes roof leaks or maintenance issues down the road. The trades are riddled with brain dead workers right now.
WCS did their site visit last Friday. Dude was nice and after looking over electrical placement (we have the gas meter too close to the main panel problem), he fired up a drone to take 100 or so photos of the site. They apparently feed this in to a program to assist in engineering the system, placement of panels, etc. Got some great lessons in droning. He does it as a hobby also. A hobby I'm interested in but have no time for. Maybe some day.
Yeah, I followed up with an additional post explaining what this assessment is for. Allegedly it won't impact my NEM eligibility, but I am questioning that a little because they implied the permit would be submitted after this second assessment. That's on the 10th, sooooooooo I dunno. It makes me a little apprehensive, but when you roll the dice, sometimes you lose.

So today Tesla sent me a document to review and sign. It was basically an application for a city building permit. But it was blank. Nothing was filled out on it. And I just had to e-sign to acknowledge receipt of the document. So that seemed a little weird.
So today Tesla sent me a document to review and sign. It was basically an application for a city building permit. But it was blank. Nothing was filled out on it. And I just had to e-sign to acknowledge receipt of the document. So that seemed a little weird.

Yesterday I confirmed through the Contact Us that I am still okay with the NEM timeline, and I was assured again that there is no issue despite the fact they will be doing another site assessment only a few days before the cutoff.

Either they've already done something that doesn't show up in the timeline of events, OR I'm in for a rude awakening. I'm curious which of the two it is...but also a bit nervous that they're blowing smoke up by ass.
Yesterday I confirmed through the Contact Us that I am still okay with the NEM timeline, and I was assured again that there is no issue despite the fact they will be doing another site assessment only a few days before the cutoff.

Either they've already done something that doesn't show up in the timeline of events, OR I'm in for a rude awakening. I'm curious which of the two it is...but also a bit nervous that they're blowing smoke up by ass.

Well, you did sign the PG&E paperwork that referenced NEM2. Hopefully it will all work out.
My site assessment isn't until May 17th and I did get a notification from PGE that I'm on track as I'm sure you guys did as well.

The Net Energy Metering Application (Form 79-1151B-02) with the information below has been received. This confirmation email verifies that the non-refundable interconnection fee of $145 has also been received for this interconnection request (not applicable to Applicants who selected "Single-family Affordable Solar Housing" (SASH) or "Disadvantaged Community - Single-Family Affordable Solar Housing" (DAC-SASH) as a rebate option below).

Thank you for completing all of the required steps: This project is now under review. Once this project has passed the Clerical, Engineering, and Field Inspection reviews, the Permission to Operate (PTO) letter will be sent via email (if provided) or mailed.

As a reminder, the Customer may not operate their generator while interconnected to the PG&E system until receiving written permission from PG&E. Unauthorized Parallel Operation could result in injury to persons and/or damage to equipment and/or property for which the Customer may be liable.

Please do not reply to this email address, as it is not being monitored.

If you have any questions please contact us at Solar Customer Service Center at (877) 743-4112 Monday - Friday 7 am to 6 pm

Note: If you are applying for PG&E's NEM, NEMA, NEMV, NEMVMASH or in some cases NEMMT program, please be aware that these Net Energy Metering programs have reached a collective enrollment cap of 2,409 megawatts (MW) that was set by the California Legislature. All new applications are now taking Net Energy Metering service on a Successor Tariff. For more information about our Net Energy Metering programs and the Cap, please refer to the Net Energy Metering Frequently Asked Questions section on www.pge.com/nemcap.

pge.com : privacy : disclosure
For inquiries, please do not reply to this e-mail. Submit feedback via Contact Us. "PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. 77 Beale St. San Francisco, CA 94105. © 2017. Reference Number CE-001
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