Why Test Rides aren't allowed

Lots of lawns in Oregon to mow for the next few years.
Wow. It hurts just looking at the pics given how awful and stupid he must feel. Reminds me of a friend in high school who totalled his mom's GTO while trying to do a burnout at at stop sign in front of a bunch of kids from school.
There's a LOT of room in that parking lot, I can't believe he managed to launch the bike smack in the center of all those bikes. :rofl Any by the looks of it, he's wasn't wearing proper gear. I'm amazed the shop allowed him to test ride that bike. So did the kid have to pay for the repairs?
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I've seen it several times over the years. Brand spanking new bikes wadded up in a few seconds as soon as the noob tries to get going. I've seen salesmen attempting to give riding lessons for newly purchased bikes right in the parking lot. :wtf

The crunching sound is quite unique. They can even end up on top of parked cars. :|
Thank you for posting this..........

Lots of people that want demo rides find it hard to understand how much a dealer really puts on the line to allow test-rides. Believe me, we want to believe you when you tell us about all the experience you have....we really have no way of knowing your skills...and this possibility is always on the horizon. Not to mention what a nightmare it is to deal with despite any disclaimers you may sign....

I've probably seen 10-15 bikes crashed or totalled on demo rides in the 15 years I have been slinging bikes.....doesn't sound like a lot (less that one a year), but then when you consider that you deal with the aftermath for another year after the drop with the usual finger pointing and court visits......what a nightmare:facepalm
....on a more positive note....I hope he enjoys his 8 new motorcycles.......:teeth
I've seen salesmen attempting to give riding lessons for newly purchased bikes right in the parking lot. :wtf|

Yeah. I witnessed an overzealous salesman at the now defunct SLM here in San Luis do this. The result was a ghost-ridden and subsequently wadded KLR in the parking lot of the then car dealership across the street.

I actually got a good deal on a leftover, lightly damaged 81 Seca 750 back in 83 from Steakley Honda in Waco, Texas thanks to a Dad who decided to let his son sit on a bike in the showroom and proceed to knock over an entire row of Sabres, Interceptors, Viragos, etc. Dealer had to eat the whole thing.
It reminds me of the Harley dealer when I went to rent a big ass Electra Glide. After we filled out all the paperwork, then he asked if I have ever ridden a big bike. I said I had a Kymco 9s 50cc. He was sweating bullets. I finally admitted I probably can handle it unless it's harder to ride than my Busa.
Other than insurance issues, what's the general protocol for dealers with damaged bikes during demo rides, and also with demo bikes with no major issues?
Its really a shitty law that dealer's insurance have to pay for it but technically it makes sense because at time of accident, dealer is owner. Its like letting your "friend" borrow your bike. However, from what I know, dealer's insurance then can go after rider's insurance if they have it ?

On a slight tangent .. I assume its the same insurance scenario for new car purchases. You can total a car in a test drive same as a bike. Dealer would be responsible ( initially ) in both cases. So then why is it that a test drive is pretty much expected / mandatory before buying a car .. yet when it comes to bike, the dealer is doing you a favor letting you come out and test on special days.

He did more damage in 45 seconds than I could if I TRIED.
