Slamdunk Champion
I stand with trans rights and the right to self identify.
I believe what we are faced with is the changing times against centuries of male/female gender binary.
Sports from what i know has always been separated by male and female. Exception mix gender sports/teams.
So yes a male swimmer may win in a swimming match, but maybe not a tennis match. A female may win an archery match, but may not a wrestling match.
Fair, unfair idk. but least we will bring to attention the important of Trans rights, self identification. and maybe just maybe redefine how we look at Gender in Society for the good. Be free not rigged.
So i say give all the competitors on the World swimming team a medal, Money award, and let 1st finisher be a male or female.
What might be a little food for thought that puzzles me is Why Male/female/self identify folk are playing into the existing world of gender binary. I hope the underlying motive is to reshape the status quo, not reinforce a male/female world.
How about Competition in Society/Culture. Its so gender focus when it comes to the physical body. How about competition be about other attributes, like a chess game for example. Don't chew me out about the origins of chess. You get what I mean. Im all for the development of New games that bring all competitors insights.
Isn’t the idea behind classes in sports to level the playing field? Similar to nascar in that all the cars are supposed to be the same and leave it to the skill of the driver.
Classes by gender have been created to level the playing field especially in sports where men due to strength will have a competitive advantage. It’s really that simple. That’s why there are two divisions in most sports. You want a transgender woman (once a man) playing on a womens softball team? Does that seem remotely fair to naturally born women? Suddenly a pitcher throwing 10-20mph faster than ever before or a better hitting home runs every at bat?
I think how the rule is written so good, the athlete must have complete their transition before their 12th birthday I think it says.
I think instead of fitting transgender in a box not defined to them, why not crate another box/category? If you don’t, competitive women sports is going to suffer.