Who says she wasn't a good fighter? who says that being trans was the reason she was competitive? Honestly, her case is an extreme in the other direction. she had been on HRT for over a decade and had bottom surgery, which meant her testosterone levels were way lower than an average cis woman. You are starting with the assumption that being trans is an advantage and going from there.
So, first, you are wrong in saying that bone density can't change. Some drugs, including ones commonly used in transitioning, do effect bone density a little bit. Also, a lot of things effect bone structure. A girl who takes up dancing as a kid can end up permanently changing the bone structure of their legs because of how they are expected to stand. Do dancers have an unfair advantage too? Third, you are assuming that more male bone structure and density is superior, that's not really a fair assumption either, there are advantages and disadvantages to both.
You are correct, there is a different reason. No one cares about kids/teen sports actually being competitive. Those are generally more about socialization and making friends, and especially as kids it's easier to have friends who are about the same age, who you might share a class with in school, etc. A kid who goes through a growth sport doesn't get kicked off the soccer team, I don't see the relevance here.
Again, it's a big problem when you are talking about care that is routinely denied to children. The Olympics choice to look at how long someone has been on HRT and their T levels makes a lot more sense in terms of keeping fair competition while being inclusive.
Let's flip this a little bit. What if the sports association decided that they thought black women had an inherent advantage over other women, and thus denied them the ability to compete, or only allowed them to compete in an 'open class'? Would you ever, ever think that was acceptable, even if there actually was substantial evidence of the inherent advantage?
To the point I brought up about Fallon Fox, she was a shit fighter. How do I know? Because I've seen her fights and the women she fought against. I've seen better amateur fights at casinos. If you want to challenge my knowledge of following MMA, not just UFC like most casual fans, I don't think that's gonna help your argument. Being a woman transitioning to a woman
IS AN ADVANTAGE unfair to cis women. It just is. It's not any disdain against trans women.
You can tell me I'm wrong til you're blue in the face but of the trans women I've met, the later they transition, the more they physically appear more masculine, no matter what outfit, wig, and makeup they use. Bigger hands, tall, broad shoulders, etc. Spend a lot of money on surgical procedures or just don't care that kinda thing and present themselves as they are. Not speaking on it as if I'm an authority on anything trans, just anecdotal. You're viewpoint comes off as if you know trans women, I or others don't, and your research and anecdotal experiences back that up. My anecdotal experience is just as valid as yours. They knew they were women in a man's body, any heart felt explanation to me or others, but what something I never heard was worrying about a crisis of competing in sports versus being open and seeking help and acceptance from friends and family at such a young age. Even still, extensive hormone treatment for
anyone near the puberty stage is a slippery slope and I'll admit I may go back and forth in that grey area but ultimately if puberty is the line the sand to draw, then so be it. The article even says it's not promoting people rush to transition before age 12. Most cis men and women don't know what the hell to do with their hormones during puberty anyway.
Also a huge fallacy that no one cares about kid/teen sports. PED use in high school sports has become a huge problem. A ton of people care about kid/teen sports. If you are good enough as a high school freshman, still a kid maybe 13, and talented enough, you can be put on a varsity team and it is not uncommon at all for high school sports athletes to be shot up with PEDs, to be pressured to just take it to compete or heal/perform with injury.
If you want to flip the conversation, why aren't we having this discussion about men who transition to female? It's always about men who transition to female. Is there some lady that transitioned to being a female and starting racking up track and field medals? Unless I read the regulations wrong, there's nothing stopping women that transitioned to male from competing with men. Why is that? Ever seen the movie Unnecessary Roughness, great movie, where the kicker is a woman? My high school JV football team had a girl on a the squad. She was good but not
that good but determined.
Please tell me you did not in all honesty try to make a comparison of cis black women competing against other cis women to trans women competing against cis women. You are much better than that. I wouldn't even be debating with you if I didn't think so. Walk that one back, dude. Please.
a better counter argument would be height. every sport has it’s own unique physiological advantages, and one of those closely associated with swimming is height. look it up. and for reference, michael phelps is 6’4”.
Nope, wouldn't even want that. Different physical attributes are better suited to different sports. Unless you've got the talent of Muggsy Boges or Spudd Webb, basketball might not be the sport for you if you want to go far. But if you're a 7 foot tall clumsy guy that can be taught, good chance some team has a place for you.