I'm not having to reach at all. You are running back to some meaningless phrase of a talking point because you know that you can't answer the question without undermining your argument.
If you say yes, that you believe no one should be able to have a competitive advantage, it basically destroys the concept of competitive sports completely You think of separating by hand size, foot size, arm length, leg length, height, and sex all at the same time would still not get you there. Every person would basically be competing only with themselves, because there are small competitive advantages and disadvantages.
If you say that you say no, that you believe that only beyond a certain degree of advantage or disadvantage, then, as the data shows, you are going to have to start banning those elite athletes way before you start banning trans people. A trans woman, if you only pay attention to the studies that show differences, ignoring data collection issues the authors acknowledge and ignoring other studies that contradict their findings and show no difference, You are looking at relatively minor differences, like 5-15% above an average cis woman, and only on some things, and it also comes with some disadvantages which you seem to skip over. If you look at top 10% performers among cis woman, they are like 25-30% above the average cis woman on those same comparisons. If you look at elite cis women in sports, the best of the best, we are talking about 50-60% higher performance over the average cis woman.
Also, there is no evidence that trans women maintain that 12% performance bump even if they train as hard or harder than cis women at the elite levels. We are really only looking at anecdotes here, there are only a handful of trans women that have gotten into high level sports, and probably only Lia Thomas could be seen as being at an elite level. Prior to transition, she was also at the elite level for in mens swimming, and after transition, she is not dominating the competition, she won one NCAA championship in the 500 Freestyle, but otherwise, 5th in the 200m freestyle, 8th out of 8 in the 100m freestyle finals, At the same event, Kate Douglass, a cis woman, dominated, with breaking 18 different NCAA records. Again, there aren't enough trans women in sports at that top level to have a scientific study on it, but certainly not the performance you would expect if trans women have an unfair advantage over cis women.
Again, if the advantage is being a male, go play with the males in a gender specific sport. That’s an unfair advantage. The science says it so, from your own admission, from the articles both you and I have quoted, and from the sanctioning bodies. Instead of going with that, you’re trying to turn it into “well that girl has this advantage over that other girl because she was born with (insert whatever here) so let’s ban that girl too!” Really? You’re a lot smarter than that, a lot smarter. You’re probably one of the brightest dudes that posts here. We’ve both posted articles that say “the 12% advantage is maintained beyond a year.” Leah beat the Olympic Silver medalist (2020 400m medley) by almost two seconds (1.75). That year, the times were 4:32.08 and 4:32.76. Leah ain’t that far off the world record, and her times since transition have only dropped in single digits percentages.
Look man, the science is either misleading, not finished, or supports neither side, so until it’s been studied more, if you’re born a man, and the sanctioning body says you can’t compete, then you can’t compete. More people support that POV than don’t. Those numbers are better than half, about a third who say yes, and a small percentage that say IDGAF.
Leah wasn’t winning prentransition. Post transition, she takes the championship. Nah, transitioning gave her no advantage.
And again, if it wasn’t an issue, we’d be seeing the same thing when women transition to men. But we’re not seeing that, are we.
My brother held records in CIF 110 High Hurdles in Highschool and had a full ride scholarship , but threw it away, and decided not to go to college (idiot). Should he be banned? His advantage was longer legs than average. Fuck it, BAN ASSAULT LEGS!
No trans women in women sports. Have some kids, look at the potential of it to impact your child’s life because of an
UNFAIR advantage of being male, not an unfair advantage of being a better biological similar specimen with similar but more adept attributes.
Your knowledge of sports, and how a 3-5% advantage can have a dramatic impact on how one finishes, as shown in full light of Leah obliterating the competition when competing with women at the elite level, and just being an average elite level swimming prior, should be, and would be enough in any other situation. But because she’s trans, you’re choosing to die on that bill, and in typical fashion, you’ve dug in. You’re wrong here. Trans women athletes have an advantage in 90-95% of scenarios. That’s more than enough to say “Nope, you don’t get to compete against women.” Way more than enough.
I’m done.