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Time to get Fit thread

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Oh yeah no doubt. Today is heavy shoulder press day and I brought the new TOOL album and a generous serving of self-loathing.

Should be a great workout.

Self loathing :thumbup When I'm doing a heavy squat/clean day I come in and make myself so pissed. Only way to get mentally jacked.

Yesterday I think I PRd in the clean or lifted more than I have in passed 5 years. Didn't think it was gonna be a good lift day dealing with a sore right hamstring but I warmed up, felt good and just kept adding 10lb, 5lb, or 2.5lb plates on each side. Ended up cleaning 165lb. Could have done more I think but backed off and then did 8 doubles of 135lb then 5 rounds of 300m row, 10 box jumps, and 10 pushups. My lusted after full clean of 2 blues (225lb) is 5 weeks out max if I stay on my progression.
Ugh, Kim the Box here at the gym I use is outside with no AC I can just imagine how hot it feels like when you are working out in that kind of heat.

So after working all weekend outside on the yard in 100+ degree heat I decided not to hit the gym last night. Tonight it is back on and it is chest day. Kind of stoked because going to use the new routine and last week I was on call and only got in 2 sets before I got a call and had to leave. Here is the planned workout for tonight.

Bench 3 sets 6-10 reps
Incline dumbbell 2 sets 8-12 reps
chest dip 3 sets As Many As Possible
cable crossover 3 sets 12-15 reps
machine bench 5 minute burn
ez bar skull crushers 3 sets 8-12 reps
2 arm dumbbell extension 3 sets 8-12 reps
cable tricep extension 5 minute burn

oh yea theres no AC at the gym. just a warehouse type building with garage doors and one fan. :laughing I get good and sweaty so I dont mind too much. :)
I like to work out in the AC I get enough heatstroke working in the yard all week. They don't seem to have AC in the free weight room at the gym so I come out all nasty but that is usually at the end of my workout so not so bad. I share my funk with the rest of the free weight room by standing in front of the one fan they use to cool it off. If nothing else maybe they will rethink not having AC after smelling my sweat for a while. :teeth
Ok, we're rooting for Mike this Sunday. Don't forget to give him a mental burst you go to bed. Enough of them and he'll kill it!

37 WINS. Current AFM Overall Expert Points leader.

That's how many wins I've scored in the 2018 and 2019 (to date) seasons, with two more rounds to go in 2019. After taking a break in 2015-2017 for 3 years to work the AFM operations at race events (it was painful to quit racing and be at the track working) Previously, I had 9 wins, 2 class championships and 2 top 10 plates. Last year alone, I had over 20 wins, 2 class championships, and the #8 plate. This year if I'm lucky, I'll double that, near. I attribute it to a few changes, but the most significant (aside from help from Zemke) is my workout regime. It's been HUGE for winning and confidence. I'm in the same classes as always with more completion than several years ago
Since putting together a workout geared towards what I like the best, I've found something I never knew I was missing and I'm pretty sure it came from a few changes to what I'd done in the past.

I'm near twice as old as most of my competition and don't feel the age much at all (unless I put the bike on the ground...then I really feel it). My workouts have been geared almost entirely towards a sprint race, looking for endurance, strength, and most of all, intensity. What opened my eyes up differently is training with a goal in mind: winning. Racing in the 600 classes in the AFM (and racing in the AMA for several years, years ago) is a tough class to run up front and I'm bummed it took me this long to figure out "my" formula to win and not simply get podiums as I did in the past. My formula thus far is:

- Weight workout

- Non-stop weights. super sets, drop sets, etc...but high heart rate. My heart rate runs 110-165 or so the whole workout, varying. There is NO resting period, much like riding a bike at pace.

- I train as much as how I ride. One trick/ habit I'm made fun of by my friends at the races: I carry water in my mouth for almost the whole race, swallowing a bit down each lap or two and try to time to take my last gulp on the last lap. I do the same in the gym over a 12-15 minute period. The water was for dry mouth on the bike when riding, but also forced my nose open and to breathe out of my nose which slows my breathing. Weird, but I arrived on that totally by accident.

- I always incorporate either abs or legs (outer/ inner thighs/ calves/ quads) into a workout as part of the super sets. Lots of my standing exercises are done on toes for calf work and balance. Feet may be shoulder width or front to back (right directly in front of left) in a Slalom configuration. More balance/ core work from a basic tricep pulldown, etc.

- I stretch almost every workout when I'm done. I never used to stretch but it seems to have been moronic that I didn't. It's a huge help and relaxing at the end of a workout...kinda like sour patch kids for afterwards at the gym...but stretching.

- Overtraining: I crashed in T14 a few months ago in the 600SS race and did some skeletal shifting which manifested into muscle spasms...fixed by the chiro, but none the less it took me out of the gym for over a month and a half. when I went back I took it easy my first two weeks back and it turned out, I'm pretty sure I was overtraining before. I've shortened my weight workout to an hour max, and usually about 50 minutes.

- I was doing 30 minutes of high HR training as well on a bike. put it up 135 and burst to 175 or so then back down, etc. I don't think I need it right now and I'm leaner anyway so I said fuck it. I hate riding the bike anyway. Time will tell.

-AhtleanX: Thanks for the tip on him. He's got neat exercise variations and I dig his message/ techniques. I owe you guys for that one.

Other than that, I'm blown away by how much of a difference a good program makes for even our sport (Roadracing). While a good coach (Zemke) and pit crew is essential, without the residence training, I'd be where my competition is.

I put a significant amount of time on my competition in the last 2-3 laps of the races. It's great. I've never been able to perform like that in the past...I was always worrying about people passing me then and I was the one losing time to leaders, not being the leader.

Please don't take my post as arrogant...I wanted to put something like it out and my experience earlier, but I'm very superstitious about any sort of bravado or bragging when it comes to racing and results. I'm worried about the karma from this one, in fact...I really wanted to tell my success story though and I've been holding it back for awhile. After this weekend's Sonoma round of winning 4 races and getting a 2nd to Valentin Debise in 600SS, my best race finishes ever made me want to tell you guys my excitement.

Keep at the goals. You are all a great inspiration and killing it!
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37 WINS. Current AFM Overall Expert Points leader......

First off, congrats. I think it's great to share successes, especially when they are proving themselves not only to you, but to everyone else.

Plus, oftentimes, it's easy to see other people's success and not recognize the effort and work that goes into making that happen. The daily grind, getting up, and putting in work - especially when you're an adult, with a job, relationships, etc and still making it happen.

I think it's awesome and inspiring to see other "adults" killing it in our sport!! Congrats on all the hard work and years of blood, practice, and sweat paying off! :thumbup
Ok, we're rooting for Mike this Sunday. Don't forget to give him a mental burst you go to bed. Enough of them and he'll kill it!

Good luck, Mike!!

I know you'll go the distance. I'll be racing right beside you in spirit.

Get plenty of rest.
Kick ass Mike-we look forward to seeing you leading the pack.

The crew team I was on in high school had minimal budget for weights, especially in the quantity needed. The coach came up with a ton of metal bars, empty paint cans, and cement. The homemade weights worked pretty well.

Managed to hit the water again. I'm loathe to do anything else as you know, things are seasonal way out here. I was out there for about two hours, and stopped and caught dinner. Win win.

I do need to track down some weights.

I also need to not look at the scale. I have less belly, but my weight is going up and that wasn't the goal, so it's a bit depressing.
Good luck on Sunday Mike!!!!!

Workout today was fun. besides some warm up stuff, bulk of the workout was

35lbs kettle bell - suitcase pull - R
20m dash - sprint touch the line sprint touch the line
35lbs kettle bell - suitcase pull - L
20m dash

Each exercise was for a 1min and we did 5 rounds
I also need to not look at the scale. I have less belly, but my weight is going up and that wasn't the goal, so it's a bit depressing.

I wouldn't worry too much about the weight gain. If nothing else has really changed you are probably replacing fat with muscle so it may take a bit before you see it hit the scale but more so in the mirror for now.

Mike, rooting for you wish I had the stones to do a race like that. super impressed.

I hit a personal best in the gym today 5 MPH pace for 15 minutes straight on the treadmill. Now that I have reached that goal I am going to increase the time by a minute probably on Mondays and then again on Thursday and try to get to 30 minutes straight. once I hit that goal I will start increasing my speed again.

Chest and tri's are toast after tonight's workout but man it feels so good to be so drained. Just chugged 40 grams of Casein protein so I will build while I sleep.
Ok, we're rooting for Mike this Sunday. Don't forget to give him a mental burst you go to bed. Enough of them and he'll kill it!

37 WINS. Current AFM Overall Expert Points leader.

That's how many wins I've scored in the 2018 and 2019 (to date) seasons, with two more rounds to go in 2019. After taking a break in 2015-2017 for 3 years to work the AFM operations at race events (it was painful to quit racing and be at the track working) Previously, I had 9 wins, 2 class championships and 2 top 10 plates. Last year alone, I had over 20 wins, 2 class championships, and the #8 plate. This year if I'm lucky, I'll double that, near. I attribute it to a few changes, but the most significant (aside from help from Zemke) is my workout regime. It's been HUGE for winning and confidence. I'm in the same classes as always with more completion than several years ago
Since putting together a workout geared towards what I like the best, I've found something I never knew I was missing and I'm pretty sure it came from a few changes to what I'd done in the past.

I'm near twice as old as most of my competition and don't feel the age much at all (unless I put the bike on the ground...then I really feel it). My workouts have been geared almost entirely towards a sprint race, looking for endurance, strength, and most of all, intensity. What opened my eyes up differently is training with a goal in mind: winning. Racing in the 600 classes in the AFM (and racing in the AMA for several years, years ago) is a tough class to run up front and I'm bummed it took me this long to figure out "my" formula to win and not simply get podiums as I did in the past. My formula thus far is:

- Weight workout

- Non-stop weights. super sets, drop sets, etc...but high heart rate. My heart rate runs 110-165 or so the whole workout, varying. There is NO resting period, much like riding a bike at pace.

- I train as much as how I ride. One trick/ habit I'm made fun of by my friends at the races: I carry water in my mouth for almost the whole race, swallowing a bit down each lap or two and try to time to take my last gulp on the last lap. I do the same in the gym over a 12-15 minute period. The water was for dry mouth on the bike when riding, but also forced my nose open and to breathe out of my nose which slows my breathing. Weird, but I arrived on that totally by accident.

- I always incorporate either abs or legs (outer/ inner thighs/ calves/ quads) into a workout as part of the super sets. Lots of my standing exercises are done on toes for calf work and balance. Feet may be shoulder width or front to back (right directly in front of left) in a Slalom configuration. More balance/ core work from a basic tricep pulldown, etc.

- I stretch almost every workout when I'm done. I never used to stretch but it seems to have been moronic that I didn't. It's a huge help and relaxing at the end of a workout...kinda like sour patch kids for afterwards at the gym...but stretching.

- Overtraining: I crashed in T14 a few months ago in the 600SS race and did some skeletal shifting which manifested into muscle spasms...fixed by the chiro, but none the less it took me out of the gym for over a month and a half. when I went back I took it easy my first two weeks back and it turned out, I'm pretty sure I was overtraining before. I've shortened my weight workout to an hour max, and usually about 50 minutes.

- I was doing 30 minutes of high HR training as well on a bike. put it up 135 and burst to 175 or so then back down, etc. I don't think I need it right now and I'm leaner anyway so I said fuck it. I hate riding the bike anyway. Time will tell.

-AhtleanX: Thanks for the tip on him. He's got neat exercise variations and I dig his message/ techniques. I owe you guys for that one.

Other than that, I'm blown away by how much of a difference a good program makes for even our sport (Roadracing). While a good coach (Zemke) and pit crew is essential, without the residence training, I'd be where my competition is.

I put a significant amount of time on my competition in the last 2-3 laps of the races. It's great. I've never been able to perform like that in the past...I was always worrying about people passing me then and I was the one losing time to leaders, not being the leader.

Please don't take my post as arrogant...I wanted to put something like it out and my experience earlier, but I'm very superstitious about any sort of bravado or bragging when it comes to racing and results. I'm worried about the karma from this one, in fact...I really wanted to tell my success story though and I've been holding it back for awhile. After this weekend's Sonoma round of winning 4 races and getting a 2nd to Valentin Debise in 600SS, my best race finishes ever made me want to tell you guys my excitement.

Keep at the goals. You are all a great inspiration and killing it!

Looks like you been killin it!
We must be close to the same age. Those concrete/plastic weights were Orbitron or something.
I also made a squat attachment that would bolt to the uprighrs of my cheap skinny bench with a pair of 2x6 notched at the top. Totally custon!:laughing

Old guys rule!!!
37 WINS. Current AFM Overall Expert Points leader.

Not arrogant one bit. Totally inspirational! Thanks for posting you workout routine - HF! I need to take it up a notch!
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Good luck, Mike!!
Thanks Boots.

Ok, we're rooting for Mike this Sunday. Don't forget to give him a mental burst you go to bed. Enough of them and he'll kill it!
37 WINS. Current AFM Overall Expert Points leader.
Thanks Berto, your a fucking stud. It tickles me to know you are kicking the shit out of the youngsters. keep it up!
Kick ass Mike-we look forward to seeing you leading the pack.
Ha! If there are octogenarians racing I might be able to show em whats what. The real tri kids are gonna smoke me!
Good luck on Sunday Mike!!!!!
Thanks Kim! The support is much appreciated.
Mike, rooting for you wish I had the stones to do a race like that. super impressed.
Dude, this is all about ignorance and self delusion. Bravery it aint! I will be impressed with me when I finish it.

Last night I got my bike situation figured out, found the race email buried in my spam folder and basically sketched out the weekend logistics. I feel a little less unprepared now. The game plan is lots of sleep and stretching this week. My ideas of training hard a few weeks out were pretty much torpedoed with an exacto knife and a cold so I'm going with what I got. I have no idea how this is gonna play out. Trying to have no expectations and just look at it as an opportunity to get a REALLY good workout with a bike ride! I will keep yall posted.
Since sharky and beau posted pics....

I turned 59 in May. Just got back from a short getaway to Guadalajara. Met a cool chick and hung for a few days. Treated ourselves to hydrotherapy and a massage in a small lake town outside Guadalajara.

Fap away, barfettes and creamygoodness!

BTW, I was conceived in September ‘59 so i’ve lived through 7 decades which basically makes me a septuagenarian, fuck yeah bro! :twofinger


She has beautiful eyes so...


^pic by iphone 7 plus
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