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Time to get Fit thread

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I rowed for 20 minutes today and said fuck it, I'm taking a day off because my whole body is sore.

Your body likes time off...you know the deal: good long intermittent rest periods with some shrinkage are what leads to new gains.
FML, +1 on the cold.


Last night was the first night I wasn't kept up a majority of the night hacking up a lung - still woke me up once or twice, but no where near as bad. Gonna go for a pedal bike ride tomorrow and then Monday is a track day, so hopefully come Tuesday I'll be feeling pretty normal and can resume my normally scheduled programming - races fast approacheth...
I managed another good long row today-70 mins there and back.

I've been using the rowing machine when I can't hit the water and it's....mind numbing. I don't know how y'all can handle it.

Those of you still on the west coast-this is nice:


I spend a lot of time on the treadmill. Having a TV with subtitles helps but also listen to tunes. I have a different playlist for running and lifting so it helps a little bit.
Feeling really great.
M, W, F Pilates Reformer
T Su Yoga
for the past 3 weeks
Pulled a double today
Yoga and then a private Pilates
Don’t home gym shame me Bra’s. It’s a work in progress. Y’all got some nice set ups!
Tell us about your first exercise equipment.

When I was about 14 I bought a barbell and dumbell set at Big 5 or Gemco. I think the total amount of the concrete-filled, plastic covered discs was about 115 lbs. I used my bed as a bench lol

Then when I was a freshman in high school I had enough $ to buy a bench at Sears. It was one of those narrow benches that easily tipped over. I bought some more discs so that I was able to load about 192 lbs on the barbell. That was my max when I was 15. I think I was 5’5 and weighed 125. I remember the bar was bent like a U-bolt when loaded lol. And then there was the time I got stuck with 192 on my chest and had to jimmy my way out from
underneath it. Fun times, bro!
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Oh yeah no doubt. Today is heavy shoulder press day and I brought the new TOOL album and a generous serving of self-loathing.

Should be a great workout.

I added Taylor Swift's new "I'm the Man" song. And some more Carly Rae Jeppesen. Spotify..I'll share the playlist with...
Building Front squat. PR today :) 105lbs at a 3 sec descent for 5 reps.

Work out:

21 55lbs thrusters
250 single unders
18 thruster
150 single unders
9 thrusters
100 single unders.

Did I mention it was already 90 at 10am this morning when I did this workout? :whipped
Did I mention it was already 90 at 10am this morning when I did this workout? :whipped

Ugh, Kim the Box here at the gym I use is outside with no AC I can just imagine how hot it feels like when you are working out in that kind of heat.

So after working all weekend outside on the yard in 100+ degree heat I decided not to hit the gym last night. Tonight it is back on and it is chest day. Kind of stoked because going to use the new routine and last week I was on call and only got in 2 sets before I got a call and had to leave. Here is the planned workout for tonight.

Bench 3 sets 6-10 reps
Incline dumbbell 2 sets 8-12 reps
chest dip 3 sets As Many As Possible
cable crossover 3 sets 12-15 reps
machine bench 5 minute burn
ez bar skull crushers 3 sets 8-12 reps
2 arm dumbbell extension 3 sets 8-12 reps
cable tricep extension 5 minute burn
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I got a swim in yesterday. It was encouraging. I thought I would be more whipped than I was. My stitches are all out of my hand and the wound didn't open up. My cold feels like its over and my energy seems back. It will be an easy week of reminding myself I'm not that far away of where I wanted to be. Sunday is the day...Now I just need a bike. #comicallyunprepared #zeroexpectations
Tell us about your first exercise equipment.

When I was about 14 I bought a barbell and dumbell set at Big 5 or Gemco. I think the total amount of the concrete-filled, plastic covered discs was about 115 lbs. I used my bed as a bench lol

Then when I was a freshman in high school I had enough $ to buy a bench at Sears. It was one of those narrow benches that easily tipped over. I bought some more discs so that I was able to load about 192 lbs on the barbell. That was my max when I was 15. I think I was 5’5 and weighed 125. I remember the bar was bent like a U-bolt when loaded lol. And then there was the time I got stuck with 192 on my chest and had to jimmy my way out from
underneath it. Fun times, bro!

We must be close to the same age. Those concrete/plastic weights were Orbitron or something.
I also made a squat attachment that would bolt to the uprighrs of my cheap skinny bench with a pair of 2x6 notched at the top. Totally custon!:laughing
When I built a shed at our house in Cali I made a pulldown machine using the 2x6 beams I had put in with some pulleys, steel cable and assorted nuts and bolts from Orchard Supply. It actually worked rather well, although it was a pain to change the weight as you had to unscrew the nut from the end of the eye bolt and it was on there tight.
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