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Time to get Fit thread

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Totally agree. I’m 5’6 and I’ll never get under 151-53. I have wide hips for my height so I’ll never wear size 31 jeans again goddamnit.

Tonight: pecs bis and glutes.

Best thread ever. Agent Orange’s “girl help” is a close second.

I'm in between 5'6" and 5'7" (full manlette status) and generally 150-155. My target weight is in the 160s at 10-12% BF. I have a smaller frame (28" waist 45" chest), so i will always be on the light side weight wise.
I have tomorrow off work, plan is to get the garage back in order so I can get back to lifting.
No gym today. rest day. I should use these days to do something mellow like hike or just walk. But I do also have a job and hikes usually take me 3-4 hours or I should say, I prefer they take that long.
Brah, 170 is thick for you. Racing you should be more like 150 right? I just use a floatier surfboard when I hit 215+ (which actually sucks because my blood pressure goes way up when I'm more than 205).

The bigger takeaway here is that one's body has a weight it likes, find that weight and live with it happily!

Spot on your body has a weight it likes...mine has always been around mid 160's which moves 5 lbs one way or another depending if I'm working out hard or not eating and not doing weights...but you're dead on. It's hard to fight that weight too and far too much effort, hence why I get stuck at the low 170's if I want to put any more size on (which I really don't).

It might help a little to be lighter racing, but truth be told; my weight workouts mixed with some cardio have helped me a ton. The extra 10 .lbs I may be able to slim down and cary less muscle mass aren't going to make a difference winning AFM club races so long as I don't get arm pump or something.

215 is massive for you. I want a pic of that.

Wife is gone, kids are at school so I rowed on the water. I prefer that because I can't stop when I'm tired-I need to get back to shore.

Took about 80 minutes to get to the far end and back. Rough.

I heart the shit out of rowing.

I'm in between 5'6" and 5'7" (full manlette status) and generally 150-155. My target weight is in the 160s at 10-12% BF. I have a smaller frame (28" waist 45" chest), so i will always be on the light side weight wise.

We're close to the same size and close on BF...pant size is 30 for me, but the thighs/ calves are always tight. I'm pretty sure a lot of my muscle mass is in my legs..maybe from genetics and growing up with leg heavy sports (snow/ water skiing/ jet skiing)..
215 is massive for you. I want a pic of that.

This is me at 212lbs and about 9% BF. Wish I had a leg shot too, my ass was massive.


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I'm in between 5'6" and 5'7" (full manlette status) and generally 150-155. My target weight is in the 160s at 10-12% BF. I have a smaller frame (28" waist 45" chest), so i will always be on the light side weight wise.

28 & 45? I am jelly. You look much heavier in your pull up pic because of your muscle-y muscles!

Fwiw, I’m 5’6, 32 waist, 39 boobies, BF is probably 15% (got that stupid fat pad just below navel that won’t disappear unless I eat spinach & tuna 24/7/365 goddamnit).
28 & 45? I am jelly. You look much heavier in your pull up pic because of your muscle-y muscles!

Fwiw, I’m 5’6, 32 waist, 39 boobies, BF is probably 15% (got that stupid fat pad just below navel that won’t disappear unless I eat spinach & tuna 24/7/365 goddamnit).

I am pretty fortunate with my development. I am not particularly heavy legged so I do carry mass up top. Most people estimate my weight at about 160 to 170. I am going to try and eat a little better these days, but maintain my calorie count because I just am not that strong at sub 10% BF.
I realized the other day in the pool I don't float anymore. I'm assuming you don't either broseph.

It's funny you mention this, just Tuesday I was underwater training in the pool and realized I sink like a stone. I was never conscious of it before then but usually when I'm in the water I'm wearing a wetsuit (4mm is super floaty).

On another note, by body is just not happy with me above 205- my heart doesn't like doing that much more work and it's not very subtle about letting me know its displeasure.
Started a new 8-week routine this week and here is what yesterdays shoulder, trap and forearm workout was like.

Did 10-minute warmup on the treadmill and 15 minutes at 4.9 pace with another cooldown taking me to about 35 or 40 minutes. Then I hit the weights.
Seated Barbell Press 3 sets 6-10 reps
seated Arnold press 3 sets 8-12 reps
Dumbell Lateral raises 3 sets 10-15 reps
Seated press on Smith machine 5-minute burn
modified upright row 3 sets 8-12 reps
Barbell shrugs 5-minute burn
Dumbbell wrist curls 3 sets 12-15 reps
Barbell static hold 5-minute burn

really wiped out my shoulders, traps and forearms but still feelng pretty good.
I have had a nasty cold someone was kind enough to share with me this week - yesterday and today I'm not feeling too horrible (still coughing up a lung on occasion), but the biggest issue is the damn coughing is keeping me up all night and sleep is still horrible....going to force myself to get up again next week, but took this week off (felt like total crap most of the week).
I have had a nasty cold someone was kind enough to share with me this week - yesterday and today I'm not feeling too horrible (still coughing up a lung on occasion), but the biggest issue is the damn coughing is keeping me up all night and sleep is still horrible....going to force myself to get up again next week, but took this week off (felt like total crap most of the week).

I fucking hate summer colds they are the worst. I wind up coughing up mucous for a month or so. So thanks for all gym-goers everywhere for not going to the gym and spreading the plague. Hope you feel better and can get back into it next week.
ive got some friends that have convinced me to start open-water swimming with them. SD has some nice ocean swimming lanes so u don't get run over by a boat. unfortunately, open water freaks me out even though I have zero issue with the swimming part :laughing. I guess its time to do it more so I can "screw my lead-head on" (climbing reference).
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