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“This is my fucking road”

You know that feeling you get in your stomach when things get hairy?

I used to get that when I was a teenager. Then I started racing motorcycles and commuting on a heavily trafficked, mountain road. That feeling has pretty much gone away. You get used to people acting aggressively.

You guys probably haven't ridden in Italy either.

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if passed by a better, faster or less risk adverse rider don't get butt hurt. If called to task by butthurt rider apologize and move on.
The best revenge is living to ride another day.
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if passed by a better, faster or less risk adverse rider don't get butt hurt. If called to task by butthurt rider apologize and move on.
The best revenge is living to ride another day.
All well and good if it doesn't freak out a newer rider in your group leading to an incident.

Italy looks fun as hell!! Were you the camera bike?
It's been my experience that the easiest way to deal with pissed off people is to agree with them, apologize for your behavior, and say you'll never ever do whatever it is that pissed them off again. That way you don't have do argue, they go away feeling better, and you're done. Then you can proceed to go about your business.
I've experienced a guy yelling at me because of a pass he thought was too dangerous. (It wasn't but that was his perspective)

Difference is... it was at the track. Not on the road.

This dude can kick rocks. There's nothing okay or redeemable here other than to just apologize and say "my fault."
Coming from an entirely MX background, it took me a long time to realize that motorcyclists are just a microcosm of the world. You have the full gamut of skilled enthusiasts, racers, chill vibe strollers, unskilled lunatics, punks, uptight nerds, attention seekers, karens, etc. etc. What I thought was a cool kid club, wasn't at all a cool kid club. It's not a monolith of anything. Emo overreactions from all parties aside, this is partially why A and C don't ride together, not just because of disparities in skill, but because the perception of what's happening could not be further apart.
I invited Cueball to come race with us in the AFM and that if he comes out, I'll buy his first race. Everyone needs redemption and an olive branch. Let's see if we can get him on the right venue for his riding style.
I invited Cueball to come race with us in the AFM and that if he comes out, I'll buy his first race. Everyone needs redemption and an olive branch. Let's see if we can get him on the right venue for his riding style.
In the history of AFM has there ever been an event held on a closed public road? Close off highway 9 for half of a day and have Cueball show FP a thing or two...LOL
I invited Cueball to come race with us in the AFM and that if he comes out, I'll buy his first race. Everyone needs redemption and an olive branch. Let's see if we can get him on the right venue for his riding style.
Not a chance he accepts.
Coming from an entirely MX background, it took me a long time to realize that motorcyclists are just a microcosm of the world. You have the full gamut of skilled enthusiasts, racers, chill vibe strollers, unskilled lunatics, punks, uptight nerds, attention seekers, karens, etc. etc. What I thought was a cool kid club, wasn't at all a cool kid club. It's not a monolith of anything. Emo overreactions from all parties aside, this is partially why A and C don't ride together, not just because of disparities in skill, but because the perception of what's happening could not be further apart
Motorcyclists are a significant outlier when insurance data reveals 28% lower overall (all vehicles operated) claim rate for endorsed riders. Risk aversion among the normies makes them a distinct class. By implication, endorsed riders with a modicum of training and experience are in the cool kids club. That said, I like your gamut. By leaving off "commuter" I can only fall into its "skilled enthusiast" category.
No public road races that I've known of in the AFM...going back really far. I don't think CA would take kindly to an event like that, despite it being pretty cool.