BARF 5th birthday Bash! October 15th

Marco doesn' t drink Coors he drinks Coors light BIG difference! :teeth
It doesn't count for brand loyalty? I guess your right, Coors Light takes it to the next level.


So, does that mean there will be Coors Light at this event then?

"9. Moderator recognition." :nerd This should be very interesting!

Has anyone thought about renting a dunk tank and asking for volunteers out of Barf's pool of infamous characters? $5 for three balls to dunk your favorite barfer and the money goes to Barf or to a charity cause?

Regardless I'm looking forward to the event, Budman! :cool
Okay, so... a more important question.

If I show up w/ a 2-liter of Coke w/ some good ol' Crown mixed in, AND a Camel-Pak full a Newkie... Will I get thrown out?
Here is the anniversary shirt design, nice and simple. Graphics will be centered at chest level front and back as indicated :)

staRang said:
Bap, you homo. Please answer the BOOZE question!!!

I love it when you get rough :love

The answer is there will be no official booze at the party as of this writing.

What you do is none of my bizness... however, I expect you and I, and some others, will be swilling some newkies and taking some shots before, during, and after the official party. I'll be supplying some single malt, but no mixing of the good stuff mmmmkay? :p
Psychochik said:
Who's making the I've been BAP'd on BARF shirts ?!?!?! :laughing

Tell you what.... if there's enough interest, we'll do a small run of them, but you've gotta generate your own interest... start a thread and a shirt design contest or something :laughing
Baptistro said:
I love it when you get rough :love

The answer is there will be no official booze at the party as of this writing.

What you do is none of my bizness... however, I expect you and I, and some others, will be swilling some newkies and taking some shots before, during, and after the official party. I'll be supplying some single malt, but no mixing of the good stuff mmmmkay? :p

Pimpin'. I've purchasd a number of Glennmorangie 12 - Sherry - bottles since our special night at your place.

Birds chirping, full pint glasses of Scotch - courtesy of Roundbizzle. I'll never forget that day.
The Elk Grove contingent hopes to attend.

If I have the kids, they will be coming also.

btw, where the hell is milpitas?