BARF 5th birthday Bash! October 15th

go to your profile, in the URL , you will find your member number ;)
Baptistro said:

I had a short bus moment !!! :laughing :laughing

staRang said:
I'm sub 200's!! Gim'me my accolade!!

The grannies of BARF applaud you !! :p

Wait a minute...what's this thread about again?

Shirt looks great.
I'll be there for one of those, for sure.

Member #5018

i want to help out

you have a volunteer here. just dont put me on garbage or clean up detail. i'm a trades person by profession. i can help set up-break down =whatever. i just want to meet some cool poeple. i'm new to the world of biking and i'm lonely(boo-hoo). need some meetings with new folks to hang out with, ride with, whtever. how can i be of service? where's milpitas? i'm in marin.
Yeah, tell him my Italiano potna'.

That avatar, looks just like me and you, Hooli. Black as midnight.