BARF 5th birthday Bash! October 15th

Bad Dad said:
The Elk Grove contingent hopes to attend.

If I have the kids, they will be coming also.

btw, where the hell is milpitas?
google much? :laughing
I will be bring some Guinness only if you share your stash with me. ;)
Baptistro said:
..I expect you and I, and some others, will be swilling some newkies and taking some shots before, during, and after the official party. I'll be supplying some single malt, but no mixing of the good stuff mmmmkay? :p
staRang said:
Pimpin'. I've purchasd a number of Glennmorangie 12 - Sherry - bottles since our special night at your place.

If you liked that, you're gonna love the Oban I've got open right now. :staRang
will be there(most likly) my bike isnt nothing special if its sittin next to a sports rocket tho...

will be buying some shirts, and will have to wear them all home :D :D :D
cat_in_sf said:
Wait...this is Sunday, maybe I can talk Pete into coming home a day early......

I need a nice big Cat hug!

Cool, count me in.

I spent a few minutes and did some searching on BARF.

There are currently about 3500 people that have posted in the last 60 days.

Over 18000 have registered.

there are about 800 people that have been barfers for 3+ years and have posted in the last 60 days.

There are about 600 barfers with 1000+ posts.

There are about 300 barfers with 2000+ posts.

there are about 100 barfers with 5000+ posts and nearly all of them are still active members.

Of the first 1000 barfers, about 250 are still active!

Of the first 100 barfers, about 50 are still active!
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canyonrat said:
Cool, count me in.

I spent a few minutes and did some searching on BARF.

There are currently about 3500 people that have posted in the last 60 days.

Over 18000 have registered.

there are about 800 people that have been barfers for 3+ years and have posted in the last 60 days.

There are about 600 barfers with 1000+ posts.

There are about 300 barfers with 2000+ posts.

there are about 100 barfers with 5000+ posts and nearly all of them are still active members.

:nerd :laughing