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BARF Amatuer Jam 4 - 01/08/2010, 7:00 PM

Should I bring my amp? Do you think we'll need it or will there be plenty?

Yes only because you have the best sounding amp i've ever heard. I never looked at my Mesa Boogie the same way again.
Hey guys let's all list what we're planning to bring so we can decide if it'll be too much or not enough.

I'm bringing an acoustic drum set.
I'll just bring a guitar and a set of backup strings.
I'll bring the amp, though I don't think I've picked up the guitar since the last jam, so I don't think I'll be playing much. :teeth
I'm bringing earplugs and me anorak :toothless

and cheap white wine

and maybe a crockpot full of home made chili (anyone??? yay, nay???)

and me own groupie/roadie/tour bus driver :banana

I'm leaving grumpy at home :)

and I'm gonna play the cowbell, consider yourselves warned :rofl
and cheap white wine


I'm bringing earplugs and me anorak :toothless

As said before, earplugs are a great idea. We're total idiots; we play for a few minutes, realize we should have earplugs in, put them in and then turn everything up more. :laughing
Hopefully I'll make it. If I don't chicken out I'll be bringing my bass , amp + 210 cab and crappy bass playing skills.

Hopefully I'll make it. If I don't chicken out I'll be bringing my bass , amp + 210 cab and crappy bass playing skills.

Please don't chicken out. We try to make this something everyone can enjoy. The tone of the event will be set by who participates. It takes a little boldness to step up and play with people you haven't played with before, but from what I've seen we're all our own worst critic. In the past, people have been supportive of each other.

The nature of jamming is to explore and mistakes are inevitable. Nobody is judging the performance; we're there to have fun playing together. There will be plenty of fumbling (I do a lot of that) and a few magic moments where you'll feel like, "That was cool." The key is always to get our attention off our ego and onto the music.

I hope you'll be there.