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Collect and Grow Succulents/Cactus?

Found this in the "Elfin Forest"

Kinda wondering who dances around this thing, , ,

My across the street neighbor has the exact same phallus growing high in the sky. Can't wait to see what it blooms like.
Thanks for the info for eating snails, there was a woman here in my park that wanted to grow them as food to sell. I guessed there may be a special diet to make them better/less gamey.
Back for another look, some minor changes.


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I've enjoyed succulents since I was a kid, when my mother encouraged my siblings and me to build redwood planter boxers. Here are some of my wife's collection. Unfortunately with my wife now in a memory care facility I don't keep them as well groomed as she used to, plus last summer's brutal heat didn't do them any favors.


I always call the Crinkle Leaf Plant "ravioli plant"


Baby Burro's Tail


Ladyfinger Cactus, or as I call it Brain cactus

Black Rose

Plover Eggs

Myrtle Spurge

String of Buttons

Paintbrush - I call it tongue plant

Peanut Cactus

As a kid I used to experiment with cactus grafting. My mother had lots of big prickly pear cactus and I successfully carved holes in the faces of the prickly pear leaves and plugged in pieces of peanut cactus, which would grow and even bloom! Fun times.

wow-great collection! I have 2 brains but they are midgets compared to yours!
Thanks so much for sharing and if you want to ever exchange cuttings let me know. I hope you enjoy the hobby if you choose it!
wow-great collection! I have 2 brains but they are midgets compared to yours!
Thanks so much for sharing and if you want to ever exchange cuttings let me know. I hope you enjoy the hobby if you choose it!

Thanks, I have always enjoyed the variety and easy care of succulents. At this point I'm in the maintenance phase rather than additional collecting. But if you see anything of mine you would like to have you're more than welcome to grab a start off any of mine. Most are in need of separating and repotting anyway!

This big boy in my collection has been blooming for three weeks and has sprouted several "pups" around its base.

Sorry I have no photos to post but my wife and I have a fair amount of cacti and succulents. My home is a Spanish style and we both loved the southwest. Therefore, my home is filled with various succulents and cacti, to say nothing of the artwork. I even have a Kiva style fireplace in my family room.
I can imagine that your place is beautiful!
I've not yet mastered how to post photos but when I do, I'll show you mine.
started a few years back during the pandemic/draught. Used to have one of them ever-enlarging bushes that spiders and other critters like to hide in at that spot. Took a few weeks of digging out the root system to remove it all. The wife decided to plant succulents in their stead. I think it's turning out pretty nice:


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Cactus here in Az. are under threat from the heat.
I think they are being cooked internally, all that water heated from the sun.
Saguaros and agave are taking the big hits.
Tequila and Mescal are threatened.
It's so hot in the direct sunlight. I however, enjoy the heat very much when I have at my disposal ways in which to cool down.
My Paint Brush plant (Haemanthus albiflos) is now blooming its heart out. They are a great shade loving succulent that grows from bulbs which divide and expand.



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Been here before, Bike on location pix, Nitt Witt Ridge, this time survivors, I noticed the only plants still living are the succulents, and two palms.

It has been awhile since the listing brochures were stocked, and a realtor sign planted. I think the only available parking for this, I'm in it.


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