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Do You Road Bike?

Calvin. I have to be in SF for a baby shower (yeah I know) at noon that day.
If you ride really early I will join you. I PM'd you my cell #.
too bad i dont live much closer and dont only have my bike (R1) as my only transportation but i havent ridden my bicycle in ages but to play along heres a couple pics of mine and my brothers bikes

mines the litespeed and heres a pic of a TT bike my brother built up.
Anyone live around Fairfield area? A couple of buddies and I are going for a ride tomorrow morning. Mankas corner to Gordon Valley Road to Green Valley Road toward Lake Beryessa (4 corners). Let me know. We just started again this year. This is only our third ride so we probably really slow.
MackeyStingray said:
i may do a late morning/early afternoon cycle ride through sawyer camp road (crystal springs resavoir) starting from the northside (off millbrae ave.) this sunday. pretty mellow pace, going to to slowly get back into it. it's only a 6mi. run; 12mi. roundtrip.

if you're down, PM me. i'll be riding a brush metal Ti simpson bike and have a blue helmet on.

Saturday or Sunday? I have been wanting to ride my single speed on that trail for a while now.....
And why stop at the bicycle... :teeth Wonder if I can get the Mille inside too ;)

cheezy said:
Dig the biking shoes, clipless?

:laughing :laughing

Those boots go with my sailing gears.. ;) Mostly sailed in college and a few times with the Club Nautique in Sausalito.

Hey I use to sail too on a Beneteau '39 . Still, dig them boots man, goulashe clipless, pretty damn cool.
Anyone interested in doing Mt. Hamilton this weekend sometime?

*Looks like I will be doing this on Saturday, starting sometime before noon if anyone is interested.
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Likewise - I'm gonna be on the trails this weekend though.

AK, did you mention something about doing triathlons in a different thread?
It's gonna be burning hot this weekend. I will ride in the early morning near my house.. Have fun guys!
As much as I would like to ride this weekend, I HAVE to rest my knee. *knee injuries suck*