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Ex-hedge funder buys rights to AIDS drug and raises price from $13.50 to $750 per pill

What's it gonna take for America to embrace the idea of commonwealth again? Can philanthropy come back please? Can you imagine what it would be like if polio were around today? Every shitbag money changer would be tripping over themselves to cash in on the vaccine while the world was busy being crippled, literally. Something has to give. I might be ok with bringing back the guillotine.

Historically, this all moves in cycles.. So, all its gonna take is time.
Periods of materialism and ego don't last forever.

We get the world we deserve at the end of day when such things become commonplace. You can trace it roots across the board from top to bottom of a society.
I'm not sure how this tirade resulted from my statement.

I never even implied he was the only one doing it

"Make your money and stfu" implies its fine to make money in this manner as long as you don't get caught.

If a large number of people do this and worse and they don't get 'caught' (prosecuted) it would appear a society is signaling that its fine.

So, if you never implied he's the only one doing it... You must be of the belief that he isn't.. and if he isn't and the regulators aren't locking these monkeys up by the day, they must be fine with it.. and, if society does nothing to promote the prosecution of this behavior when they know this is what is occurring, they must be fine with it too.

How many people went to jail for 2008? So, it is what it is.. and those who know what it is, don't talk about it as a result.
What's it gonna take for America to embrace the idea of commonwealth again? Can philanthropy come back please? Can you imagine what it would be like if polio were around today? Every shitbag money changer would be tripping over themselves to cash in on the vaccine while the world was busy being crippled, literally. Something has to give. I might be ok with bringing back the guillotine.

No. Shut up and bootstraps.
Why is it, then, that you go on and on about your financial expertise and how quickly you're going to be out of the game? :laughing
:laughing because I don't.. Is that what you take market commentary as? Maybe i should shut up .. Just goes to show you what I said holds true even on minor scales.. People get but hurt quick.

Also, your entire theory is flawed, as he didn't say boo about it. Find me the article where this twat said anything to anyone about his money or his purchase of a drug company and its subsequent price increase. :dunno
How do you think something becomes an article? Because no one said boo about it .. said no one.
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Society isn't fine with lots of things, that it doesn't have the power to change.

Society isn't fine with lots of things, that it doesn't care about or put in effort to change
Fixed that for you.

*back to the regularly scheduled thread
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No. Shut up and bootstraps.

Arguably, making something from nothing, e.g. raising a price, what del Martin duShKreli has bin doing, is probably exactly what seems to be akin to bootstraps

but yeah
bootstraps :rolleyes
Why is it, then, that you go on and on about your financial expertise and how quickly you're going to be out of the game? :laughing

Also, your entire theory is flawed, as he didn't say boo about it. Find me the article where this twat said anything to anyone about his money or his purchase of a drug company and its subsequent price increase. :dunno

I believe the term to use here is 'rekt'

Arguably, making something from nothing, e.g. raising a price, what del Martin duShKreli has bin doing, is probably exactly what seems to be akin to bootstraps

but yeah
bootstraps :rolleyes

maybe to the ultra rich.

preying on something that people need to fucking survive is downright evil.
:laughing because I don't.. Is that what you take market commentary as? Maybe i should shut up .. Just goes to show you what I said holds true even on minor scales.. People get but hurt quick.

Amazing how quickly you reach for that "butthurt" response anytime you're challenged.
It has nothing to do with your 'market commentary' and everything to do with your gloating of your personal financial success (whatever that level may actually be).

Why on earth would I be butthurt over something you said about making money and shutting up? That's the part I don't get. What is it you said that you think offended me? :dunno

How do you think something becomes an article? Because no one said boo about it .. said no one.
Except that's not at all what you said, is it? Completely and utterly different that someone ELSE reported on it, than him bragging about it...which is what you said.
If you can't defend your statement that's fine, but it's stupid to try and pretend like you said something else.

Make your money and stfu. Hopefully he's learned from this.. All the young hotshots need to at least once.

maybe to the ultra rich.

preying on something that people need to fucking survive is downright evil.

damn, I should've clarified/left my other edit.
Yea, arguably, "making something from nothing by screwing other people" could seem to be akin to bootstraps

if no one would catch him, del Fund Managshkreli would someday claim "I made all of this from nothing"

tons tons of not-really-bootstraps-examples like this, e.g. somebody getting rich but not saying what he/she did in hiding to do it. (not necessarily directly screwing people over)
Hopefully I'll catch his episode on American Greed.
Well yeah. People like that are disconnected from reality.
Sweetycakes guy actually says on camera that he would love to lower the price of That Drug--"it would be better for [him]"--so that he's not in the hot seat with the interviewer.
Unfortunately however, poor guy be bound by Delaware law to increase profits for shareholders(by raising the price many many times)--shazaamm now he's not a bad guy anymore.
