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Ex-hedge funder buys rights to AIDS drug and raises price from $13.50 to $750 per pill

Knowing this country, he'll be out in 18 months for good behavior and for "recognizance" of his harmless white-collar nature.

Doesn't work that way for Fed time. You're in for the duration.

Also not what "recognizance" means...

a bond by which a person undertakes before a court or magistrate to observe some condition, especially to appear when summoned.
"he was released on his own recognizance"
Too bad what he did with Daraprim isn't the crime he's answering for. I'd like to see Heather Bresch defending her freedom for EpiPen.

Anyway, glad to see a financier getting convicted for a Ponzi scheme. Too bad this would never have happened if it weren't for Shkreli's high profile douchery. Plenty of other fucks just like him who should be behind bars, but won't because LA Times isn't reporting on what assholes they are.

In this respect, he is answering for what he did with Daraprim.
HA! it would be rad if they put it out on the web while he is locked up.

Livestream his cell!

True but he was convected of taking $$$$ from the rich; not for screwing the people who need their meds. :thumbdown

Still glad to see him do some time. :thumbup

Yeah, but justice ins't always as pure, even if it is justice. Capone. OJ.
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Doesn't work that way for Fed time. You're in for the duration.

Not correct.

There is a "Good Time Credit" earned by federal inmates that has a limitation. Google says it is 54 days per year but really only 47 according to some advocacy groups.

Federal prisons paperwork comes across my desk every few months and I don't pay much attention to that part (as all I really care about is confinement date, conviction date and release date)
So because someone was born with certain facial characteristics, he deserves to be hit or punished more severely? Whatever floats your boat. I'd like to see some of your faces -- I doubt any of you are actor/model material.
So because someone was born with certain facial characteristics, he deserves to be hit or punished more severely? Whatever floats your boat. I'd like to see some of your faces -- I doubt any of you are actor/model material.

I'm a hand and calf model as a side gig. :x
I've been watching this guy for about the past year and a half or so on social media. He is a (or was) a prolific poster on Twitter (until they kicked him), FB, and several other interactive social media sites. This guy is probably the biggest douche on the planet. He really does have a face and personality that you want to smash to the surface, a true POS. I have been waiting patiently for this asshole to get convicted and can't wait to hear about him in pound your ass prison. He will make a perfect "celly bitch". He had better hone up on his underwear and sock washing skills. They are very important skills to have when you're Bubbas "celly bitch".
So because someone was born with certain facial characteristics, he deserves to be hit or punished more severely? Whatever floats your boat. I'd like to see some of your faces -- I doubt any of you are actor/model material.

yes this guy has the most punch-able face i have ever seen.
So because someone was born with certain facial characteristics, he deserves to be hit or punished more severely? Whatever floats your boat. I'd like to see some of your faces -- I doubt any of you are actor/model material.

Im pretty sure most of us want to punch this guy because he is a turbo douche. Not because of his bone structure.