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Ex-hedge funder buys rights to AIDS drug and raises price from $13.50 to $750 per pill

That lite grey hoodie actually looks better n thicker than many of me hoodies I ever owned. Has the double hand-clench pocket AND a tuff zipper , oh yeah
So this is what success looks like...


In America, this IS what success looks like! :nchantr

IMO the two LEO's holding him look like actors. What if this whole thing was some convoluted plan by Shkrelli to escape the country? Hire some actors to arrest him and such?

I know it isn't, but that would be really crazy!
In America, this IS what success looks like! :nchantr

IMO the two LEO's holding him look like actors. What if this whole thing was some convoluted plan by Shkrelli to escape the country? Hire some actors to arrest him and such?

I know it isn't, but that would be really crazy!
Haha I was thinking the exact same thing (the look like actors bit). The rest of the tin foil I wasn't thinking though :twofinger
Pharma bro is convicted!!!! He could face 20 years! :applause

Though this wasn't for the Daraprim shenanigans.

Martin Shkreli Is Found Guilty of Fraud https://nyti.ms/2hveUR2
It's a good day when white collar crime gets punished. I hope hes in prison for at least 5 years. It wont hurt my feelings too much if he has to serve 10, 15 or even the 20.
Too bad what he did with Daraprim isn't the crime he's answering for. I'd like to see Heather Bresch defending her freedom for EpiPen.

Anyway, glad to see a financier getting convicted for a Ponzi scheme. Too bad this would never have happened if it weren't for Shkreli's high profile douchery. Plenty of other fucks just like him who should be behind bars, but won't because LA Times isn't reporting on what assholes they are.
A nice, Feel-Good Friday story. :thumbup

True but he was convected of taking $$$$ from the rich; not for screwing the people who need their meds. :thumbdown

Still glad to see him do some time. :thumbup
True but he was convected of taking $$$$ from the rich; not for screwing the people who need their meds. :thumbdown


Steal from the rich, go to jail. Steal from the poor and middle class, get appointed as the Secretary of Treasury.