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I had a bad accident tonight..

as everyone has said already, so sorry to hear about your accident yet you got up and continue to walk about in this world-that's frickin great cuz it sounds like you had a bad git off.
If you need anything, let us know and hopefully you'll abide by your parents wishes.
ScottRNelson said:
I would have to admit that if my son had your track record on motorcycles, I would also ban him from riding while still a resident of my house. I still have to deal with his occasional concussions from motocross, skateboards, and BMX, though.

Well on that logic my kids and wife would have to ban me from all those activities too!!

Frong- be yourself, life is a big adventure to be grabbed with both hands and enjoyed.

I'm sure you'll come through this- and your parents too- in a few weeks or whatever.

If you show them your passion for the bike by fixing it up and getting it good to go again, I'm sure they'll see what it means to you and come around given time and persuasion.

And some smartass once said (not me, some other smartass) that wisdom and experience are built from the memories of all our successes and mistakes. No mistakes, no wisdom.

Your account showed that you are being thoughtful and have analysed what happened, what you could do about it and how you can avoid it next time.

That makes you a wise man and an intelligent rider.

Too bad kid. Glad to hear you're OK. Let that knee heal up real good before you decide to ride again. :)
damn frong...i hope you heal up quick man...if you need anything, just holler...

btw> if that track time is still available, PM me since my buds are going the same day as well..
That sucks. Get better and we'll see you in a year or two. I'm glad you had leathers, they saved me once too. Why turn what can be a minor accident to a big deal. That and I don't fancy scrub brushes in my open wounds ;p

That's the problem with street riding - you don't know what the other driver is going to do. Unless you have a clear shot with good visibility and no driveways, be careful!

Often other drivers will do the stupidest things.
You'll heal up and get back out there again. Everybody (well, most everybopdy, anyway) always does. Motorcycles are like crack- once you start you NEED to keep going. :) Glad to hear that you are okay. I think most riders get at least one "get out of jail free" card. If you use it and learn from it, hopefully you won't need another one. Sounds like you learned, and from what I hear you are doing exceptionally well, for the amount of time that you have ridden.

Your parents are panicking, adn prbably feeling guilty; give them time. They probably didn't like the idea in the first tplace, but you sound responsible, so they probably let you learn for yourself how dangerous bikes are. Since you wrecked, they are probably blaming themselves fro letting you get it in the first palce. That's why they won't let you 'till you move out. Okay. Enough AssnFreud...

Get Well!
oh shiiiiiiiiiii*****!!!

Hi Frong,

Thank god you came out relatively unscathed. :wow

The more i think about it, the more del puerto and mines sounds like a better option. Definitely alot less traffic back there.

It would take me 2 years to get used to that road. So MANY turns . :loco

Good outlook on things man.

Now just move out to your own place and get a bike again.
Hey guys...thanks for all the responses...

Anyway, today I am sore all over...my neck kinda hurts too..but my leg is practically unmoveable...I can't straighten it out and its pretty swollen. I definatley gotta go get it checked out today. Its more the side of my leg that hurts..the right side of where your leg bends is all jacked up...

And details on the turns...

I don't really remember the turn numbers or anything but lets say you were comming from boulder creek to 4 corners...there is this one left hand turn that kinda goes uphill...and right before it is a parking lot where you have a view of the scenery...people pull in all the time and stuff..

Glad to hear you are relatively okay and sad to hear that the parental units are putting the binders on your motorcycling enjoyment.

I agree with most of the others on how experience, practicing, luck, skill, and other factors may have helped or could have possibly even assisting you in avoiding going down. However, I do also believe that there are many conditions that we cannot control no matter how skilled we are. If that car came across into your lane and hitting you, then the only thing you could have done to avoid the situation would have been to stay home.

Since that is not an option, I think if you were able to walk away from it and learn something you are indeed very well off. Experience and learning how to deal with adversities without panicking is also essential in our survival in the asphalt jungles out there.

Heal well and hopefully your parents give you some slack once you're all better.
I know I'm late to the thread, but sorry to hear what happend... :(

Glad you came out ok (minus the knee of course) and I'm especially glad you had a suit. Nothing makes me more angry than riders who ride quick (doesn't have to be crazy) and don't repair for the worst (with a full suit).

Hope you're knee gets better, and I'm sure you'll get back on a bike as soon as you can.

Get well!

Man, glad you ok and sorry about your accident. Get that leg checked out. Bummer about the way your parents reacted to the accident. Take care youngster and good luck!!
Sorry to hear. I'm glad that you came out of a bad situation relatively unharmed. I am sure you'll be back on the road once you are independent. Best wishes.
fr0ng said:
I was riding on the backside of 9 with NewbinoR6 and ToNiC...me and Newbino were going at a pretty quick pace (I'd say I was riding at 85% of my limit) and I'm in the middle of a turn when a car who is dangerously speeding comes into my lane because he was going too fast..so I had 2 choices...straighten the bike up and lose my line nor hit the car dead on.

So the car was 'dangerously speeding'? What were you doing? Safely speeding? How fast were you going? What's the speed limit on the road you were on?

How far into your lane did the car come? What kind of corner were you going around when this happened? Why didn't you see the car before you went through the corner? Were you riding "The Pace"?

Parents said I can't ever ride as long as I live with them, so I gotta respect their wishes...gonna fix up the bike and sell it... :(

I'm happy they have your well-being at heart. I don't think you should have been on a bike in the first place - at least THAT bike. Dude, everyone who has read your previous posts has known this was coming. I'm happy you didn't take anyone else out with you.

Why don't you spend some time volunteering at the track during your riding hiatus? You could work as a cornerworker for the AFM: helping riders who crash, flagging, working the radio, etc. Maybe once you've moved out and you decide to get another bike you'll think about a nice little EX250 and some track time.
Hey Fr0ng...Sorry about your crash...Glad you are OK!!!!

Good Luck

P.S Now you don't have too worry about the emergency breaking :)

wsitch said:
So the car was 'dangerously speeding'? What were you doing? Safely speeding? How fast were you going? What's the speed limit on the road you were on?

How far into your lane did the car come? What kind of corner were you going around when this happened? Why didn't you see the car before you went through the corner? Were you riding "The Pace"?

I'm happy they have your well-being at heart. I don't think you should have been on a bike in the first place - at least THAT bike. Dude, everyone who has read your previous posts has known this was coming. I'm happy you didn't take anyone else out with you.

Why don't you spend some time volunteering at the track during your riding hiatus? You could work as a cornerworker for the AFM: helping riders who crash, flagging, working the radio, etc. Maybe once you've moved out and you decide to get another bike you'll think about a nice little EX250 and some track time.

I hope you're kidding....

I already said I was speeding and it is partly my fault. Another problem I had was getting too close to the double yellow while apexing the turn...if I was going slower and had stayed in the middle of the road, I could have most likely avoided it...but that guy's tires were past the yellow and me being close to the yellow myself didn't make it better....
Everything happens for a reason

Though I was there, I did not witness the incident until the aftermath. So many variables could have changed what occured last night. Everything from me running late, to waiting for Brian, to making the decision to take the backside of 9...but I am soooo a believer in that everything happens for a reason. Life is full of choices, and there is never a wrong or right choice, but making the better choice. This is just some insight from my past. Every single person we meet in life affects us in one way or another, may it be for life, a season or a reason. Life is very short, enjoy that gift of breathe and please don't take it for granted.
Much Love,
fr0ng, sorry to hear of your scare. Please blow off the mean comments and enjoy living life. May things turn out better for you now. BTW, glad to know you survived well. And yeah, please get your knee checked out by a doctor. Take care!