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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

CityBikeMike said:
Keep me posted! I've been doing a little riding with DucatiHoney and smallnfast here in the east bay - billswim will probably be joining us soon.

I've been splitting my time between triathlon club rides in Marin, and rides with friends in the East Bay. There should be plenty of good riding to do once you get here!

- Mike

that's cool dude. will let you know.

i would be more excited to do mini tri's or similiar than just a marathon (or only a running event) i think cause of the varying events and transition from one to the other. and it is more exciting.

I used to run duathlons (run, bike, run) in south texas. not alot of swimming areas. and those were fun.
glf said:
hey mike, i'll be moving to SF in a few weeks, so riding bikes should be easier.

yes, what track? i wouldn't mind running with others, as it seems to be the only way to motivate myself...otherwise it still seems boring. :( music helps.

i'm down to run.. except i'm in the southbay... :cool

So when you moving here? Now I got a place to crash when I get out of hand in the city.. THANKS!!! :thumbup
stan23 said:
i'm down to run.. except i'm in the southbay... :cool

So when you moving here? Now I got a place to crash when I get out of hand in the city.. THANKS!!! :thumbup

pimp, you can sleep at the foot of my bed! :twofinger

you got a bicycle?
Hmm....interval idea...

Bring road bikes to the running track.
Run some distance then bike some distance. Not biking on the track obviously, just a small bike loop on the streets.

run->bike->run->bike, etc.

What coincidence. I just received this email from Nike:

As you may know, the 2007 Nike Women's Marathon and Half Marathon is sold out.
Due to popular demand, we have created a special random drawing for additional Half Marathon entries.
The random drawing will close on April 2, 2007 at 5:00PM.
The entries will be chosen at random and announced on April 9th, 2007.
The track at Piedmont High was actually real nice, with a paved (painted clay color) track and an astro turf infield. There are lights, and I'm sure they're turned on since the track stays open til 10:00 p.m., I think.

I'll check out Merritt College this weekend.
I'd like to check out the Piedmont track. What is their weekly schedule?
Re: Re: I want to run a marathon.

zx6roxy said:

Make an effort to ice your knees after EVERY run for about 15-20 minutes, even if you don't feel any aches/pains. Your knees will thank you.

this works for any sport that requires you to be running around a lot. I started to ice my knees after someone gave me this tip when I was 25-ish. I can't see myself not doing this evertime I'm done playing a pick-up basketball game now :teeth
zx6roxy said:
I'd like to check out the Piedmont track. What is their weekly schedule?

I believe weekdays it is officially open to the public from 3:00 p.m. til 8:00 p.m.or later.

Weekends it is open I believe from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. or later.

Let's set something up there. It's a brand new track surface.

BTW, anyone tried Chi running?
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Baptistro said:
I believe weekdays it is officially open to the public from 3:00 p.m. til 8:00 p.m.or later.

Weekends it is open I believe from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. or later.
I can't do Wednesdays or Sundays.
Otherwise, the rest of my week is flexible.

BTW, anyone tried Chi running?
Never heard of it until now. But what I've read so far from internet search , it makes sense.
I believe any endurance sport that takes 3-6 hours or longer will have an effect on your mind at some point.

On that note, I finished one of my longest training runs so far...16 miles. Just shy of 3 hours. I was supposed to do 18 but I ran out of daylight at the sawyer camp trail. At the end of the run I could barely see the trail with the moon light .

Today my knees were very sore and I was exhausted. Got up at 7:30am and was already asleep on the couch again by 11:00am for a power nap.

Good thing today was a 'rest' day.

I'm running Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday this week. If you guys want to meet up any of those days, I'm down.

Atak Kat said:

Never heard of it until now. But what I've read so far from internet search , it makes sense.
I believe any endurance sport that takes 3-6 hours or longer will have an effect on your mind at some point.

I took a half day seminar on Chi running a few weeks ago at the Piedmont track. You guys know how I've been struggling with my injuries from the accident, and from when I started running. My regular run is through Leona Canyon, which is basically one big hilly roller coaster for 1.5 mile each way. I can complete that in my 40 minute workout using a 3 min run / 1 min walk ratio, and I feel great afterwards with both knees and ankles intact.

It is when I am at rest that my left leg bothers me more now. Go figure. Oh, MRI of the left ankle coming up this Wednesday.
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Any southbayers up for a run? I run occasionally with another barfer, and we run at the track in Campbell (padded - very nice for the joints!)
I've maintained my 30-35miles/week of running the past month.

The July SF Marathon is 19 weeks from this Sunday, and also the start of my marathon training program.

I will be running 5days a week and following ONLY the total weekly mileage and long run distance from this schedule My other runs will vary according to my work and school schedule.

My runs during the week are fairly short ranging from 5-6 miles.

I'm not sure where you guys are in your long runs but it would be nice to have some company during these runs.
Atak Kat said:
On that note, I finished one of my longest training runs so far...16 miles. Just shy of 3 hours. I was supposed to do 18 but I ran out of daylight at the sawyer camp trail. At the end of the run I could barely see the trail with the moon light .

Today my knees were very sore and I was exhausted. Got up at 7:30am and was already asleep on the couch again by 11:00am for a power nap.

Good thing today was a 'rest' day.


16miles! wow, what is your route at Sawyer Camp?

Did you soak your legs in an ice water bath? I try to do that for any runs over 15miles.

When is your race?
I find out what my running schedule is for the next month in a week. I've got someone coaching me and setting up a monthly schedule with the July 29 marathon in mind. I have no idea what my long runs are going to look like yet, but I'm more than happy to hook up during the week for the shorter runs. Let me know if you want to hit the track or get on the trails.
Well, it's now almost a week until my first marathon so I'm officially in taper mode.

My longest run was 20 miles last Sunday and it went pretty well. A slightly sore lower back was something new that I encountered after the run, but the sore knees, quad and calf muscles were expected.

Ran 10 miles last Thursday and plan to do an 8 miler tomorrow.

And then it's only three tapering runs next week: 3, 4, & 2 mile runs and then two consecutive rest days before my marathon on Sunday.

I started my run training in January and at this point I just want to get this over with.
Looking at my running log, I've put in 275 miles.
My training plan called for 421 miles, but I'll take what I've put in so far. :)

26.2 miles

I did it!

All 26.2 miles!!

I was targeting for under 5 hours yesterday and just made it (4:51).

The scenery along Hwy 1 at Big Sur was amazing and the weather was great. I really wish I had brought a camera with me on the run.

I never really hit 'the wall' and drinking at every aid station helped. I didn't even really need to carry fluids with me (I had a fuel belt with 4 x 8oz bottles with cytomax) since there was water and gatorade every 1.5 miles.

Overall, I had a really great run.
No injuries, just sore legs.

So who's next to complete their first Marathon?

