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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

Congrats! I'm hoping for something later this year - gonna start running again next week and see how my ankle reacts.
Re: 26.2 miles

Atak Kat said:
I did it!

All 26.2 miles!!

I was targeting for under 5 hours yesterday and just made it (4:51).

The scenery along Hwy 1 at Big Sur was amazing and the weather was great. I really wish I had brought a camera with me on the run.

I never really hit 'the wall' and drinking at every aid station helped. I didn't even really need to carry fluids with me (I had a fuel belt with 4 x 8oz bottles with cytomax) since there was water and gatorade every 1.5 miles.

Overall, I had a really great run.
No injuries, just sore legs.

So who's next to complete their first Marathon?



Congrats Joel!!!! :thumbup

I'm still training for the July 29 SF Marathon, wish us luck ;)
People, as soon as my runs got past an hour in length, my nipples have been super sore. Anything I can do for this other than bandaids over the nipples when I run? I sweat profusely, and the bandaids just come off after a while. When I forget the bandaids completely though, I end up regretting it for days :p
I've been using BodyGlide for my feet especially around the toes....blisters are gone!
sweet, I'll try that out....... will it work even if I've got a hairy chest?
Baptistro said:
sweet, I'll try that out....... will it work even if I've got a hairy chest?
Yeah, it'll still work. Just make sure you get enough bodyglide on the skin.
you guys recommend the sun formula?
Never tried it. I think it's a new product. Would probably be a good idea though on any areas that are exposed to the sun (you run topless, Bap? :p )
If I ran topless I wouldn't have issues with chafed nipples now would I? :twofinger
Questions on hydration during practice long runs:

I've been trying to regularly hydrate every twenty minutes, with a little squirt of energy gel, to stay ahead of the curve.

I've tried running with a fannypack as well as with a camelback, and I find that the fannypack does not carry enough water for me for anything longer than an 80 minute run, so I switched to a camelback for the longer runs. However, it's heavy, and I usually end up with leftover water. Do I just need to add the right amount and play with that, or is there a better way to do this in your experience?
Baptistro said:
If I ran topless I wouldn't have issues with chafed nipples now would I? :twofinger

you guys must have sensitive nipples, cause in all my runs(4+ hrs) , i've never chafed like that. :confused

what you need to do, is go over to helga's house of pain, and have her work those nips just right, so they are trained just as much as the rest of your body. that is all i can contribute. enjoy. :teeth
Baptistro said:

I've tried running with a fannypack as well as with a camelback, and I find that the fannypack does not carry enough water for me for anything longer than an 80 minute run, so I switched to a camelback for the longer runs. However, it's heavy, and I usually end up with leftover water. Do I just need to add the right amount and play with that, or is there a better way to do this in your experience?

I use a Fuel Belt (4-bottle).

I was previously running with a belt that held a single 12oz bottle, but as less liquid remained in the bottle after drinking, the constant 'swishing' sound in the bottle drove me nuts.

One of the reasons I liked running at Sawyer Camp Trail in San Mateo is that there are water fountains along the trail and I would just refill when I needed to.
glf said:
you guys must have sensitive nipples, cause in all my runs(4+ hrs) , i've never chafed like that. :confused

Dude, that's what happens when you have outies :twofinger

Atak Kat said:
I use a Fuel Belt (4-bottle).

I was previously running with a belt that held a single 12oz bottle, but as less liquid remained in the bottle after drinking, the constant 'swishing' sound in the bottle drove me nuts.

One of the reasons I liked running at Sawyer Camp Trail in San Mateo is that there are water fountains along the trail and I would just refill when I needed to.

The only thing about the fuel belt is having all that stuff all over my waist. One of the reasons I'm not all that in to the fanny pack (single 22 oz bottle), is that I feel it restricts my hips and waist from moving freely. Maybe I'll go try some more fuel belts on.

Just 74 DTG.
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Atak Kat said:
I use a Fuel Belt (4-bottle).

I use the same 4 bottle belt. I've been totally happy with it. I like how nothing swishes or bounces around, with the weight being very evenly distributed. I can hardly tell it's there.

I also have a pair of larger 10 oz bottles for when I need additional fluid. I generally empty all 4 8oz bottles around the 10 mile mark during my summer runs.
How's the fit of the belt, does it ride up and down, or stay pretty much in place?
Baptistro said:
How's the fit of the belt, does it ride up and down, or stay pretty much in place?

Doesn't ride up and down at all. It's a velcro fastener that allows me to easily adjust the tightness of it.

I tried that single bottle one that looks like a fanny pack, and ended up giving it away when I got my Fuel Belt. Because the bottles are small and the weight is evenly distributed, I don't even feel it.
+1 on the Fuel Belt:thumbup

Hey Joel,

When you were training for your marathon, how did you manage to squeeze in the cycling and swim sessions?

Currently, with 4-5 runs per week, I've been able to add 2 swim sessions, the cycling on the other hand, is nonexistent....

This Sunday, I'm 5 weeks away from the SJ Intl Triathlon and 10 weeks from the SF marathon.
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I get up at 4:30am and workout until about 7am. It's either a swim/spin brick at the gym, or a long bike or run.

And if I didn't run in the morning, I'd run at lunch time at work or take an extended afternoon 'break' to get a long run in.

And if I didn't get a morning or mid-day workout, I'd run after work when I got home.

So basically it was twice-a-day workouts, and on my rest days for running I'd either just swim or just bike. So I really only had one complete rest day of doing absolutely nothing.
Most of the of the week I'd really have to make the time (read sacrifice time with friends/family/work) to stick to my workout schedule.
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