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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

Good luck John!
Thanks for bringing this thread back on top. While my training had been derailed due to some other stuff (mainly laziness and riding the bicycle more)

I'm still interested in doing a marathon sometime in the future. Possibly early next year. I'm still running, but not in training pace.
Atak Kat said:
Aren't you running the marathon too?


No, not this one.

I was in burnout mode for a good couple of months and never fully recovered until I drastically cut down the frequency and mileage of my runs.

It just took a lot out of me to a point where it wasn't fun anymore and felt like a chore more than anything else.

I went from running 35-40 miles per week to 10-15....I feel a lot better now.

I may do one in December, we'll see.
zx6roxy said:
No, not this one.

I was in burnout mode for a good couple of months and never fully recovered until I drastically cut down the frequency and mileage of my runs.

It just took a lot out of me to a point where it wasn't fun anymore and felt like a chore more than anything else.

I went from running 35-40 miles per week to 10-15....I feel a lot better now.

I may do one in December, we'll see.

OH STOP IT! Just admit it...you found a playmate! Nuf sed! :hand

hi guys, so... I finished... but I almost didn't.

I'll get my pics together and post up my story in a couple of days. Overall, it was an awesome experience, but would I do it again? That remains to be seen :p
Congrats Bap!

You are now officially a Marathoner.
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Can't wait to hear the story, John. Congrats!
Awesome! Congrats, Bap!!!

Yeah, going down steps is going to be painful for a couple of days. ;)

Just take it easy for the next couple of days and maybe even schedule a massage this week (it really does help).

Do some very light stretching. I waited a full week before getting back in the gym.

Give your body some time to recover. You just put it through 26.2 miles of hell. :D

found the wall

My 15.7 mile run this past Saturday had me do something I thought I'd never do...walk.

I hit the wall at about the 13.5 mile mark and stopped. I walked about 1/4 mile over the next mile. Then started running the last stretch home.

The last 1.5 miles hurt, and it still does, but I still did my 3 miles this morning.
Hi guys, sorry I've been lagging on getting something up here, but I'll get it done this week. I'm still freaking sore, and being on my feet 12 hours on Saturday and Sunday didn't help.

DGB, make absolutely sure your long runs are LSR's, with emphasis on the SLOW. Just barely fast enough to get your heartrate in workout mode, and slow enough to carry on a conversation while running. I'm definitely suffering from that one.

Just as a teaser, my 1/2 marathon split was 2:12, and I finished in 5:12 :cry
Yesterday in the docs office i picked up Men's journal or some shit and read the article about Dean K and the 24 hour run on a treadmill suspended in mid air. I think it said he ran 128 miles. Didnt make the record of 153 miles. This guy is hardcore. Of course y'all already knew that.:teeth