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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

Money well spent, but you might start rethinking your shoe selection once you start getting into the longer distances. You might find your needs to have changed. Some of my shoes are good for up to 12 miles and then kill my feet. Others feel ok for the first 3 miles, but improve and stay consistently supportive for 20+ miles.
Money well spent, but you might start rethinking your shoe selection once you start getting into the longer distances. You might find your needs to have changed. Some of my shoes are good for up to 12 miles and then kill my feet. Others feel ok for the first 3 miles, but improve and stay consistently supportive for 20+ miles.

I am keeping that in mind just in case. But I did get two different types of shoes based on the fitment process. One is more supportive then the other. They did understand and it is on my paperwork that I am training for a marathon. I can return them in 60 days if they don't work out.
I remember a point when running a mile was a long way. 1.5 was cross country distance for middle school (and I could barely do it). Then it became 1.5 miles for fit testing in the military, and 5k was a long, long way.

6 miles today, and it doesn't even feel that long anymore. And I haven't even began following the training plan I have (one more week), just trying to build a base line for it.

Running in the pouring rain is fun. Dodging idiots in thier cars, debri, mud, and loose dogs.

Now, if only I could actually lose some weight, WTF!
:laughing I hear ya, sometimes I'm like, uh...I"m still the same weight.
have you studied your diet (ie, what you eat, over a week long period)
try and limit your portions, not necessarily your meal choice.

cut out a few things, like sodas, etc.

I'm signed up for a few races. a marathon in Salida, Co. in March (which will be brutal to me, as it is run above 7k ft. :laughing :barf

I'm running/snowshoeing in a race in Utah this coming weekend.

and looking to do a few ultras this year, at minimum the 30 milers, but would like to go on a 50miler by end of the year.
goal is a 100 miler. :loco
:laughing I hear ya, sometimes I'm like, uh...I"m still the same weight.
have you studied your diet (ie, what you eat, over a week long period)
try and limit your portions, not necessarily your meal choice.

Yep, sadly it is just my body type. I come from a large family. I now have nearly no meat intake at all (can't think of a meat meal I have had in several weeks). I drink mostly water with some orange juice, a rare soda (I experimented with soda off and on over the past year, has no effect on my weight, strangly enough). I survive all week on meal left overs because I eat so little from every meal I get or make. A pasta meal will make me 4 meals, plus a meal for my wife. I honestly think my body automatically converts everything to fat storage first, instead of using it for energy and then storage, living off my fat stores all day. To give you an idea, I have only ever successfully lost weight twice in my adult life:


Starvation - eating about 8 ounces of food in a complete day while working in 100 degree heat/100% humidity on a ship at sea in the middle east, and working out.

goal is a 100 miler. :loco
That's insane
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starvation and tiny meals will get you nowhere. the body needs to maintain it's natural process of food consumption and food elimination.

try small frequent meals.

I don't get rid of meat....personally, I eat anything and everything.
and fluctuate about 10 lbs either way. when I'm running heavily, and actually putting in miles, I am down to the low 220's, even breaking that. otherwise, the low 230's. which is still in my IBW

check the food you are eating, sometimes "healthy" food, is not so healthy. ;)
It's funny, at the start of 2009 5 miles seemed like a long run. Now I don't even leave the house for anything under 6.

Looking a fast marathon coming up in the next couple of months (end of march through april). Any suggestions?
It's funny, at the start of 2009 5 miles seemed like a long run. Now I don't even leave the house for anything under 6.

Looking a fast marathon coming up in the next couple of months (end of march through april). Any suggestions?

how far are you willing to travel to run the marathon? ie, other cities, etc.
are you looking for a fast (flat) run?
how far are you willing to travel to run the marathon? ie, other cities, etc.
are you looking for a fast (flat) run?

Willing to travel in North America but the closer the better, looking for a flat course or a fast rolling course with no major climbs. Low altitude preferably. I train in SF so I'm no stranger to hills, but I'm looking for something to PR on.
Willing to travel in North America but the closer the better, looking for a flat course or a fast rolling course with no major climbs. Low altitude preferably. I train in SF so I'm no stranger to hills, but I'm looking for something to PR on.

cool, I would say maybe, southern california, Vegas or Arizona would have some flatter courses. Not sure about the altitude. I hear ya, I run here, and being sea level does nothing to help with altitude runs. ultras are usually, mostly, on trails, and with lots of elevation gain.

a google search for marathons in those cities might help. dates are starting to come out for the season.
Thanks for the advice. Yea, I'm not into ultras yet. Looking to run faster marathons and half marathons while I can and maybe tackle longer distances down the line.

Vancouver might be an option, beginning of May and only 2 100ft climbs. I'm open to other suggestions though.
Thanks for the advice. Yea, I'm not into ultras yet. Looking to run faster marathons and half marathons while I can and maybe tackle longer distances down the line.

Vancouver might be an option, beginning of May and only 2 100ft climbs. I'm open to other suggestions though.

that sounds cool, and Vancouver is a sweet city to visit for a marathon.
yep, I passed my running prime long ago. at least with ultras, at some point you have to walk it out. :laughing and this fatbody likes to do that. and we drink beer on the shorter ones. ;)
I still don't know the course for the San Diego marathon, but I imagine it won't be very flat. I am about 50 miles north, and my neighborhood seems me gaining and losing 1600 feet today in just 6 miles :D
Runners, joggers? Any pace....

Anyone one here like to jog?
I run around lake merced every other morning. Who wants to join? Or somewhere else near Daly City?
:bump Because I'm considering getting my feet measured for a set of arch supports and wish to start running this spring. :)
Anyone one here like to jog?
I run around lake merced every other morning. Who wants to join? Or somewhere else near Daly City?

dude, I run at merced regularly...or rather, infrequenty right now, but it's a good 4.5 mile loop.

hit me up on here, and I'll let you know.

I'm usually there after work, or midday sometimes.

I am flying to Colorado tomorrow and running the "Run through time Marathon" in Salida, Colorado. :wtf
it's at 7,000+ feet, so we'll see how that goes. :laughing :cry :laughing

I'm also signing up for two triathlons in July, and also the SF marathon, and plan to actually show up and not be too drunk to get up this time. :teeth
Well, since this is back up, I'll update too. My apparently overly ambitious running plans have been partially derailed by back issues stemming from my attempt to use Lacrosse as a method of cross training. I knew this wasn't a good idea, but running had me in such good shape I thought I could attempt to relive my college days a couple days a week.

I'm now targeting the Santa Barbara half and the S.F. full. No Vancouver for me this year. Hoping to run the SB half in the 1:32s. We'll see.
I hit 10 miles for the first time last weekend. I dropped my wife off at work, and ran home (with a few extra curves to add length) in the rain.

A few months ago 3 miles was a long run. 3 mile around the block now is just a quick sprint. That said, last time I came up 1 minute short of USCG PT standards for a 1.5 mile run and about 1 minute slower then my active duty 5k time. Pretty good considering I was running and working out daily when active duty, and was 15 pounds lighter then I am now. I should beat my personal run bests from when I was a kid in just a few months at this rate.

Almost starting to like running to, almost :laughing
:laughing almost is good.

I'm in Colorado Springs, and we drive to Salida tonight. Marathon is tomorrow. we've drank my weight in PBR last night, and today was great to recover. :laughing

I expect to be wasted tomorrow afternoon after the marathon, as apparently, I am the hare for the pub crawl
hare = person laying the route


the weather here is sunny in the 50's. :wtf awesome for the springs. I can't say how amazingly beautiful it is up here. it is breathtaking.

I'll have photos of our escapades (drunken and the running) monday or so.
I expect to be wasted tomorrow afternoon after the marathon, as apparently, I am the hare for the pub crawl
hare = person laying the route

that should be easy

*......*......* bar on on.... * bar on on .... ****check in front of bar.... on on on floor