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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

Will do. I'd be surprised if I broke 5 hours :cry

My mom and dad may both beat me by an hour or so :(

Bap it was a privilege running alongside with you!! :)

You were at 2h19mns for the half marathon (which is when we caught up with you and told you how sexy you looked).. Hope the second half went as well. I have no idea how you do it. I was beat after 13.2 miles.. You are da man!! :hail
Bap it was a privilege running alongside with you!! :)

You were at 2h19mns for the half marathon (which is when we caught up with you and told you how sexy you looked).. Hope the second half went as well. I have no idea how you do it. I was beat after 13.2 miles.. You are da man!! :hail

You DID below 6 hours my friend :thumbup


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Legs feel like shit :laughing

I've got these golf ball sized lumps on the soles of my feet that are killing me. No training this year to speak of, but had to do it, to run with mom and dad.

Here is a pic as a prelude to my write up.


JF, you looked strong, and ran a nice pace, looking forward to running with you again. Joel, you don't cease to amaze me my friend. :thumbup
I'm seeing a 2:01.02 for Mr. Lollipop on the event website. I see a trend here :)

Did you get your goal?
I'm seeing a 2:01.02 for Mr. Lollipop on the event website. I see a trend here :)

Did you get your goal?

Yep. The first two and last three miles were barely above a walking pace. :laughing

I didn't really have a goal. I thought I'd run faster but I couldn't. That was to be expected though with so much missed training recently and my ankle issues.

Lots of fun though, definitely worth signing up for.
I am going to run the Rock and Roll in San Diego next year. This will be my first race longer then 5k :)

A marathon running friend of mine recommended this program:

I am nervous as hell already, but I am going to take it seriously. I spent more on shoes then I ever thought I would in my entire life on Friday (two pairs too!!!) so now I am committed. I went to Road Runner so they did the whole 20 questions thing with my feet. Since all I have ever done is run in Payless shoes before, I couldn't give any feedback :D

I went from a 28:00 5k time (not impressive) when I was in the military, to a 35:00 5k time a week ago. But I did that run with the intention if getting motivated to get fit again, and it motivated me to do one of those things I want to do before I die.

Bap's story kind of helps. Now when I hit that wall, I will not feel so alone :D
Does anyone have recommendations on how to recover?

I ran the nike half marathin in SF in October, and I still can't run due to crazy knee pain. I've never had issues before running 5-6 miles. In fact, I never even get muscle soreness for that.

Outside of the obvious (doctor) what should I be looking for to prevent this next time?
Stick to your training schedule as much as you can Josh, it will pay off. This year, my training was almost nil, and I was able to finish the full, but I did bonk hard at mile 22 or 23.

Akira, it sounds like you sustained an injury during your half marathon. Two months of joint pain is definitely not normal. Try walking (1/2 mile or more) and very light jogging for a week or so to see if it gets better. If it does not, or you experience more pain, I'd go see a doctor.
I'm doing the Napa county Sprint Triathilon in May. I have never done any type of race before. Looking forward to it.
I'm going for the Kaiser half in February. My goal is to run a 1:30. Just ran the Big Sur half with a much faster than expected time, which has me dreaming about qualifying for Boston. We'll see how Kaiser goes first though.
Stick to your training schedule as much as you can Josh, it will pay off.

I am lucky enough that I can spend the next nearly 2 months to get a baseline and develope a habit before I even start that training plan :D
Use those two months wisely dude, and good luck. :thumbup
Thanks, I am going to need it :rofl

Edit: just spent a ton of money (to me) on new shoes and actually PAID to run, so I guess I am stuck with this idea :laughing
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