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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

I'll be running the Calico trail Run in Barstow this weekend. 30k distance. (18.3 miler) roughly.

We'll see how it goes. I'm probably not ready for it, but hell, nothing like jump starting things, eh?

Had a kickass time down in So Cal.

Ended up being a long weekend of running, mtn biking and then the race on Sunday.

We did a 12 mile mtn bike ride/beer run on Friday in Anaheim
nothing crazy, just stupid back roads, train tracks, strip joint, and then a 2 mile long storm drain tunnel. :D first photo.

Saturday did a run with the L.A. h3 group. about a 5 miler, just to get rid of the alcohol in my body still. :laughing

Got to the race sight on Sunday morning at 0600, race off at 0700. Super cold, but not bad. The first 6.8 miles to the 1st aid station were partly on the road, and then into hard packed trails. 5.1 miles to the 2nd aid station and this is where the climbing and rocky terrain really started. Lots of loose silt and gravel as we went through creek beds as well. Still doing good at mile 16 on the 3rd aid station. Then a mile of downhill canyon running, running over very rough terrain.

Averaged 14.10 min/mile.
finished in 4:21.58
distance: 18.5 miles (30k)

and then had to drive 400 miles home yesterday. :cry :laughing

now, just sore as fuck, and can't wait to go and do a 50k run next. :loco

extra points if anyone can figure out who the guy is on the far right of the last photo.
he's into motorcycles.

Had some beers right after and tasted so good.
The terrain pic is about 2 miles from the end, had just climbed from that bottom section where the dirt bikes are running around on.

I think I should go for a walk at least today, or tomorrow is going to be worse than today.

Ozzie, give me a shout when you run Mt. Diablo again.


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Good stuff Rick!!
I ended up running a 9k in Pacifica due to time. I finished in 1:03. Wanted to finish in under an hour, but caught behind a few groups that I couldn't get by right away. oh well maybe next time..
Monday Diablo hike was good. I'll let you know next time I go up.
Damn trail run sold out!! I guess I won't be doing the Redwood park one...
I did sign up for the one on March 21 at Rodeo Beach/Pirates Cove 30k.

Good luck on the 50k. Looks like it's gonna be possibly wet. At least alot of it is under redwood trees.
Oz, you missed out.

Finished yesterday, and am sore as fuck today. :laughing

8hours 18min (super slow, I know)
elevation gain 5,030ft
The downhills beat my knees to shit. and I had to do that loop twice. Had some serious pain in my right foot and just above the ankle. between that and the blister (switched socks at 30k), I mostly forgot about one or the other. :laughing

Just kept moving forward, need to take more salt on these runs. Will try out salt tabs. Got a huge blister on left foot, I think my shoes weren't on tight enough and of course, it's a trail run, so lot of mud in some areas, and water crossings.

In the end, it was awesome and I finished. With a cup of chili and a PBR at the end. Perfect. :loco


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Congrats brotha!!! Those 50k's are no joke!!
With the rain and mud, that's still a good for first time out.
The soreness is like no other. It hurt just lifting my foot from gas to brake on the drive home.. I don't know why Im gonna sign up for another...hahahaha

I might do the Skyline to the Sea again this year...hopefully timing works out.. I just don't feel like getting attacked by yellow jackets 4 times through out the trail again...:(
Congrats brotha!!! Those 50k's are no joke!!
With the rain and mud, that's still a good for first time out.
The soreness is like no other. It hurt just lifting my foot from gas to brake on the drive home.. I don't know why Im gonna sign up for another...hahahaha

I might do the Skyline to the Sea again this year...hopefully timing works out.. I just don't feel like getting attacked by yellow jackets 4 times through out the trail again...:(

:laughing nice. damn those yellow jackets. none of that on this run. My right foot was in pain about 10 miles out, and slowed me down considerably. walked a bunch cause of it.

I just signed up for SF marathon. Anyone else game? Oz? you gonna sign up in time? ;)
also, I'm signed up for the Santa Cruz half-marathon. Just as a trainer, and to get some miles in. besides I think it will be a cool one.

What I did learn, is that I need way more trail runs (for practice and training) to get my muscles and body to feel it.

Trail running is WAY different than regular road running. I love it. but I do need more trail runs.
:laughing nice. damn those yellow jackets. none of that on this run. My right foot was in pain about 10 miles out, and slowed me down considerably. walked a bunch cause of it.

I just signed up for SF marathon. Anyone else game? Oz? you gonna sign up in time? ;)
also, I'm signed up for the Santa Cruz half-marathon. Just as a trainer, and to get some miles in. besides I think it will be a cool one.

What I did learn, is that I need way more trail runs (for practice and training) to get my muscles and body to feel it.

Trail running is WAY different than regular road running. I love it. but I do need more trail runs.

How did I miss this?

I am still running the SF marathon at the end of the month. I think our buddy has backed out. :( As far as I know, I think JF is the only other BARFer who has said they were doing it, but he is doing the 1/2 marathon.
How did I miss this?

I am still running the SF marathon at the end of the month. I think our buddy has backed out. :( As far as I know, I think JF is the only other BARFer who has said they were doing it, but he is doing the 1/2 marathon.

I'm still in for the marathon, albeit a slow slow pace. :laughing

drop me a line, cause I know the hashers are preparing a gnarly beer stop around mile 19 or so. :teeth
I'm still in for the marathon, albeit a slow slow pace. :laughing

drop me a line, cause I know the hashers are preparing a gnarly beer stop around mile 19 or so. :teeth

Will do. I'd be surprised if I broke 5 hours :cry

My mom and dad may both beat me by an hour or so :(
:laughing don't worry, you know my training regimen. consists of hashing (running and drinking beer) and then running some races here and there. :teeth I know, I know, I should be better about it, but damn, I get so bored with running on my own and training.

I did just run my first triathlon (sprint) up north of Reno. That was interesting.
Post a race report dude, I want to hear about your first tri. Road? Mountain?
The week started off great. I drove to Reno on Wed and met two co-workers there, who were driving out to Denver, and I took them out to show them the finest Reno has to offer...which I think is the 24/7 drinking, karaoke bars, and colorful characters downtown. :laughing
A very long night later (4am) and I sent them down the road nice and hungover. Me, I slep in on Thursday, and then we headed out to the campsite in the evening. Thursday, drank heavily, oy, pretty fun. Friday, we spent the day on the boat, and I tried to "get up" again on the wakeboard. Lots of fun, but failure. so I kept drinking. :teeth

Long evening of food and fun at the campsite.

Saturday, we were back out on the water. I have to say, this place is ideal, it was 4th of July weekend, and no one, I mean NO ONE, was on the lake. I think we saw 2-3 other boats. and it was nice and calm. So more wakeboarding and finally got up and out of the water, to which I immediately tried to go big on a trick and nose dived quite a few times. :laughing I'll find the video of it.

Saturday night, I decided I needed to taper my drinking, so I stopped about 7pm, and got to bed early.....till Sunday morning rolled around a bit too early.

Here's my triathlon race report

It was great, exciting, and I was very happy to finally get one out of the way. I did spend my days off, drinking, from Wed till Sat afternoon...at which point I tapered the alcohol consumption. :D in preperation for the Sunday morning fun. :laughing

a brief mixup on the locations of camping and race start, had us 110 miles from race start. (We were at Eagle Lake, 20 miles north of Susanville, the race was near Portola, Ca) So on Sunday morning, my brother in law and I got up at 5am, and we drove down to the location....somewhere near Portola, Ca. about 50 miles north of Reno/Truckee area. it was great. I didn't have a wetsuit, but from what the internet site said, it was not required. the swim would be in a small lake (Graeagle lake) and the water wasn't actually that bad. I think it was worse at Eagle Lake where we were wakeboarding friday and saturday. and that wasn't bad either.

after watching the kids do their mini mini tri, which was hilarious, we were up. Now, to tell you the truth, I hadn't gone and swam, practiced, nor been in the water, other than at the lake the 2 days before. bad idea, I know, but I've been known to do dummer things. hahahaha

the start was a little weird, as the water was only like 3 feet deep, so I just stood up and ran till it got deep then swam. to be honest, I think the first 30 feet is the only time I swam freestyle...that shit got to me quick. :laughing lame. so a lot of side strokes, breast strokes and back strokes. It was a two lap swim, for a total of half a mile, which I think was way longer than it usually is for a sprint triathlon. no matter, I did come in last out of the water, but fuck it, I made it out, to a cheering, and probably relieved RD :teeth , on to the transition area, hoped on the bike (mountain bike) to do the 16 mile ride. If I'd had a street bicycle I would have made up way more time. I just peddled the entire time. (I think the guy on the 3k+ tri bike, and the aero dynamic helmet was a bit overkill, but to each their own)

The course was fairly flat, a few quick uphills, that had me pushing it, but nothing major, at all.

After the ride, back to the transition area, change shoes and it was a 3 mile run, not bad, did the trot out of the stage area, and passed my brother in law who was already on his way to the end (the run was an out and back). I came in 12 minutes behind him. Which means I caught up, cause he did decent in his swim.

all in all a great first tri, I was happy to finish it, and I got the girl who passed me at the beginning of the run, road killed her with about a 1/4 mile left on the trail. :D didn't want to get chicked. :laughing

well, I will put more time in the pool soon. I do have some pain in my right ear, and not sure if it's from the water getting in there from the backstroke, or what.

I have to say, the swim was the toughest part obviously, but I used to lifeguard, so I'm sure some proper planning/preparing and next time it will be easier. It was a great first tri, out in the country, laid back, nothing too stressful, and I think my brother and I were the only ones without wetsuits, and we were also one of the very few on mtn bikes. :D straight country. :laughing

edit: oh well, for some reason, it keeps giving me an error when I try to upload the tri photos.
here's one of the mastercraft we had out wakeboarding, set up for the X-games. I'll find the videos, they were hilarious.


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Sweet writeup Rick :thumbup

You sound like my kind of athlete, I think we should sign up for some sprint tris together, it'll be a comedy or errors :laughing