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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

well, finished the marathon. Was the hardest race I run so far. :laughing

Plenty of drinking, so it was a fun time.

Salida "A Run Through Time" Marathon.
Start @: 7400 feet
peak @: 9100 feet
Distance 26.3 miles
Time: 6:47 hours/min
beer drank: A LOT :laughing

It was by far an awesome weekend, the minimal training and fact that I live at sea level pretty much guaranteed a painful run, but it was well worth it.

The conditions were not normal for people who run road races, as it was mostly trail running, and a lot of it fire roads. But I prefer running trail than running road races. I'm thinking that when I do run a normal road race, it will be way easier than what we di. There was snow on the ground, and in some parts of the run it was all snow we were running on, or sloppy mud. It took a lot of energy to just stay upright and not slip and fall. The last 4 miles were downhill, treacherous trail/rocky roads.

The weather was awesome though. Warm enough for shorts, underarmour shirt and t-shirt.

enjoy the pics. :D


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Looks awesome.

I am thinking about taking a scenic ride up to Palomar for todays run (combine riding and running). While relaxing I will do some studying :D
Just signed up for my next ultra. Redwood park in Oakland. 50k (30mile)

they have 10k, 20k and 30k routes too. most altitude gain is in the 50k at 4500 ft.

anyone interested? :teeth

it's May 9th. PCTR
Did the OC half marathon this last Sunday, my first one. It was beautiful, the sky was blue and clear and the temps. were high 50's maybe low 60's. Couldnt have asked for better weather. Trained for about 2.5 weeks before i jacked my back up and took a week rest before the race. Back was still jacked up. The pain went away around mile 10.

What's a decent finish time for a half marathon? Is anyone doing any socal runs in the near future?
The San Diego Rock n Roll marathon is in a month and I will be *cough* running *cough* it.
It's about the time of year that people start training for the SF marathon... anybody else planning to run it this year?
It's about the time of year that people start training for the SF marathon... anybody else planning to run it this year?

I would like to. haven't signed up, but will do that this week.

are you signed up for it?
Did the OC half marathon this last Sunday, my first one. It was beautiful, the sky was blue and clear and the temps. were high 50's maybe low 60's. Couldnt have asked for better weather. Trained for about 2.5 weeks before i jacked my back up and took a week rest before the race. Back was still jacked up. The pain went away around mile 10.

What's a decent finish time for a half marathon? Is anyone doing any socal runs in the near future?

congrats. the thing with your back, might be due to late training, or fast training. rather than building miles. I'm guilty of doing it myself. :)
I'd say a decent time is about 9 min/miles? about 2 hours. btw: I would probably be over 2 hours. :laughing
congrats. the thing with your back, might be due to late training, or fast training. rather than building miles. I'm guilty of doing it myself. :)
I'd say a decent time is about 9 min/miles? about 2 hours. btw: I would probably be over 2 hours. :laughing

i tweaked my back at crossfit two weeks ago. i suspect it was improper technique doing turkish get ups but i dont know as i didnt feel pain until i got home. i previously, three years ago, tweaked it doing burpees and it hasnt been the same since. there's been a lingering pain ever since. there's also been numerous motorcycle crashes.

i suppose i did okay for my first half marathon and for not pushing/challenging myself. i finished at 1:52 which im happy with. my goal was to finish around 2 hours.

if any of you make it south hit me up. nothing like running along huntington beach on a sunday morning.:thumbup
i tweaked my back at crossfit two weeks ago. i suspect it was improper technique doing turkish get ups but i dont know as i didnt feel pain until i got home. i previously, three years ago, tweaked it doing burpees and it hasnt been the same since. there's been a lingering pain ever since. there's also been numerous motorcycle crashes.

i suppose i did okay for my first half marathon and for not pushing/challenging myself. i finished at 1:52 which im happy with. my goal was to finish around 2 hours.

if any of you make it south hit me up. nothing like running along huntington beach on a sunday morning.:thumbup

yep, that can certainly add to it. sometimes the back can be fickle and linger on in injury. that's not a bad time at all. better than mine probably. but I usually run trail marathons or ultras. so haven't really run a street marathon/half marathon with no hills.

Not yet, I'm signing up this week too. This will be my warmup for Chicago!!!

cool. me too. where do you run? I run at Merced, or along the great highway sometimes. but I get bored, so I have to change it up often. or I don't run really. :laughing which does nothing for my fitness level when I do go and run a race.
i finished at 1:52 which im happy with. my goal was to finish around 2 hours.

I am definitely not a runner. I am happy to do a four mile loop around the house in 40 minutes. I ran 18 miles Saturday in four hours.
but I usually run trail marathons or ultras.

those appear much more challenging. i'll have to look into some. do you have good links that provide information?

damn sidewalk 18 miles, thats great?? will that be your longest run prior to the SD marathon? are you going to start tapering down on the long runs?
cool. me too. where do you run? I run at Merced, or along the great highway sometimes. but I get bored, so I have to change it up often. or I don't run really. :laughing which does nothing for my fitness level when I do go and run a race.

My usual routes are along the embarcadero for shorter stuff, through the park to the great highway for longer stuff or over the bridge for medium distance. I'm in the Presidio near the Marina, so there's great running in any direction. I've been training for half marathons with the Marathon Matt group, but now that I'm training for a full, I'll be doing the longer runs on my own. I actually look forward to clicking on the ipod and just running and spacing out sometimes.

I'm running the SB half this weekend. Wish me luck, I think I've got an outside shot at a PR.
damn sidewalk 18 miles, thats great?? will that be your longest run prior to the SD marathon? are you going to start tapering down on the long runs?

I was more trying to point out how slow I am then how far it was :laughing

I have one more long run before my taper for the marathon. So looking forward to getting it over with. I think I will stick to shorter runs for fitness only, I just don't get that "runners high". Wish I could afford to just ride the track for fitness instead :laughing
My usual routes are along the embarcadero for shorter stuff, through the park to the great highway for longer stuff or over the bridge for medium distance. I'm in the Presidio near the Marina, so there's great running in any direction. I've been training for half marathons with the Marathon Matt group, but now that I'm training for a full, I'll be doing the longer runs on my own. I actually look forward to clicking on the ipod and just running and spacing out sometimes.

I'm running the SB half this weekend. Wish me luck, I think I've got an outside shot at a PR.

dude, good luck man! and get that PR. :teeth let us know how it went.

sidewalk, I never knew or felt the high, until I started running the ultras (distance), then it was too good of a high to break through the "wall" when you are about spent and don't want to go on anymore. weird. it's hard to explain.

good luck on your marathon too