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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

Is anyone doing the napa-to-sonoma half marathon this weekend? I have 2 entries to sell due to an injury. The event is sold out and is supposed to be tons of fun. It is this sunday, if anyone wants them pm me and we can work something out.
Yoga did it.

I started doing yoga after I over did running. I was getting older and going down hill fast. Yoga was awkward at first because I'm old but it did it every other day. Three months later I started running again. It was a completely different experience. Why? I had a different body. I tried every day but it was to much. Running and yoga is the bomb. 5 years later.... it's the bomb.

I may help you too.
I had no interest in ever running a marathon again. But an episode of Radio Lab titled Limits recently may have changed my mind. What sucks is my new job kills any chance to training for the foreseeable future.
I lied.

Planning on three half and one full marathon this year, maybe a fourth if my friend doesn't back out. Anyone else have plans for 2011?
I lied.

Planning on three half and one full marathon this year, maybe a fourth if my friend doesn't back out. Anyone else have plans for 2011?

very cool. get it dude!

I'm signed up for the New Orleans Marathon in February, and I signed up for another ultra marathon. Mt. Si 50k race, outside of Seattle in April of this year. :D

guess I should start training. :laughing
very cool. get it dude!

I'm signed up for the New Orleans Marathon in February, and I signed up for another ultra marathon. Mt. Si 50k race, outside of Seattle in April of this year. :D

guess I should start training. :laughing

The fun one is going to be doing the M1GP 8H4 8 hour endurance race solo on Saturday, then a half marathon the following day. I am going to ask for Monday off :D
Damn BARF, where did all the runners go?

First half marathon of 2011 done. Carlsbad half in 1:57:58.
Ex marathon runner here. Have done 10 of them including Boston 3 times. If you qualify for Boston find a way to do it as its an incredible event. Had a serious back problem hit me 8 years ago which killed any running for me. Its been a long road back but I am running again. Much slower than before but it feels so good to be out logging miles again. I have dreams of doing another marathon if my body holds out. Hopefully I will be able to post here again in a year or so that I have completed another.
Runners need you advice. what do you do to get ready for a race. How should I dress and can you recomend a good pair of shoes at a reasonable price. I know its only a 5K but, its my first.
It is only a 5k....but, If your normal training shoes are in good enough shape I'd stick with those. Getting new shoes just before a race is bad ju-ju. You could end up with a mild injury from the new shoes that might set you back a bit in training.

That being said, I've found that the nike Lunar series with their no sew uppers are supremely comfortable out of the box due to the lack of interior seams and potetial pressure points. That's my experience, tho. Some may not like the fit, And I found them to be baggy in my size, so I had to buy down a half.

Wear a nice pair of shorts, good socks, supportive/non chafing underwear, whatever t-shirt you like. On longer stuff I'd lean towards wearing a moisture wicking shirt.
Runners need you advice. what do you do to get ready for a race.
The day before I will eat a reasonable meal, but nothing outside of what I would normally eat, drink lots of water, and just chill. The morning of I would drink just a little so my stomach isn't over loaded with fluids (I prefer orange juice before I run) and something small but reasonable to eat.

How should I dress
I wear what I normally wear for training; just a plain pair of running shorts, nothing fancy, and a light T shirt. I have enough of the breathable ones now that I don't have a problem with being able to dig one out.

can you recomend a good pair of shoes at a reasonable price.
No, I can't. But I can recommend going to a good quality running store (Road Runner Sports) and get their advice. They will put you on a treadmill to see how you run, find out what kind of running you plan to do, and set you up. Give them honest feed back, and you will get a good shoe. If you are planning on starting with a 5k but want to work towards something longer, then tell them. If you are going to be a 5k running, tell them. Different shoes are set up for different running styles and distances. Road Runner has an awesome return policy too.

But like already mentioned, don't change shoes right before your run your race. Race they way you have been training, make changes during your training.

Personally, I prefer minimalist (Vibrams) which is like running barefoot. I don't run in shoes anymore.

I know its only a 5K but, its my first.
Several years ago it wasn't only a 5k, it was the longest distance I have ever run and I felt like I wanted to die when I was done. Now 5k's are fun runs where I can really push my speed, marathons are the ones I want to die on :laughing

Unless you are lucky, you don't start out running half marathons in 1.5 hour times. You work your way up. You don't usually start racing literbikes in the Expert classes first either.
where can i find noob friendly races?/runs? around the bay area? i found this which seems cool but the city can be tricky place have to find parking then drive there(im in vallejo), they do runs damn near every sunday
http://dserunners.com/ , any other places like this? that are in the bay area? that hold races this often??

just started running (been on the elliptical at the gym to lose weight lol, hey i use to weigh 240 at my heaviest im now 156-160),

right now i run on my lunch break, 3 miles in 25min is that considered decent? this run has alot of incline and declines
where can i find noob friendly races?/runs? around the bay area?
Seems to me that any race you don't have to qualify for is noob friendly. You may be surprised at how many larger people are at some of these races walking at a leisurely pace.

just started running (been on the elliptical at the gym to lose weight lol, hey i use to weigh 240 at my heaviest im now 156-160),
Beats me, I am at 155 from 200.

right now i run on my lunch break, 3 miles in 25min is that considered decent? this run has alot of incline and declines

That depends on who you are talking to. If you are talking to someone who runs a 5k in 18 minutes, that 25 isn't that fast. If you are talking to someone who runs a 5k in 28 minutes, then 25 is pretty good :D

My best 5k is 26 and change, my run last night was just shy of 3 miles and was at an 8:00 per mile pace (good for me).
so I got some decent shoes. Have two weeks to break them in. Gel Asics.

Should a run a SofSole?