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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

Hey runners,

I live in San Mateo, right at the edge of Foster City. When I feel like running, I usually go out to the Marina and run around the edge of the bay like out to the end of Foster City Blvd. Anyone live nearby and want to run with me? I need a running partner who can do 2 miles around or faster than 13:00. Need someone who's available afternoons MWF (after 2:30pm, but before 4pm on Wednesdays). Need someone who runs regularly and can motivate me, cause I hate running but need to run more. I want to get my 2 mile time down into the low 12s by May. PM for contact info, thanks!
damn, 2 miles in 13:00. thats a quick pace.

I need to pick up the pace. takes me like 30 minutes to do 3 miles.
Hey runners,

I live in San Mateo, right at the edge of Foster City. When I feel like running, I usually go out to the Marina and run around the edge of the bay like out to the end of Foster City Blvd. Anyone live nearby and want to run with me? I need a running partner who can do 2 miles around or faster than 13:00. Need someone who's available afternoons MWF (after 2:30pm, but before 4pm on Wednesdays). Need someone who runs regularly and can motivate me, cause I hate running but need to run more. I want to get my 2 mile time down into the low 12s by May. PM for contact info, thanks!

Come to san jose and i'll run with ya. 2 miles in 1300 should be pretty easy
I would like to find somebody to train with but......

Right now im lucky to do 8 minute miles. :x
anyone want to do a quick 12 miler today?

will be at Sawyer Camp Trail Millbrae side in about an hour. Just an Easy Pace.
Have GU packets , will travel :laughing

Just PM and we can coordinate.
so im doing a 5k next week. I dont have a clue. How early should I get there. what do I need to do before the race.

Any advice?

got good shoes, picked up some running shorts and a coolmax shirt. should I bring a water bottle?
How early should I get there.
An hour would be safe. Give yourself time to find parking, and check in at where you need to be then chill.

what do I need to do before the race.
Hydrate the day before.

Any advice?
If I were talking to myself, I would say to run hard. I hate looking back at past events thinking about how I could have pushed harder (my marathon). My last 5k and half marathon I crossed thinking I gave just about all I was really capable of at my current level of fitness. But that is just me :)

should I bring a water bottle?
If the event is going to have water stations (most do), then I wouldn't.
thanks, great advice.

So drink lots of water the day before. There is two water stations so I think im good there. just eat a regular meal a few hours before the race?
thanks, great advice.

So drink lots of water the day before. There is two water stations so I think im good there. just eat a regular meal a few hours before the race?

I don't eat too much before a race. Usually just toast with some honey on it. Anything easy on your stomach will work. Milk is a bad decision...

Hydrate the day before. The day of the race is too late. Don't drink too much right before the race. Try to take a dump before you run. It's uncomfortable to run while you're thinking about pissing or taking a crap.

Have fun!
I don't eat too much before a race. Usually just toast with some honey on it. Anything easy on your stomach will work. Milk is a bad decision...
Just to expand, don't eat anything different then you would normally eat. I personally just have something small too like this, but nothing different then what I may normally eat.

if I do O.K. Bay to Breakers is next.

If you do poorly then you just modify your training for Bay to Breakers :nerd
one last question.....

I have just worked up to 3 miles. I just did it tonite. I have been working out 4 days a week. running 2 to 3 miles with every workout. Should I run everyday this week up to sunday or take a few days off before?

thanks guys.
one last question.....

I have just worked up to 3 miles. I just did it tonite. I have been working out 4 days a week. running 2 to 3 miles with every workout. Should I run everyday this week up to sunday or take a few days off before?

thanks guys.

No matter what I'd take a couple days off beforehand.

If this is a race you've been targeting for a while, and you want to run a personal best I'd go light on the workouts this week, and cut back completely after Tuesday.

If it's a stepping stone for another race or a longer distance, just do whatever you normally would this week and take Friday and Saturday off.
its just a small goal. The goal is fitness. Im not even a runner.

Use to be in good shape. Got married, had kids and got lazy. Was up to 280.

Down to 250 and have gained alot of muscle.

just wanna finish and set a bigger goal. wanna be down to 220 by the end of summer.
its just a small goal. The goal is fitness. Im not even a runner.

Use to be in good shape. Got married, had kids and got lazy. Was up to 280.

Down to 250 and have gained alot of muscle.

just wanna finish and set a bigger goal. wanna be down to 220 by the end of summer.

If you run, you are a runner :teeth. Those sound like great goals :thumbup.

With that in mind, I'd run normally through Thursday and give yourself Friday and Saturday off to see what you can do with a little bit of rest on Sunday.

Edit: Also, I don't know about you, but I get pretty caught up in races. You want to be able to run next week, so don't blow it out too hard and hurt yourself. Set a reasonable pacing goal (maybe based on your faster training runs) and try to keep it consistent through the duration of the race. This will be both more enjoyable and make it less likely that you will pull something. :)
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Its a run/walk. I plan on running a slow pace without walking. I should finish somewhere in the middle of the pack.