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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

Its a run/walk. I plan on running a slow pace without walking. I should finish somewhere in the middle of the pack.

You're going to be so stoked, the adrenaline alone will carry you to the finishline no problem! Enjoy the scenery and the experience. You'll do fine! :thumbup
very cool Jim, enjoy it first and foremost. and same as what these guys said, I would take the last two days, maybe run a mile (at most), walk back, or walk half of it, and then totally rest the night before the race, warm up with the race a little bit in the morning, don't change your routine, and pace yourself.

races sometimes give you the adrenalin, and you'll start off to strong, fade away. if you keep to your running plan, you should do great.

cheers and good luck man. :D
very cool Jim, enjoy it first and foremost. and same as what these guys said, I would take the last two days, maybe run a mile (at most), walk back, or walk half of it, and then totally rest the night before the race, warm up with the race a little bit in the morning, don't change your routine, and pace yourself.

races sometimes give you the adrenalin, and you'll start off to strong, fade away. if you keep to your running plan, you should do great.

cheers and good luck man. :D

‎5 days and struggling.

Did almost 4 miles sunday. Monday gave up after two. Ran today on my lunch and was hurting but, did it in good time. Think I will take a few days off. Run a few miles thursday and friday then rest again.
just registered for the bay to breakers.

Was not sure I wanted to do it but its going to sell out by the end of the week.
knocked the 5k out with no problem. Kinda screwed myself. Started to far back and the people around me were running at too slow of a pace. was a pain in the ass getting around them. Next time I need to satge up a little.
OK help guys

Did the 5k sunday. Felt good. Im only up to running 3.5 miles.

8 weeks til the Bay to Breakers. Any advice?

Im thinking start at 3 miles, run 3 days a week. Each week try to add a 1/2 mile. By week 7 I would be running over 6 miles, Some days I would back off some. take a few days before the race.

something like 3, 3.5, 3, 4, 3.5, 4.5, 3.5, 5.........

will it work?

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OK help guys

Did the 5k sunday. Felt good. Im only up to running 3.5 miles.

8 weeks til the Bay to Breakers. Any advice?

Im thinking start at 3 miles, run 3 days a week. Each week try to add a 1/2 mile. By week 7 I would be running over 6 miles, Some days I would back off some. take a few days before the race.

something like 3, 3.5, 3, 4, 3.5, 4.5, 3.5, 5.........

will it work?


That was basically how I trained for the marathon I ran. Except I ran 4 days a week with one day of cross training.
yeah, thats just the running. Also plan on a bike ride once a week and hit the gym and lift on the days off.

I hear that hill is a pain in the ass. Might run to the hill, walk the hill, run the rest. just paid for my spot so im way in the back. they are running like 5 starting stages. its 95% sold out.
yeah, thats just the running. Also plan on a bike ride once a week and hit the gym and lift on the days off.

I hear that hill is a pain in the ass. Might run to the hill, walk the hill, run the rest. just paid for my spot so im way in the back. they are running like 5 starting stages. its 95% sold out.

You need recovery time too, don't work out more then 5 days a week (in my opinion).
You need recovery time too, don't work out more then 5 days a week (in my opinion).

A day rest per week, minimum, is essential for growth.

You can do Mon-Sat and rest Sundays if you like. Or rearrange.
Cardio every other day, lifting on the days off from cardio. One day of nothing.

Watching what I eat, Only taking extra protein the days I lift. Eating lots of bannas.

sound like im doing it right?
Hey Jim, never saw you mention what your current pace is? Just wondering how fast you are running your 3 miles. or even your 1 mile pace.

I only ask, because this is what got me past the hurdle of low mile count vs. high mile count. if you're running to fast at first, you'll only go so far (if you have little conditioning or training). slow your pace down, manage a way to keep said pace, and you will see the miles add on quite easily. I know, because I used to go out and "jog" down the road/trail, and I would be done by 2-3 miles. realized I had just started running, and that I was running to fast. Roxy was the one that actually brought it to my attention, and when I slowed from an 8 min/pace, to about a 9:30/mile pace, I didn't even realize I had run 4 miles. weird.

anyway, hope this helps.

and good luck on the next race.

also, what costume will you be wearing in the bay to breakers run? :teeth
im running around a 9 min pace right now.

I'm thinking some of my problems are I do not stretch, at all.

Also I need to focus on keeping my arms straight and not twisting my body when I run.
Looks like I will not be running the half next month after all, registration closed before I could find the money. Oh well, it was the day after the M1GP 8H4 anyway, so I was already going to be beat :D
im running around a 9 min pace right now.

I'm thinking some of my problems are I do not stretch, at all.

Also I need to focus on keeping my arms straight and not twisting my body when I run.

9's not too bad. seriously, consider starting off your run, if you don't stretch, around 10 min, and increase as you warm up. honestly I've hardly if ever stretched before hand. the way I see it, you're cold, and stretching out cold muscles and tendons isn't the greatest either, imo....I warm up slowly, then pick up the pace. run my hands low when going uphill, and tuck them in going down hill. work on your mechanics too.

swinging your arms, not overly long swings, but a good form is something to practice. remember that when you swing your upper arms, you are working your chest muscles to help chest expansion and your breathing. :laughing I know, a ton to think about, but once you get it down, and it's second nature, you're arms swing in unison, while legs run, and chest expands to maximize air/oxygen flow to the lungs. :teeth

something like that. haha
im running around a 9 min pace right now.

I'm thinking some of my problems are I do not stretch, at all.

Also I need to focus on keeping my arms straight and not twisting my body when I run.

Don't stretch before. I run 10 minutes or so, very lightly and then do 15-20 mins of stretching. Stretch enough so that you can actually feel it, but make sure not to hurt yourself.

Also, don't point your elbows out when you're running - most people do. Tuck them in to your sides and have them parallel to your legs as you move.

p.s. I loveeee the feeling in your chest after a long ass run.
When will the pain go away or does it ever. Im a big guy. Started off at 260. Down to 230. The results are great but, the legs are killing me. cardo is not a issue at all.

Any good books on running?
When will the pain go away or does it ever. Im a big guy. Started off at 260. Down to 230. The results are great but, the legs are killing me. cardo is not a issue at all.

Any good books on running?

It depends on whether your pain is due to general soreness because of exertion or due to an injury.

Read this, it's from my running coach. I'm just going to link to it instead of rewording it, it's the same advice I'd give.


Lots of other good stuff on his site too.
After a race, give your body a chance to recover(a week or two, or more....listen to your body). Restart your training by starting off with slow easy runs, and maybe some cross training.

Here's the training schedule that I followed that helped me prepare for my first half marathon --> http://www.marathonrookie.com/half-marathon-training.html

...and since, I have made adjustments, here and there, tailored to fit my fitness, schedule, and race mileage. Anyways, it's a starting point, and there are many training plans out there for any type of race you can think of. This is what worked for me to finish the race. I still have lots to learn, too.

The key in any of these training plans is to build up your mileage gradually, and then to taper the few weeks just before the race, which allows some recovery before the race.

Run your race, then restart the training cycle.

Good luck!!
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thanks guys some great info. Think maybe I just need to rest some. Been running at least every other day for the last 2 months including the 5k. going to take it easy this week and try for a long run ( for me ) run this weekend.