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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

thanks guys some great info. Think maybe I just need to rest some. Been running at least every other day for the last 2 months including the 5k. going to take it easy this week and try for a long run ( for me ) run this weekend.

I'm thinking if that is your schedule, and you just started running, then yes, might be a bit overload on your muscles, joints, bones and tendons. yep, more than just muscles hurting in there.

take an extra day in between your runs, try and adjust your pace, work on your running style (how you plant your feet, try different running shoes), etc.....

there are many factors, having one off, by chance, can create an issue. the problem is not knowing that that is all it might take to make things feel good. gotta experiment and see what works best for you.

I know that worn runners for me, make me feel more pain in my legs and feet. I get new runners, and damn, all of a sudden I feel like I'm running on a cloud of air, and go further. maybe it's mental for me. :dunno

good luck man, the biggest hurdle that you have overcome is getting out the front door and running! :thumbup
I never really had a lot of pain issues. Some in my shins, but not a lot. But since going to minimalist shoes (Vibrams) I have had no pain at all. My friend who got me started in this whole marathon thing said she had a lot of knee and hip pain until she started going barefoot.
i took 4 weeks off, and im starting from scratch... training for a half in 11 weeks -- i was able to do 20-25 miles/week before my 4 weeks off, and this week, i'm struggling to run a 3 miler hehehe..
Took a few days off and broke thru a plateu.

4 miles. feel pretty good after.

very cool man, keep it up. :thumbup

i took 4 weeks off, and im starting from scratch... training for a half in 11 weeks -- i was able to do 20-25 miles/week before my 4 weeks off, and this week, i'm struggling to run a 3 miler hehehe..

:laughing I'm the same way sometimes, I get sidetracked with other projects, or events and let the running slide a week or two. doh!
Anybody else doing B2B? Anybody already done it?

Was sold out. they just announced adding some spots
Found this for anyone trying to start up...


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ok so today was the oakland marathon, there has to be some website that shows all local races/marathons????!??!!?

because i had no clue,
Track workouts

If anyone is interested in track workouts (speed work), there's a running group that meets every Tuesday night at Sequoia High School in Redwood City. We meet at the running track at 6:30pm and start with warm up drills focusing on proper running form.

All ages and abilities welcome, especially anyone just beginning or want to improve their running pace. There is a wide representation of runners that attend (5k runners to half, full, Boston marathoners, and triathletes). The coach is great and accommodates all levels of runners during the workout.

I've been going to these track workouts for almost a year and it definitely helped me finally get my first sub 4 hour marathon finish.

PM me if you're interested and want more info.

I need to get some better shoes. Been walking and jogging a lot more recently and am getting shin splints. Or if not actually the case, my shins do hurt from jogging.
I need to get some better shoes. Been walking and jogging a lot more recently and am getting shin splints. Or if not actually the case, my shins do hurt from jogging.

That all went away when I started only running barefoot (Vibrams).
Holy shizznit a new pair of running shoes makes a huge difference! Picked up some Saucony C2 Glides (or something like that) on sale for $40 from $90 and they feel fantastic! Could run easier and farther than before without the aching and pain. Hopefully should be able to run more often with less downtime and burn some more calories
up to 6 miles. bay to breakers is in like 30 days. strained my calf. going to take like 4 days off and just ride my bicycle.

Down 25 pounds.
Down 20 pounds this year, running at least a mile 3-4 days a week on average. It is still work, it still sucks, still isn't fun... and yet I'm enjoying it anyway and in a way the discomfort feels good.

And you kinky BARFers, keep your nasty comments to yourself :twofinger
If anyone is interested in track workouts (speed work), there's a running group that meets every Tuesday night at Sequoia High School in Redwood City. We meet at the running track at 6:30pm and start with warm up drills focusing on proper running form.

All ages and abilities welcome, especially anyone just beginning or want to improve their running pace. There is a wide representation of runners that attend (5k runners to half, full, Boston marathoners, and triathletes). The coach is great and accommodates all levels of runners during the workout.

I've been going to these track workouts for almost a year and it definitely helped me finally get my first sub 4 hour marathon finish.

PM me if you're interested and want more info.


pm incoming. :)

Holy shizznit a new pair of running shoes makes a huge difference! Picked up some Saucony C2 Glides (or something like that) on sale for $40 from $90 and they feel fantastic! Could run easier and farther than before without the aching and pain. Hopefully should be able to run more often with less downtime and burn some more calories

dude, totally. new shoes will get you feeling well, comforted, and more support if that's what your feet need. I always feel like I can run an extra 2 miles or so, with new shoes, right out of the box. :laughing

Down 20 pounds this year, running at least a mile 3-4 days a week on average. It is still work, it still sucks, still isn't fun... and yet I'm enjoying it anyway and in a way the discomfort feels good.

And you kinky BARFers, keep your nasty comments to yourself :twofinger

:laughing nice. how long have you been running (that amount above)? recently? what's your pace? ie. how fast are you running that mile?
Been running 3-4 days a week since I got the new shoes and about 5 days for a little over a week now. Legs are getting sore so taking 2-3 off at the moment. As for pace usually around 7:50ish and sometimes pick it up for a 7:20ish. Then usually walk a lap, then go another lap or two then walk some more.

Am 5'9 with short legs, running has never been a strong suit of mine. Sad thing is a few months ago I could only go a single lap then be winded. Was 233-235 and now 214ish. Lean weight is supposed to be around 162. Got married. Got lazy. Got fat. Got unmarried... getting back in shape :teeth Lose another 20 and I'll be happy.
Been running 3-4 days a week since I got the new shoes and about 5 days for a little over a week now. Legs are getting sore so taking 2-3 off at the moment. As for pace usually around 7:50ish and sometimes pick it up for a 7:20ish. Then usually walk a lap, then go another lap or two then walk some more.

Am 5'9 with short legs, running has never been a strong suit of mine. Sad thing is a few months ago I could only go a single lap then be winded. Was 233-235 and now 214ish. Lean weight is supposed to be around 162. Got married. Got lazy. Got fat. Got unmarried... getting back in shape :teeth Lose another 20 and I'll be happy.

7:50ish DANNNNG!!! dude, that's hella fast for a beginner. seriously, invest in a not too expensive wrist gps, like a garmin 305. last years models are less expensive. and watch your pace.

imo, you are running way to fast, right from the get go. drop your pace to 9min/mile or 9:30 min/mile for now. you'll realize you are running further, and then your pace will quicken. essentially bringing you down to your 7ish pace, and you won't be totally burned out with the pain and discomfort. injuring yourself, even a mild injury will slow you down even more...delaying your ability to go out and keep running. :)

honestly, that's what I used to do, so I learned the hard way. slowed my pace at the beginning, and added 2 miles at least to my day runs.
Is a good idea, I've been trying to go faster on my mile thinking it might help me go farther when I slow down a little bit. But sounds like that might be backwards in thinking. Usually go around a HS track just so I know how far I'm going and how far I have to go. Is a little softer too with the materials they use. Then usually just went 2 minutes per lap and a little faster at the end.