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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

stan23 said:
There's a 5:30 time limit, and i'm hoping I can do it in 5 hours.

I did the SF in 4:12 and there were some monster hills but it was a comfortable pace (Idid hit the "wall" at mile 22 but that's another story) . NAPA is mostly flat, people run NAPA to qualify for the BOSTON because of this.

You can do it under 5:30, I have no doubt in my mind. To put it in perspective, my wifey poo, Leslie, "Walked" the Nike Women's marathon in SF under 6 hours.

You are actually inspiring me to do one again. Maybe I'll go run with you in a month or so. Maybe you, me and Rick can go do NAPA holding hands singing "Stand by Your MAn"!!!:laughing
JMack said:
Maybe you, me and Rick can go do NAPA holding hands singing "Stand by Your MAn"!!!:laughing

There seems to be a number of BARFers doing this race: citybikemike, jenmonkey, myself, possibly stan, rick...Sweet!:teeth
afm199 said:
Stay off it. I have had knee injuries for thirty years and that recipe keeps me running. Even if I have to take a month or three off. TAKE IBUPROFEN

Maybe Glucosamine also to strengthen the joints?

This is so funny now, cause if I am hauling ass today it is nine minute miles. LOL.

9 minutes for me is still hauling ass - I had to keep pace with dozens of cute college gals to maintain that pace in the 10K I ran over Thanksgiving break!
JMack said:
......... you, me and Rick can go do NAPA holding hands singing "Stand by Your MAn"!!!:laughing

I thought we talked about this! and it was never to be brought up. :x :twofinger

dude, let me know.
I tried to run to the billiards meet tonight. My house to Mountain View is about 7-miles. I got home really late from work, so I decided to do the next best thing.. I rode my skateboard there!

What a workout!
I just signed up for the Big Sur Marathon in Monterey next April.

It's my first marathon too.

I only started my training two weeks ago, but caught a cold last week. That's what I get for running outside at 5:30 in the morning.

Damn this cold weather.

I might have take to the treadmill for awhile, but I get so bored.


I'm less than 13 weeks away from the Napa race....yep, I'm already counting down:p
CityBikeMike said:
Maybe Glucosamine also to strengthen the joints?

9 minutes for me is still hauling ass - I had to keep pace with dozens of cute college gals to maintain that pace in the 10K I ran over Thanksgiving break!

If it were not for Glucosamine I could not still run. I take it every every day and have for years.
Great stuff.
Atak Kat said:
I just signed up for the Big Sur Marathon in Monterey next April.

Big Sur looks incredible :)

What other events are you looking at doing next year?
I wan't to be able to walk down to Casper's....

Hot Dogs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup
zx6roxy said:
There seems to be a number of BARFers doing this race: citybikemike, jenmonkey, myself, possibly stan, rick...Sweet!:teeth

Stan sounded pretty positive when I talked to him at Chi's. I wonder what the chances of Rick and JMack doing it are? That would be cool to have a little BARF contingent out there :)
CityBikeMike said:
Stan sounded pretty positive when I talked to him at Chi's. I wonder what the chances of Rick and JMack doing it are? That would be cool to have a little BARF contingent out there :)

doing the interval training that was posted earlier. first time I actually train for anything, rather than just doing it.

just ran, stretched, and icing knees. need to finish work on bike, and then sleep...work tonite. :cry

I don't know.... JMack?
I ran yesterday for about 3 miles (taking it real easy) knee didn't bug me and I was still full of energy. I'm doing another 5-miler tonight.

I'm feeling ok, but my throat is a little scratchy. Hopefully, i'm not coming down with anything.
afm199 said:
If it were not for Glucosamine I could not still run. I take it every every day and have for years.
Great stuff.

I take that too.. But it was mainly for when I broke my wrists.
stan23 said:
I ran yesterday for about 3 miles (taking it real easy) knee didn't bug me and I was still full of energy. I'm doing another 5-miler tonight.

I'm feeling ok, but my throat is a little scratchy. Hopefully, i'm not coming down with anything.

Don't do too much too soon. I fux0red my knees by running soon after I ran a 5 miler race (and volleyball afterwards). Ignore my advice if you are a teenager and heal like Wolverine.
The Ten Percent Rule

***Do not increase either your (1) weekly mileage and/or (2) long run mileage by more than 10 percent a week. Doing so greatly increases the chances of incurring an injury, thereby delaying or stopping your training all together***
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cardinal03 said:
Injury question: my friend was running a half marathon, at mile 11 her knee began to hurt. Region is at about 3 o'clock on her knee, hurting around the knee cap and slightly under. She can't go to the doctor because she is silly and doesn't have health insurance (see my "Health Insurance for Poor People" thread).

Any thoughts/pain remedies? I've already told her to stay off it. It's bad enough that she can't run for more than ten minutes.

Just saw your post. Ask your friend to compare her injured knee to the other one. Is it swollen? If so then stay off it and ice it. Also raise it above heart level when sleeping by using cushions/pillows. 3 o'clock on which knee? On RK, it would point to problem in the lateral area while on LK it points to something in the medial area. Take NSAID like Ibuprofen or Advil as afm199 already recommended.

If possible get a pair of crutches and stop putting load on the injured leg completely for a week or two.
Knee injuries are my worst fear as it can take you away from training for weeks, maybe months at a time...

I started freaking out last week when both my knees started hurting at mile 3 of my 8-mile runs.....The strange thing was they hurt on some days and not on others.

Then, I remembered that I was alternating between 2 pairs of the same shoes......one pair had 200miles more than the other.

Last Saturday, I attempted running again on the 'newer' pair.....mile 1 I was feeling fine....mile 3, no problems.....mile 7 still good........mile 9 my knees are fine........mile 12 great!.....mile 15 YEY!:banana.....

So I stopped by sportsbasement on Sunday and bought another pair of Asics GT-2110s........BEST PAIR OF RUNNING SHOES EVER!!! I highly recommend them:thumbup

I typically get about 500-600miles out of a pair.
Yeah, I was running 5 milers last week, and I have not gone over the mileage this week.

I don't always run too. I alternate between running, biking and skateboarding (great workout btw!) I'm still trying to re-learn my 360 kickflips, but i'm too scared to fall down and land on my wrists.