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I want to run a marathon. (The running thread)

CityBikeMike said:

What other events are you looking at doing next year?
I just signed up for the Wildflower long course.
It'll be my first attempt at it although I did the Oly course in '05.

Atak Kat said:
I just signed up for the Wildflower long course.
It'll be my first attempt at it although I did the Oly course in '05.


Awesome - now we just have to convince Roxy to join us :)

Are you planning on heading down there with anyone?
CityBikeMike said:

Are you planning on heading down there with anyone?
Nope, no plans yet.

I camped with TNT when I did the oly course.
It was tough getting some decent sleep there in a tent.

I'm glad I was able to experience camping there a few days with such a huge supporting team beore the race, but unless it was with TNT again I doubt I will camp there again.

Either I'll leave from home *really* early on race day or go find a nearby hotel and shack up there the night before race day.

CityBikeMike said:
Awesome - now we just have to convince Roxy to join us :)
If you mention to her about the naked male collegiate triathaletes streaking through the camp grounds the night before the race, that might convince her. :laughing

If they were females streaking, I would SOOOOO be there:laughing

How is training coming along Stan? Mike? Joel? Rick? Jen?
zx6roxy said:
If they were females streaking, I would SOOOOO be there:laughing

Last year, there were both during the TNT training weekend :) There were some hotties at the "naked water stop" too, but a lot of them had their clothes back on by the time I got there. Major bummer.

How is training coming along Stan? Mike? Joel? Rick? Jen?

I've been doing 4-5 miles of intervals / fartleks / tempo runs twice a week, and tried to up to 13 miles last weekend. Unfortunately, my ankle only lasted for 11 of those miles before softening up - I twisted it in a drunken stupor at Chi's party a couple of weeks back. In the meantime, I'm just keeping the blood flowing with morning hillclimb bike rides.
D'oh! I'm sorry to hear about your ankle. Is everything ok?

I do my maintenance runs (5-6 miles) 3 times a week with my 1 long run (12-15miles) on the weekend.

So far no injuries, but my knee tends to cramp up here and there on my longer runs. Nothing that ice and rest days can't fix.

11 weeks away from this Sunday!

Any open water swims?

I haven't taken the road bike out for almost a month:wow

btw, we need to discuss our RELAY team plan with Chris for a 70.3 race? or was it the 140.6?
Ankle is just tender. I was limping a little Sunday morning, but it seems to be ok now. I'll start light tomorrow - might be time for another pair of 2110s. Maybe something with a little more lateral stability. The folks at Sports Basement should be able to help me determine if I need a different shoe

Are the man-eating sea lions still out at AP? I haven't been swimming in almost a month.
zx6roxy said:
The Ten Percent Rule

***Do not increase either your (1) weekly mileage and/or (2) long run mileage by more than 10 percent a week. Doing so greatly increases the chances of incurring an injury, thereby delaying or stopping your training all together***

I was actually thinking about this post when I went out on that 13 miler last weekend. "Yeah, but if I take it easy, I'll be fiiiiine..."

intervals. 4mi 3 times a week, longer run on saturday. increasing about 10 percent. took extra day of rest monday, after very long weekend of running hard trail. , and knees feeling "tired" and sore. iced and better. need new shoes for sure.

music makes the time pass by....

I'll be picking up my road bike over the holidays. and just got my floaties....so when's the swim?! :twofinger
zx6roxy said:
If they were females streaking, I would SOOOOO be there:laughing

How is training coming along Stan? Mike? Joel? Rick? Jen?

I ran 4 miles last week on Monday and that was it. I had a cold and I was out of commission for that particular week.

This week, I did a 4 miler on Monday, and I ran 3 miles yesterday. Tonight, i'm doing weight training, so I won't be back running til Thursday -- i'm thinking 5 miles on Thursday and another 3 miles on Friday. That would put me at 15 miles this week.

This weekend, if the weather is good, i'll take the mountain bike out.
glf said:
intervals. 4mi 3 times a week, longer run on saturday. increasing about 10 percent. took extra day of rest monday, after very long weekend of running hard trail. , and knees feeling "tired" and sore. iced and better. need new shoes for sure.

music makes the time pass by....

I'll be picking up my road bike over the holidays. and just got my floaties....so when's the swim?! :twofinger

Sounds like an aspiring triathlete to me :) Which events are you thinking of doing?
CityBikeMike said:
Sounds like an aspiring triathlete to me :) Which events are you thinking of doing?

not sure yet. hell we might have to go for some rides. I need to get some tight biker shorts to make my ass look sexy...you know how I roll. :teeth

I always wanted to try a cyclocross (sp?) event too. mostly cause of the running thru mud (trail running and cycling)

and on my todo list is an ironman. so one day. :)

just talked to my friend in Dallas, and she completed the marathon...a visit to the medic tent at the end...but all well she was a little low on electrolytes I think, and a little hyperventilation from trying to catch her breath...but she ran it. nice.

trying to get her to sign up for Napa.

so question: how long after running the actual marathon would you wait to give your body time to recover?

how would you resume your training regimen for the next one?
this is of course asking, and taking into account someone who is new to the sport and not running marathons/tri's every 3 months.

start back slow? spin class, ride bike, small runs? go back to normal interval/training schedule after...say 1 week?

just curious.
Recovery time varies for everyone--the typical suggestion is to let your body recover through a mixture of both rest and active recovery for the same amount of days as the race distance...So a recovery for a marathon would be at least 26 days of rest and light workouts (65-70% of your maximum heart rate)
I just remembered the conversation I had with Solis about everything hurting during that first mile of running, then it magically disappears.

Yes, that warmup mile is more dreadful than it is pleasant....:x

Anyhow, I noticed that my knee doesn't quite bother me during my runs, but tends to tense/lock-up AFTER...:mad

Proper cooldown, stretching, and icing them has helped a great deal.

Napa is 10 weeks away from this coming Sunday....:wow

I'm up to 36 miles/week......next week is my 'recovery' week where I cut my total weekly mileage 50%.....then I'm back to the routine the week after.

How's the running coming along?:confused
running is good, on track with 10 percent increase weekly. new shoes have helped a HUGE amount. legs feel a lot better.

yo stan! did your vagina stop dripping or do you still have a cold? :laughing :twofinger