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If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

Bike & Rider delivered home :thumbup. Glad I could finally help!
Kris, thanks for the help. i owe you big time. Lunch Box, thank you for helping as well! Hope i can be of help to someone eventually
Kris, thanks for the help. i owe you big time. Lunch Box, thank you for helping as well! Hope i can be of help to someone eventually

Well, if you have access to a truck and ramp, I can always use more volunteers! ;)
Im on rt 13 right before the west oakland exit on the right side with a blown motor on a red suzuki 500, can anyone help?
Im on rt 13 right before the west oakland exit on the right side with a blown motor on a red suzuki 500, can anyone help?

I'm really sorry I didn't get the notification- my email was having issues all day, and I just got the notification! :(
Text messages going out, let's hope we can get you some help! :)
OK, BIG ups to Renee/BRMSTIK who's unloading her bike, and then slogging up to San Francisco from the South Bay to rescue our broken BARFer, and get him home!! Renee... you rock so hard you boulder!!! :hail :applause :wow :gsxrgrl

You know what? I freakin' love my Angels!!! :love
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Dead thread, yes?

I rode 1st day of BIG 3 day group ride into Trinity Alps a couple months back. 25 or so riders.

Was told they had a "Sag Wagon" guy "available" to help with any needing recovery. He was not traveling with us.

I've been doing group rides over 20 years ... stranded just one time when I crashed. Tow Truck got the totaled bike that time and I got a Heliocopter ride.

But on hundreds of other rides on dirt and street, NEVER had a breakdown ... but helped DOZENS of other guys/gals get help ... or fixed their bikes. You know who you are!

Sadly, my Ducati shit the bed near Kettenpom (Garberville) ... and NO RESPONSE from said volunteer ... and 20 guys just RODE AWAY leaving me to my own devices in a place with NO Cell coverage and no Motel! :teeth
Have a Nice Ride guys!

My advice is don't rely on random guys who just show up for a ride to help out. They won't. Ride using the "buddy system" when you can. Prep your bike meticulously pre ride. Use 5 P's.

Motorcyclists are an incredibly selfish bunch ... really only want to ride, not waste their riding day helping some schmuck riding a Ducati. :gsxrgrl
Can't blame them. I sort of feel the same! :wow

This is my first (ans last?) Ducati ... but that's no excuse. Should have never, ever trusted it so far from home.

But if someone volunteers to be the GO TO bail out Sag Wagon person, they should honor that obligation and stick around the Phone to respond if needed. I needed.

But when I see how guys ride around the Alice's area ... I am not surprised by this Flake Out behavior. :afm199

Getting help very locally seems to be OK with many willing to pick up someone out in West Marin, Oakland Hills or Alice's area. But once out of Bay Area ... not much love. Perhaps the network could expand?
If you were asking for help, I imagine you'd get a reply here fairly quickly. I don't know that you'd get anyone willing to pick you up from all the way up there, but... you never know.

It's shitty that someone volunteered and then bailed out. It's one thing not having someone to do that, it's significantly worse having them bail, and then leaving someone on the side of the road with no cell coverage? I'd out them (probably in a different thread) (I'm assuming you didn't tell them to keep going).
"Dead thread"?? :wtf

I have NO idea what/who you're talking about. I don't know anything about your "sag wagon" guy, but he had nothing to do with my volunteers. You going for a ride with a bunch of shitheads who had no problem leaving you stranded by the side of the road doesn't have anything to do with my Roadside Angels.
Had you posted up asking for help, we would have done our level best to get you help.
Sorry you didn't get any assistance from your group ride, and sorry you bought a Ducati.

I have a network of volunteers from the Oregon border down to San Diego. We have coordinated a rescue that actually got a guy from the Oregon border down to Orange County.
I do not provide volunteers to help out with group rides, that's not how this works. I suggest you go to the very first post I put up years ago, that has been periodically updated, to see how it works.
And considering I just pulled together a rescue two weekends ago, I'm more than a little chapped that you're calling this a "dead thread". That Angel dropped everything she was doing to drive an hour to pick up someone she'd never met, get them home, and then get herself home. That rescue STARTED at about 8pm. It made for a late night for her. What did she get out of it? Her gas covered, and a "Roadside Angel Contributor" tag.
She does this because BARFers are a special kinda stupid... we're all one big dysfunctional family here. We help each other, because that's how we roll.
For the record, we average about 40 rescues a year.

I rode 1st day of BIG 3 day group ride into Trinity Alps a couple months back. 25 or so riders.

Was told they had a "Sag Wagon" guy "available" to help with any needing recovery. He was not traveling with us.

I've been doing group rides over 20 years ... stranded just one time when I crashed. Tow Truck got the totaled bike that time and I got a Heliocopter ride.

But on hundreds of other rides on dirt and street, NEVER had a breakdown ... but helped DOZENS of other guys/gals get help ... or fixed their bikes. You know who you are!

Sadly, my Ducati shit the bed near Kettenpom (Garberville) ... and NO RESPONSE from said volunteer ... and 20 guys just RODE AWAY leaving me to my own devices in a place with NO Cell coverage and no Motel! :teeth
Have a Nice Ride guys!

My advice is don't rely on random guys who just show up for a ride to help out. They won't. Ride using the "buddy system" when you can. Prep your bike meticulously pre ride. Use 5 P's.

Motorcyclists are an incredibly selfish bunch ... really only want to ride, not waste their riding day helping some schmuck riding a Ducati. :gsxrgrl
Can't blame them. I sort of feel the same! :wow

This is my first (ans last?) Ducati ... but that's no excuse. Should have never, ever trusted it so far from home.

But if someone volunteers to be the GO TO bail out Sag Wagon person, they should honor that obligation and stick around the Phone to respond if needed. I needed.

But when I see how guys ride around the Alice's area ... I am not surprised by this Flake Out behavior. :afm199

Getting help very locally seems to be OK with many willing to pick up someone out in West Marin, Oakland Hills or Alice's area. But once out of Bay Area ... not much love. Perhaps the network could expand?
I know that we have rescued from as far away as Eureka. It's strictly voluntary and last case scenario. Sorry you got ditched .
If you were asking for help, I imagine you'd get a reply here fairly quickly. I don't know that you'd get anyone willing to pick you up from all the way up there, but... you never know.

It's shitty that someone volunteered and then bailed out. It's one thing not having someone to do that, it's significantly worse having them bail, and then leaving someone on the side of the road with no cell coverage? I'd out them (probably in a different thread) (I'm assuming you didn't tell them to keep going).

I've never heard from him. Had he pm'd me, or asked one of this riding pals to do so when they got to someplace with coverage, I would have absolutely done my best to get him help. And I actually have a fair amount of volunteers up north.
I did not mean to direct criticism towards your service ... it's not about you, just posting up my experience. Probably the WRONG place for it? But since this thread deals with breakdowns, thought it might be OK.

Apparently not, I will ask it be moved by one of the 300 moderators here! :teeth but move to ... ?

Your Angels group sounds great ... wish one of the 25 riders I was with had mentioned you guys ... but without cell service might have been a challenge.

I thought thread was dead since no activity for nearly a month. My mistake.

Out of your 40 recoveries ... how many were crash related as opposed to
simple breakdowns?

"Dead thread"?? :wtf

I have NO idea what/who you're talking about. I don't know anything about your "sag wagon" guy, but he had nothing to do with my volunteers. You going for a ride with a bunch of shitheads who had no problem leaving you stranded by the side of the road doesn't have anything to do with my Roadside Angels.
Had you posted up asking for help, we would have done our level best to get you help.
Sorry you didn't get any assistance from your group ride, and sorry you bought a Ducati.

I have a network of volunteers from the Oregon border down to San Diego. We have coordinated a rescue that actually got a guy from the Oregon border down to Orange County.
I do not provide volunteers to help out with group rides, that's not how this works. I suggest you go to the very first post I put up years ago, that has been periodically updated, to see how it works.
And considering I just pulled together a rescue two weekends ago, I'm more than a little chapped that you're calling this a "dead thread". That Angel dropped everything she was doing to drive an hour to pick up someone she'd never met, get them home, and then get herself home. That rescue STARTED at about 8pm. It made for a late night for her. What did she get out of it? Her gas covered, and a "Roadside Angel Contributor" tag.
She does this because BARFers are a special kinda stupid... we're all one big dysfunctional family here. We help each other, because that's how we roll.
For the record, we average about 40 rescues a year.
It's shitty that someone volunteered and then bailed out. It's one thing not having someone to do that, it's significantly worse having them bail, and then leaving someone on the side of the road with no cell coverage? I'd out them (probably in a different thread) (I'm assuming you didn't tell them to keep going).

Since no one on the ride had any good ideas for recovery, I just waived them on. I guess had I begged for someone to stay and hold my hand ... someone would have. But why? :teeth

A few did help load the Dead Duc into a local's pick up ... for the short ride into the "town". From there, they took off, which was OK ... nothing to be done.

I got hold of a land line, made the call and got a ride home. I've traveled alone before in far more remote places where there were folks with guns ... so not the end of the world. It was more the "attitude". Fact is, I did not know well most of the riders on this ride. This was a very loosely dis-organized ride ... the kind where riders are strung out over 30 miles of road. So ... not really a "group" ride! :teeth