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Mines and Mt Hamilton Roads: The Official Thread

Goats?!, that’s one I haven’t seen on Mines road yet. Gee, can’t wait to come around a corner into some of those. Plowed through a flock(?) of turkeys last week and they flew right into a group of bicyclists, it was hilarious. Heads & eyes up!
deer, turkeys, a couple of bulls walking around on mines,and goats now on del puerto.missed one by inches.lots of deer on mines-saw around 1/2 dozen at around 2 pm on friday.mines and del puerto are clean and the weather is perfect.
Yesterday I saw three steers, about three dozen quail, and one tarantula. I thought there was a rock in the middle of my lane, but then it was moving. I gave it plenty of room so that it could make it to the other side. Didn't see a single deer.
Was very clear and cool. Roads are still very good.:ride Deer every where this morning. Got to the top and met two other motos and they said they saw a group loitering on the road up from SJ. Been seeing tarantulas for a few weeks now. A lotta people on Mines are getting into the Halloween spirit with their decorations.:thumbup
Heads up Eyes up!

Last week going up top from SJ. People this ignorant should not be driving. Had a guy today driving a brand new Tesla on Mines pull over to let me pass, right before a hard blind left curve. Picture it in your head, me having to go to the middle of the road approaching a blind left turn to get around him. No driving sense, situational awareness, but what can you do? Be careful friends!


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Road it today. Pretty clean, but I am no expert on expectations on Mines.

Enjoyed a casual pace and no wild life seen.
don't worry too much about it; just enjoy your ride on one of my favorites back in the day...

(horror story) :afm199

I'll never forget rounding the old Turn 9 at Sears Point @ a buck 30+, side-by-side w/little Frankie Mazur ( :rose )....& three deer hop the rail leaving the infield pond area....right where ur hitting redline in top back in the day...

We both slammed on the binders, no matter, we only slowed to 90ish as I brushed the last one...saw some fur flying....:wow I think I got some tail!

Sometimes you just can't be prepared for this stuff, it just happens... you can only do the best you can. Oh I just love wildlife don't you? :rolleyes
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...the light at the bottom of the climb up to Mt Hamilton on San Antonio Valley Road... Does it turn green?
I ended up out there today for various reasons. The road seemed really clean, weather was perfect. Didn't nail any squirrels.

Did have multiple cars and one bike that had blown a corner in my lane but was prepared so meh. Rode from the observatory to Joseph Grant Park, back to the observatory and then to San Jose.

I got rather close to a half dozen turkeys having a party in my lane. I did not touch any of them. At least a foot to spare.
...the light at the bottom of the climb up to Mt Hamilton on San Antonio Valley Road... Does it turn green?

I beleive the camera is motion sensitive, roll up quicker rather than slower, never had to wait more than 3 minutes at any of the lights.
I beleive the camera is motion sensitive, roll up quicker rather than slower, never had to wait more than 3 minutes at any of the lights.
Is there really a camera there?

And here I thought it was a straight timer. It's much easier to have it set where eastbound gets two minutes, there is enough overlap with both ways there for traffic to clear then westbound gets two minutes. Repeat forever.

Depending what the camera is for I could be getting mail.

Is there really a camera there?
Type? Pictures from Sat.AM I think there are four lights now, they have always had one to the west road and recently added one for an east road. I think they just created the east road for the construction.


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If the cameras are for citations, the population out there would have already handled it.

Just say'n.
Rode it on the 7th from Mines Livermore to San Jose in my KLR man I forgot how long that ride is and how many turns it was, the KLR totally ripped it! I don't think I've done the San Antonio uphill to Lick Observatory much it was totally awesome!

Nice and clean and yes I was wondering if that light would turn green as well and it did about after a minute. Was the only one sitting there.

Followed 2 SUVs and after a long enough time riding their asses they pulled over one I had to blow the line to get around because they would not pull over, should be common courtesy to pull over if your doing like 15 MPH and something faster is behind you. Lots of driving over the line no excuse if your driving a small SUV.

Picture at the Junction no Lick Observatory pix was close when I rode by =/
Followed 2 SUVs and after a long enough time riding their asses they pulled over one I had to blow the line to get around because they would not pull over, should be common courtesy to pull over if your doing like 15 MPH and something faster is behind you.
Most people driving up there are very good about pulling over at the first opportunity.

But you'll always get a few that don't realize that it only costs them about five seconds to let you by. There are always a few in the center of the road coming the other way too. As long as you realize that people do that and ride accordingly, most of them won't be a danger to you.
Beautiful day on Mines. Saw a Triumph down by the creek crossing and caught the ambulance on the way down. Hope rider is okay.
PSA - Road up Mines yesterday afternoon from Livermore to the Junction, and considering the recent rain the road was actually clean. The only "dirty" spot was around the 13 mile marker. Yeah, there's the occasional baseball size rocks along the edges and a few corners that had a little standing water but all in all it's clean.

And a bonus... the Junction is open and today (Sunday) is the new proprietors soft opening so have a little patience with them, kick back and enjoy the day!
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I went yesterday and today,Road not trashed yet from winter and the taco's at the junction tasted awesome!