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Mines and Mt Hamilton Roads: The Official Thread

Brisk night ride a few days ago.
Two buells and a bucket :rofl

You're brave. I have been caught out there in the dark ONCE... it was horrifying. Would never do it again.
You're brave. I have been caught out there in the dark ONCE... it was horrifying. Would never do it again.

In the winter you can find me out there at least one night a week hooning into the darkness wif mah friends.
We're very ill.
We even do rainy night rides on Mines :twofinger
s'posed to be 29 degrees F at night, think there'll be ice tomorrow afternoon?
Yesterday on Mines Road, there were only two or three damp spots in total. You need some form of water to make ice and I didn't see enough of that to be an issue.

You still have to read the road for other traction issues.
You're brave. I have been caught out there in the dark ONCE... it was horrifying. Would never do it again.

It's actually pretty fun riding out on Mines at night, especially with other crazy people :twofinger
It's actually pretty fun riding out on Mines at night, especially with other crazy people :twofinger
Night riding is cool, but just keep an eye out for Bambi. You'll lose your sense of humor real quick when you have deer guts splashed all over you and your bike.
12/17 Sunday

Finally made it up to the Junction after the rumored change in ownership, I was surprised to find that little has changed! My favorite bartend (ex-owner/partner?) James is still there, only sitting on the same side of the bar as me for a change.

It was very reassuring to find the acclimated selection of Altamont Beer Works are still on tap, and the menu kept my favorite items from the old one...like the Fat Tire Cheese Pretzles to burgers and Fish n' Chips (they were always surprisingly good).

Supposedly due to the strong winds over the weekend (explains the branches and debris on Mines Rd.), PG&E had turned off the power for the morning, luckily for me it was turned back on when I arrived.

I confirmed that while they only open Fri, Sat, Sundays for the remainder of 2017, starting in January they will be partially open on the weekdays as well.

Mines and Del Puerto Canyon were as other riders had reported, mostly clean (gravel wise) and suicide squirrel free:teeth

Mandatory moto-selfie:
Night riding is cool, but just keep an eye out for Bambi. You'll lose your sense of humor real quick when you have deer guts splashed all over you and your bike.

Of course? That's a given when riding at night in rural areas.
Of course? That's a given when riding at night in rural areas.
You'd think, right?

Last year my neighbor from down the street crashed into a deer up by Tilden on his GS while riding after dark. He got sort of fucked up, his bike was totaled by the insurance and the dumb ass deer was in pieces. So I thought it was at least worth mentioning... :dunno
Mines was in top notch condition this afternoon. Gawd I love that road.
Passed one car, had two trucks in the on-coming lane.
I confirmed that while they only open Fri, Sat, Sundays for the remainder of 2017, starting in January they will be partially open on the weekdays as well.
Hot damn... I'll have to try and get out there this Saturday!
Passed one car, had two trucks in the on-coming lane.
Only two? Were they both trying to kill you at the same time, at least?

edit: for some reason I read this as them being in the wrong lane. Color me even more surprised.
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Im pretty new to mines road, so apologies if my question is stupid. When the Junction is closed, is the parking lot still open to park and hang out before riding back?
Im pretty new to mines road, so apologies if my question is stupid. When the Junction is closed, is the parking lot still open to park and hang out before riding back?

Gate is closed but theres plenty of space to fit bikes in front of the gate. Theres a porta-pot and definitely some places to sit down. That would technically be trespassing but don't leave a trace and you should be good.
Gate is closed but theres plenty of space to fit bikes in front of the gate. Theres a porta-pot and definitely some places to sit down. That would technically be trespassing but don't leave a trace and you should be good.
I haven't been up there in years, but we used to just ride around the gate, & used the picnic tables when they were closed. We were told they had no trouble w/that, just DO NOT block the gates.

Can you still get around gates?
Can you still get around gates?
If you can ride over a log, or have dirt riding skills it wouldn't be too hard. I can do both, but I would not cross onto their property if the gates are locked. What's the big deal about parking along the road and walking an extra 100 feet?
If you can ride over a log, or have dirt riding skills it wouldn't be too hard. I can do both, but I would not cross onto their property if the gates are locked. What's the big deal about parking along the road and walking an extra 100 feet?
hmmm....didn't know they had blocked it off...wasn't like that years ago. l

no big deal as long as I can keep a view of my bike....:afm199
I was doing some historic searching and ran across these vids from Mt. Hamilton.



Butch said lets go Sunday... now I am thinking yeah! :ride
Budman, I have never met you and would like the oportunity if we cross paths Sunday. SVJ and I will be up grabbing a burger Sunday. SVJ is no longer on an SV and Edzx6 is no longer on a ZX6. We will be on a BMW XR1000 and GSXS1000F.
I rode the full Mount Hamilton and Mines stretch 4 or 5 times in the last week. Mount Hamilton and Mines remain almost perfect right now.

I guess the road was cleaned recently? Gravel, dust and landslide debris is minimal. There's still the odd slippy patch (mostly thanks to the way car/truck drivers cut right-handers), but the vast majority is clean and clear :cool: