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More shity gas on the way.....More Ethanol! WTF?

Give me a time and place so you can get your chance at calling me a "whackjob nutcase," "uneducated," "ignorant idiot," "ass" or whatever rocks your boat... Why not do it in person instead..? So yeah, time and place...


really, dude? Is Internet that serious a business for you?

Notch it down, buddy. Thanks.

That's funny, I didn't even notice that. Joe, come on down to the clubhouse and I'll buy you a beer. If you really need to get in the ring, it's always waiting. That's not a threat or anything of the sort, just an honest invite to have a beer. I'll be back in town after Jan 1.

Ok. I wasn't going to get back in on this. But shit, cry me a river..! :rolleyes

Now that all the usual suspects are here. I'm going to address all of you liberals at the same time. I DON'T GIVE A CRAP..! Resort to calling me names or whatever you want because I dissed your messiah..? Boo hoo..! It's amazing how pissi liberals get when their feelings get hurt. It's soo much fun..! :rofl

As far as "serving your country..?" I wasn't talking about the military you jack wagons. I was talking about public service, volunteer service, charity work, volunteer fire fighting, teaching, coaching and serving food at local charity events in addition to any other form of service domestic or abroad. Serving your country doesn't just involve the military. But some of you e-geeks wouldn't know anything about that. Would you..? :thumbdown

I'm not like some of you who like to bitch about the cold, the heat or the cager that cut me off and go post about it on BARF. I just deal with it. I like to stir the shit with liberals because it's so easy. Republicans won't take me on. So sparring with some of you is alot better, it's like working the punching bag. I'm in N.C. right now, it's a 3 hour difference and it's snowing. If any of you want to take a shot at shouting insults at me? By all means, I'll be in the Bay this weekend for the Holidays. Give me a time and place so you can get your chance at calling me a "whackjob nutcase," "uneducated," "ignorant idiot," "ass" or whatever rocks your boat... Why not do it in person instead..? So yeah, time and place... :thumbup

Now if you think that most liberals in the Bay Area don't get annoyed by the "M" word..? Then I don't know what planet your living in..? Liberals believe that our military should be planting flowers not dropping bombs. That's the reality. Look at PFC Bradley Manning. A traitor. Being voted by the Berkeley City Council as a hero..! That's your people folks... Now, get off my lawn..! :twofinger

Society has failed. :(

Jo, that's a generous offer :)
That's funny, I didn't even notice that. Joe, come on down to the clubhouse and I'll buy you a beer. If you really need to get in the ring, it's always waiting. That's not a threat or anything of the sort, just an honest invite to have a beer. I'll be back in town after Jan 1.


I hope this offer stands for me. Least you can do after making it more expensive! :teeth

I know I'm not even 1/2 as interesting as YJ! but I'll try... :twofinger
I hope this offer stands for me. Least you can do after making it more expensive! :teeth

I know I'm not even 1/2 as interesting as YJ! but I'll try... :twofinger

Yeah, swing by after the first. Beer is always cheap there despite my efforts.
Obviously, all of this Hostility is just an outlet for the frustration of not being able to grow your own Corn.

Now if You grew your own, and made your own Ethanol, to run your vehicles on and sip a little shine, and cook as food, and feed the chickens (more food)..there would be happier people, wouldn't there? :laughing
Ok. I wasn't going to get back in on this. But shit, cry me a river..! :rolleyes

Now that all the usual suspects are here. I'm going to address all of you liberals at the same time. I DON'T GIVE A CRAP..! Resort to calling me names or whatever you want because I dissed your messiah..? Boo hoo..! It's amazing how pissi liberals get when their feelings get hurt. It's soo much fun..! :rofl

As far as "serving your country..?" I wasn't talking about the military you jack wagons. I was talking about public service, volunteer service, charity work, volunteer fire fighting, teaching, coaching and serving food at local charity events in addition to any other form of service domestic or abroad. Serving your country doesn't just involve the military. But some of you e-geeks wouldn't know anything about that. Would you..? :thumbdown

I'm not like some of you who like to bitch about the cold, the heat or the cager that cut me off and go post about it on BARF. I just deal with it. I like to stir the shit with liberals because it's so easy. Republicans won't take me on. So sparring with some of you is alot better, it's like working the punching bag. I'm in N.C. right now, it's a 3 hour difference and it's snowing. If any of you want to take a shot at shouting insults at me? By all means, I'll be in the Bay this weekend for the Holidays. Give me a time and place so you can get your chance at calling me a "whackjob nutcase," "uneducated," "ignorant idiot," "ass" or whatever rocks your boat... Why not do it in person instead..? So yeah, time and place... :thumbup

Now if you think that most liberals in the Bay Area don't get annoyed by the "M" word..? Then I don't know what planet your living in..? Liberals believe that our military should be planting flowers not dropping bombs. That's the reality. Look at PFC Bradley Manning. A traitor. Being voted by the Berkeley City Council as a hero..! That's your people folks... Now, get off my lawn..! :twofinger

so what you're basically saying is you don't know what your are talking about and you like to troll? :dunno
Run your pump gas through a cat cracker to skim off the ethanol. :thumbup


Actually, as I understand it you can just put some water in with the gas (probably at least 2-3 parts water per 10 parts gas), agitate it, and come back tomorrow and siphon off the top layer.

The water absorbs the ethanol, and sinks to the bottom (much like water mixed with oil). It's actually very easy to see where the divide between the two is, I just did it today :)

Word of caution, if you're gonna routinely have gallons of gas sitting around for days on end, make sure it's either a well-ventilated area or the container is sealed properly with an emergency pressure release. Also know that a standard red gas can with a tablespoon of gasoline can (allegedly) blow up an entire garage because the entire can is filled with gasoline vapor (which is how it burns fastest). This means keeping your containers full is a little safer than empty & sealed
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Actually, as I understand it you can just put some water in with the gas (probably at least 2-3 parts water per 10 parts gas), agitate it, and come back tomorrow and siphon off the top layer.

The water absorbs the ethanol, and sinks to the bottom (much like water mixed with oil). It's actually very easy to see where the divide between the two is, I just did it today :)

Word of caution, if you're gonna routinely have gallons of gas sitting around for days on end, make sure it's either a well-ventilated area or the container is sealed properly with an emergency pressure release. Also know that a standard red gas can with a tablespoon of gasoline can (allegedly) blow up an entire garage because the entire can is filled with gasoline vapor (which is how it burns fastest). This means keeping your containers full is a little safer than empty & sealed

OR OR OR,,,,

you can get 100% Dino from any marina...
Ironically, ethanol contains LESS energy than gasoline, and it's actually more expensive than the gasoline itself, so were looking at higher prices, and lower MPG due to ethanol containing less energy. So it's hardly green or economical.

NPR has been running a three-part series of reports on the ethanol fuel industry, and they covered the effects on food prices (higher, especially meat, because about 1/3 of all the corn grown in this country is now turned into fuel), pollution (higher, since fossil fuels are burned to produce it), and taxes (since ethanol production is subsidized).

This morning they discussed Nascar's use of E15 next year, specifically "Sunoco Green E15" as the industry's means of promoting even higher percentages of ethanol in pump fuels. In that piece, somebody from Edmund's was quoted as having measured a 37% increase in fuel consumption between E10 and E85 in real-world conditions. So, yeah, much lower energy per volume in ethanol blends than in gasoline. Which means of course more gallons burned, refined, and purchased. Not good for the environment. Or your wallet. Good for the corn farmers and ADM, though. :thumbdown

Here's a link: Ethanol: A Corn-fueled Debate
OR OR OR,,,,

you can get 100% Dino from any marina...

Some people may not live near a marina :dunno

Perhaps also cheaper to purify yourself.

Another upside, if you are careful with your water:gas ratios, you can turn the 'wasted' 10% of your gasoline into 80-proof grain alcohol (aka vodka), at $13/gallon! Idk if I'll be trying this, but in theory so long as you're careful about separating the two layers it should be totally safe- there shouldn't be any gas left in the water/alcohol whatsoever.

(Yes, ethanol is the alcohol we drink.)

edit: however, I realized there are of course additives in gasoline. If any of them are water-soluble instead of oil-soluble, they would wind up in the 'alcohol'.

edit2: this is only theory, I'm not advocating anyone try this.
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I want more oil..! Let us drill it in Alaska, The Gulf of Mexico and off the California coast.

I love it when people bring up Alaska oil (ANWR) like its the answer. ANWR only has 1 month of global consumption and we consume the most of the oil on the globe. Oil is peaking.
Some people may not live near a marina :dunno

Perhaps also cheaper to purify yourself.

Another upside, if you are careful with your water:gas ratios, you can turn the 'wasted' 10% of your gasoline into 80-proof grain alcohol (aka vodka), at $13/gallon! Idk if I'll be trying this, but in theory so long as you're careful about separating the two layers it should be totally safe- there shouldn't be any gas left in the water/alcohol whatsoever.

(Yes, ethanol is the alcohol we drink.)

edit: however, I realized there are of course additives in gasoline. If any of them are water-soluble instead of oil-soluble, they would wind up in the 'alcohol'.

edit2: this is only theory, I'm not advocating anyone try this.

LOL the BARF DIY liquid-liquid extraction and still thread. I love it. :thumbup
DOMESTIC oil production peaked in the '70s. The DOE believes it will peak globally between 2025 and 2050.

Domestic .... please what does that have to do with anything .. the usa will send its money to other countries for oil till we have no money left ...
we will also send our young to die to defend oil .. its never ending ..
I will be 78 in 2050 I may be ok but my kids will be fucked ...
now this is with the thought that no new medical cures will arise .. now with the new money being pored into medical I may be living to 90 woohoo in that case I will be fucked cuz retards still rely on oil ...
oil 12 guys in a room deciding what the price of it will be .. yea really smart .. 12 guys who have about as much education as me ... yea good luck with that...
gas prices will be as high as your morgage in no time ...
be happy paying other countries for your oil :party
oil 12 guys in a room deciding what the price of it will be .. yea really smart .. 12 guys who have about as much education as me ... yea good luck with that...gas prices will be as high as your morgage in no time ...

Consumers will determine if the speculation price can be sustained, this is true of any commodity. Take the 50 cent a gallon tax off the price of gas plus the up charge for California designer fuels and the price isn't all that bad.
You'll know when the gas supply has run it's course, the price will absolutely shock you and the price will not come down. When that happens other products will naturally take their place, who knows what the winners will be, it might be wood chips for all we know? One thing is clear, methanol/ethanol will be finished the second the government subsidies die.