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More shity gas on the way.....More Ethanol! WTF?

I find this man to be offensive, period. I want this man away from my gasoline, my guns, my health care and my tax dollars. That would be the same man that goes out and disrespects the flag. Our National Symbol..! Yeah. He's offensive alright... :thumbdown

Spoken like a true conservative whackjob nutcase. Welcome to my ignore list. :rolleyes
You know the funny thing about all this corn B.S.?

I just finished off a bag of frozen corn. I looked at the Nutritional Info table and noticed some text...

Grown in Canada


That's a key thing....It wasn't long ago, we grew a surplus of grains, Sold it to other countries. Now we lost that income, we buy grains, from other countries.
There is some very basic bookkeeping involved in our economic collapse.

Two big area's...buying fuel from other countries, and buying grains for human food and cattle feed, from other countries.

If anyone isn't furious with our government about that...they sure can't have a leg to stand on, on anything else.
Spoken like a true conservative whackjob nutcase. Welcome to my ignore list. :rolleyes

Yeah that's truly the biggest threat to our country right now, lack of education... Too many stupid people yelling at each other so loud that noone with any common sense can hear anything.

But thanks to Rupert Murdoch and Fox Noise Corp. for that :thumbup
Lack of Education is one more of the nails in our coffin.

Just saw a national education rating.
Can't say how accurate it is...but confident it has merit.

China was #1 several key area's...
USA was like #30 -to- #20 in those same area's.

The students are part of the problem, when they are spoiled, no fire to their feet, motivation.

The School system that passes students, because a failing student looks bad on their records, is part of the problem.

A government that turns a blind eye, to falling behind the rest of the World, is part of the problem.
The School system that passes students, because a failing student looks bad on their records, is part of the problem.

A government that turns a blind eye, to falling behind the rest of the World, is part of the problem.

Is it the government or the public that has stopped valuing intelligence and education? If the public was really interested and valued an education then they MIGHT make some hard choices that lead to improving our schools.

Sounds like you read dem books and news and stuff, you think you're better than me?
This government needs to stop subsidizing special interest groups/industries. Who care about corn growers besides the farmers themselves? Once you grow/irritate corn, you can't reuse that soil anyway...so what real benefit comes from corn?

If we stop subsidizing and let free market actually do what it was intended, then we'd have much fewer consumer problems.
Ha-ha..! :rofl

So eassy to annoy a liberal: Work hard, save mone, succeed, be happy and serve this country... :thumbup


Again, WTF are you talking about? Where did anyone take issue with any of those things. This is a problem with the view the conservative media has created: that anyone who is not conservative doesn't have a strong work ethic is morally corrupt. The conservative media is lying to you. And they are doing it intentionally.

Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean that I don't work hard, save my money or am not happy and successful. In fact, the exact opposite is true. I also buy American (Buell, Ford), own a respectable collection of guns, love living in this country and I'm not going to let anyone sully it.

And I disagree with you. However, rather than making your case, you have just turned to personal criticism.
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Ha-ha..! :rofl

So eassy to annoy a liberal: Work hard, save mone, succeed, be happy and serve this country... :thumbup


Although many of us respect your service, playing your "military service card" gets old. Many of us have served (including myself) and don't inject it in every political discussion.
Again, WTF are you talking about? Where did anyone take issue with any of those things. This is a problem with the view the conservative media has created: that anyone who is not conservative doesn't have a strong work ethic is morally corrupt. The conservative media is lying to you. And they are doing it intentionally.

Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean that I don't work hard, save my money or am not happy. In fact, the exact opposite is true. I also buy American (Buell, Ford), own a respectable collection of guns, love living in this country and I'm not going to let anyone sully it.

And I disagree with you. However, rather than making your case, you have just turned to personal criticism.

Hey wait a minute. This sounds familiar. YoJoe and I already had this exact discussion. In THIS thread, months ago. :rofl

Edit: It didn't really go anywhere then either. lol.
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Is anyone here knowledgeable about the effects that ethanol will have on my 30 year old air-cooled bikes? Is there anywhere I can buy non-ehtanol additive gas? Is there anything I can add to offset the detrimental effects of the ethanol?

As for the political crap going on in this thread, I believe someone has sold a bunch of you a bunch of BS, and I am willing to bet you are not smart enough to even know who that is. Just ask yourself this question: Which side of the political spectrum has been established to lie and mislead the public more than the other? Yep, that's the one.

There are a couple stations that sell high octane that has no ethanol.. It may deteriorate the gaskets and orings in your carbs. I don't know of anything that you can do to offset it.
Although many of us respect your service, playing your "military service card" gets old. Many of us have served (including myself) and don't inject it in every political discussion.

When you only have one trick up your sleeve...
man please post all political posts in a political forum. To the ducati owners who had their tank coated, how do i get mine coated. I just got the tank of my monster s2r replaced under warranty and i want to prevent it from expanding again. Do i have to bring it to the shop or is this DIY. should i had it coated first before they installed it or it doesnt matter. Thanks.