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Music, post it up

Small point of contention, she's a violinist not a fiddler.

She has been criticized for doing some Milli Vanilli in her live performances though...


she’s no Mr Itzhak Perlman, and her original music may not be all one might wish for—but I don’t think anyone means she’s a fraud in the Milli Vanilli sense …? :dunno

I do enjoy when she covers other material:


guess the criticism is that she’s a performer, first, and then a violin player. think of Milli Vanilli as simply being good performers, and not true musicians. don’t think anyone can say Ms Sterling can’t play her instrument? idk.
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and then there in Jean Luc Ponty... I've seen him a few times. Plays a mean fiddle.
Though technically, I think you can't have front teeth and play the fiddle. Except maybe the CDB.
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she’s no Mr Itzhak Perlman, and her original music may not be all one might wish for—but I don’t think anyone means she’s a fraud in the Milli Vanilli sense …? :dunno

I do enjoy when she covers other material:


guess the criticism is that she’s a performer, first, and then a violin player. think of Milli Vanilli as simply being good performers, and not true musicians. don’t think anyone can say Ms Sterling can’t play her instrument? idk.

I wouldn't go so far as to say she's a fraud; she's a talented performer, to be sure. Lots of popular entertainers these days lip sync during live performances.
Have any of you seen (live or video) Tina Guo play the cello? Here’s a video she made with Joe Bonamassa.




“I loved recording Electric Cello on the Soundtracks of Dune 1 & 2! This is my own version, produced by my friend Steve Mazzaro, who also worked on the soundtracks for the films with Hans Zimmer.”
—Ms Tina Guo
I wouldn't go so far as to say she's a fraud; she's a talented performer, to be sure. Lots of popular entertainers these days lip sync during live performances.

yes, it’s a new world order at live performances these days, but I suppose actual lip-sync on stage will always be worthy of seething disapprobation. :laughing

we saw Poppy open for Smashing Pumpkins, and Poppy only had two musicians on stage (neither of whom was playing drums), but managed to put on a good “live” show and fill the Chase Center up with sound using the help of lots of technology … :dunno

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I once saw Tina Guo in concert with Peter Kater on piano. It was a live concert, performed in a church in San Rafael. The entire concert was complete improvisation with no practice or music notes. Similar to what you will see here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X5VHVxMjSs0&pp=ygUUVGluYSBndW8gcGV0ZXIga2F0ZXI=

They had never played together before they recorded this song. And it’s a complete improvisation.
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I've just been listening through her entire catalog (finished today). Previously I only knew her as someone who had some hits on the radio, but her albums are strong all the way through, including her more recent work.
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Acoustic Sunday Morning Triple 5/5/24
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I am a fan of Classical Music.
