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Musician thread

lol you installed classical guitar strings on a steel string acoustic? If it has the slotted machine tuning heads it is a steel string, if it has rollers it uses nylon strings.

Pics or i don't understand...:dunno Iwas kinda weird tho cuz the last 3 strings didn't fit in the "nut" (i hope that's right)GBE strings didn't fit in those little slots at the top very well...:rolleyes
Pics or i don't understand...:dunno Iwas kinda weird tho cuz the last 3 strings didn't fit in the "nut" (i hope that's right)GBE strings didn't fit in those little slots at the top very well...:rolleyes

nylon strings are good for that old renaissance camelot knights of the round table type of music :rofl
I like the sound of a steel string guitar because it sounds nice and clear and has a good ring to it.

Anyways, these are the machine head tuners with holes in them, they use steel strings

this classical guitar does not have the same types of tuners they have rollers
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Pics or i don't understand...:dunno Iwas kinda weird tho cuz the last 3 strings didn't fit in the "nut" (i hope that's right)GBE strings didn't fit in those little slots at the top very well...:rolleyes

Steel string (acoustic) guitar tuners:

Classical (nylon string) guitar tuners:
Sooo...I'm getting a little better (i think :teeth) And I've come to realize something but I cant quite out into words...:confused It's kinda like... only certain sounds go together (at least in my ear) I mean yeah thats an obvious statement but.... I'm starting to think there's some sort of CODE/algorythm to make music... I dunno... it's hard to put into words... You guys get what im saying???:wtf
Understand completly. Can you tell when a guitar is out of tune even slightly yet? Drives Jen nuts when I do that...

"Jesus that guy is out of tune!"

"How the hell can you tell"

"I dunno, it's something musicians just know. It makes me want to grind my teeth when I hear it. It comes across in waves. I can't believe he can't hear it!"
yeah I know what you mean, its like knowing scales without knowing what they really are.

I don't know much about modes, scales etc, but I know when two notes accompany each other and when they just don't go together, even if I don't know the name of the note.

I'm pretty much a big noob when it comes to the technical aspects of playing guitar. The fact that all I do is noodle around by playing riffs and not practicing isn't helping either.
Understand completly. Can you tell when a guitar is out of tune even slightly yet? Drives Jen nuts when I do that...

"Jesus that guy is out of tune!"

"How the hell can you tell"

"I dunno, it's something musicians just know. It makes me want to grind my teeth when I hear it. It comes across in waves. I can't believe he can't hear it!"
Yup... thats how I know when the ol' JF has been fawking around with my guitar/tuners... :mad
yeah I know what you mean, its like knowing scales without knowing what they really are.

I don't know much about modes, scales etc, but I know when two notes accompany each other and when they just don't go together, even if I don't know the name of the note.

I'm pretty much a big noob when it comes to the technical aspects of playing guitar. The fact that all I do is noodle around by playing riffs and not practicing isn't helping either.

Troof... I dont know much about music theory and all that either, but its just kinda weird... I need to learn this stuff :| I've been told to practice scales by LOTS of people but I guess I just wanna dick around and TRY to learn songs I like or just fiddle fart around trying to make something of my own...:facepalm
Yup... thats how I know when the ol' JF has been fawking around with my guitar/tuners... :mad

Troof... I dont know much about music theory and all that either, but its just kinda weird... I need to learn this stuff :| I've been told to practice scales by LOTS of people but I guess I just wanna dick around and TRY to learn songs I like or just fiddle fart around trying to make something of my own...:facepalm

I know, its because scales seem boring to me. I like to play heavy rhythm, so basically all I do is play the same old parts to about 20 songs, which about 14 are a bunch of old metalica songs:laughing that I know and I recycle over and over, I also throw in a bit of messing around partial scales trying to sound cool.
I know, its because scales seem boring to me.

They *are* boring; they're not music. It's a little bit like watching football players running over a bunch of tires, stepping into the middle of each one. They don't do that in a game, but the training makes them better at playing and some of the motions are relevant.

Beyond just that, western music is built upon scales. The importance of them goes beyond giving our fingers exercise; we begin to see how melodies are usually selected scale tones in a given key. Understanding that makes it easier to finger a melody by staying in the position you would play the underlying scale in.

Many, many melodies are fragments of scales. When you encounter such a fragment, you recognize it immediately as a familiar unit instead of a sequence of individual notes. You think and react faster. As you read any of these words on the screen, you see words, not sequences of letters. It's very similar.

Scales also give you a basis for improvisation. Sometimes improvisers hear a melody in their head and if they have the chops, they can play it on the instrument. If they run out of specific ideas, they can at least blow on the correct scale until they get a new idea. Many improvisers do a combination of these things.
They *are* boring; they're not music...

...Many, many melodies are fragments of scales. When you encounter such a fragment, you recognize it immediately as a familiar unit instead of a sequence of individual notes. You think and react faster. As you read any of these words on the screen, you see words, not sequences of letters. It's very similar.

Scales also give you a basis for improvisation. Sometimes improvisers hear a melody in their head and if they have the chops, they can play it on the instrument. If they run out of specific ideas, they can at least blow on the correct scale until they get a new idea. Many improvisers do a combination of these things.

:laughing I was waiting for you to chime in:thumbup

I think you hit the nail on the head with that one for me

I "hear things" too, but can't find them yet...:(:laughing
You are a wealth of knowledge bro. Thanx for sharing your brain powers :thumbup
How would one go about getting something put on their fret board? You know, like instead of the dots on the 5th, 7th, 9th 12th, etc... putting like a heart, skulls and cross bones, or --->:twofinger Is it something that can be done to a "stock" guitar or does it have to be all done before it's put together and what not? I'm sure it's not cheap too right? Just wondering...
How would one go about getting something put on their fret board? You know, like instead of the dots on the 5th, 7th, 9th 12th, etc... putting like a heart, skulls and cross bones, or --->:twofinger Is it something that can be done to a "stock" guitar or does it have to be all done before it's put together and what not? I'm sure it's not cheap too right? Just wondering...

Inlays replacement? Pretty certain it can be done, but you're going to pay dearly. The original dot inlays need to be removed, and for this you're looking at a complete refret as well. Really, it's not worth the time, effort and expense; they're recessed into the wood itself (usually glued in) and there's no way for the luthier to remove them cleanly and yet still have enough wood remaining to complete the job cleanly. Might as well have a completely new neck and fretboard made. That way, you can have custom inlays you want installed from the start.
Inlays replacement? Pretty certain it can be done, but you're going to pay dearly. The original dot inlays need to be removed, and for this you're looking at a complete refret as well. Really, it's not worth the time, effort and expense; they're recessed into the wood itself (usually glued in) and there's no way for the luthier to remove them cleanly and yet still have enough wood remaining to complete the job cleanly. Might as well have a completely new neck and fretboard made. That way, you can have custom inlays you want installed from the start.

So with that being said you'd need to make a "custom" guitar correct? Or would you be able to take the neck off an existing one and just change it out?:dunno
So with that being said you'd need to make a "custom" guitar correct? Or would you be able to take the neck off an existing one and just change it out?:dunno

depends, if your guitar has a bolt-on neck then yes. What kind of guitar is it? I can tell you if it has one or not.
So with that being said you'd need to make a "custom" guitar correct? Or would you be able to take the neck off an existing one and just change it out?:dunno

Warmoth can make a custom neck for bolt-on's. The only limit is your imagination and funds. ;)
replacing inlays post production is as they say.

as to "hearing music" and know if it is "right" most musicians will spot out of tune or mistakes made by performers when they are at the show. those who don't play or aren't musicians usually don't. Its funny when I am watching a show or playing out my self and discussing a set after...Me: "man, I made so many mistakes in that last song..."
buddy: "yeah, i caught one, but you covered it well"

or the classic out of tune...you apologize but not everyone will notice.

as for figuring out songs i used to do that all the time when i first started learning...but who can't figure out a three chord punk song?

as for hearing something in my head that I want to write..sometimes they come easy sometimes they don't. But learning more music, even other peoples songs and not necesarily scales or chord progressions or circle of fiths etc helps you play better.

remember though, its' like anything worth doing...if you want to get better you have to practice and it's better to practice doing it correctly. Once you learn a bad habit it's a bitch to unlearn it.
Anyone have any opinions on Fender Vintage Noiseless PU's? I replaced my stockers on my Strat and I have been trying to dial them in for weeks changing PU height and POTs and they just don't sound "right" to me, kinda hollow.
Anyone have any opinions on Fender Vintage Noiseless PU's? I replaced my stockers on my Strat and I have been trying to dial them in for weeks changing PU height and POTs and they just don't sound "right" to me, kinda hollow.

I haven't tried them, so I can only go on what I've read. A common comment about these is that they need to be set lower than the stock pickups, as they have higher output. You mentioned playing with the height; have you set them low?